Directors Lens
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There is one
God, and One Mediator between God and
men, the man Christ Jesus.
1 Timothy 2:5
The Jesuits,
through Spiritual Directors, take
over Protestantism, and are now
guiding the minds, hearts, and
spirits of Adventist Pastors,
Professors, and Leaders
Renovare Spiritual
Formation Bible
Map of
Regional Coordinators for Spiritual

--From the
Spiritual Directors International
The Global Reach and
Organization of Spiritual Directors
Spiritual Directors
are Organized Globally as a
Protestant Confessional /
Intelligence Gathering System
The Protestant
Reformation removed men from the
absolute control of the papal
authority and placed them in direct
dependence upon Almighty God through
secret prayer, the direct mediation
of Christ the Mediator in
justification, and dependence upon
the Word of God by faith.
Jesuit Spiritual
Formation, led by Spiritual
Directors, the 450-year-old office of
Jesuit Father Confessors in fastening
the soul under the bondage of
absolute obedience to the hierarchy,
is the removal of man from direct
dependence upon God, and opening of
the hidden self to man, to the
Spiritual Director, the new Father
Confessor, who takes over the
guidance of the soul in refastening
the chains of absolute control by
ecclesiastical hierarchies, which
themselves, in turn, are under the
control of Rome as subsidiary
Separated Brethren.
Spiritual Formation Incorporates the
Bible Itself As A Primary Tool to
Teach Jesuit Spiritual Formation
The massive ecumenical
Jesuit Spiritual Formation movement,
replete with Spiritual Directors in
all the major churches, endorsed by Christianity
Today, now has its very own
Spiritual Formation Bible, the
Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible,
designed to lead the person into the
Spiritual Exercises, Spiritual
Formation, and dependence upon human
hierarchy and institutions instead of
Christ. Thus, the Jesuits
seek to undo all that Protestantism
has done with reference to the Bible.
This new Bible is
classic doublespeak. While preparing
to teach the With-God
Life, it teaches that
dependence upon human mediation is
crucial because of the human
condition (RSFB, p. 4).
Invasion of Spiritual Formation
Classes and Groups in the Structure
We address the issue
of the emergence of this Renovare
Spiritual Formation Bible, because of
the massive invasion of Spiritual
Formation in the Structure of
Adventism. Structure college after
college, Structure university after
university, from Andrews to PUC to
Avondale, now have classes in
Spiritual Formation. Structure
churches, large and small around the
world have Spiritual Formation
Groups. When I went into a search
engine of google looking for SDA
Spiritual Formation, over 31,500
websites came up. (You must realize
that Google calls up all websites
with reference to any of the words
entered.) However, within the first
four or five pages of listings,
scores of Structure Adventist schools
and churches came up as teaching
Spiritual Formation. It is only a
matter of time before the inevitable
happens, and the Renovare Spiritual
Formation Bible begins to be used by
those who are so enthusiastic about
Spiritual Formation.
Rome Uses the
Renovare Infra church Movement to
Extend Jesuit Control Over
Renovare is Latin for
Renewal. In Romes effort to
completely undo the Protestant
Reformation for Spiritual Exercises
became a guide for spiritual
renewal in the Roman church during
the entire Counter-Reformation and
has been a primary influence in the
spiritual life of the church ever
since, particularly through the
efforts of Ignatius followers
in the Society of Jesus. It remains a
powerful influence and is the basis
for much of the contemporary retreat
movement. -W.W. Meissner,
S.J., MD., Ignatius of Loyola: The
psychology of a Saint, New Haven:
Yale University Press, 1992, p. 87.
(emphasis ours
For decades since the
1960s, Renewal has been a major term
in Jesuitism and Roman Catholicism.
What has happened now is that Rome
has used Quakerism and the highly
endorsed Renovare Spiritual Formation
movement as the vehicle to introduce
Ignatius Loyolas Jesuit
Spiritual Formation throughout
Catholic Church is a lamb in
adversity, a fox in equality, and a
tiger when in ascendancy.
No right-minded Protestant
could place his trust in the promises
of the Vatican. A Church for all
seasons; Semper Eadem,
but adaptable, compliant and blending
into her surrounds, she adopts the
cause that will win her ascendancy.
These are her politics and her
diplomacy and this is her
ecumenism. (Catholic Research
Information Bureau, 1987).
End times Ministry,
Mini-Despatch, Sept. 1, 1999
Clever as a fox, Rome
loves to use other unsuspected
agencies, to accomplish her purpose.
For many decades, she used the
Shriner Freemasons, for instance, in
setting up her machinery for ultimate
persecution in the United States. The
Franciscans in the 1970s promoted the
Charismatic Renewal movement
throughout Protestantism. And now,
through the Quaker leader, Richard
Foster, and his 25-year promotion of
Spiritual Formation, Protestantism,
even to Adventism and the Mennonites,
has opened its arms wide and
enthusiastically embraced Jesuit
Spiritual Formation.
Richard J. Foster is the Editor of
the Renovare Spiritual Formation
Before we look at the
details of what has happened,
however, we must first look at
Protestant spirituality, which is
what Rome is seeking to extinguish.
Spirituality: The Protestant
Understanding of Salvation
The just shall
live by faith. Romans 1:17
Directly By God
The Protestant way of
salvation is the way of the
individual being taught directly by
god Himself. Moses Prayed, I
beseech Thee, shew me Thy
glory. Exodus 33:18 In
response, God brought Moses into His
personal presence.
And the Lord
said, Behold there is a place by Me,
and thou shalt stand upon a rock:
And it shall be,
when My glory passes by, that I will
place you in a hole, a cavern, a
bored out place of the rock, and I
will cover and protect, the palm of
My hand over you, until My passing.
And I will take
away the palm of My hand, and you
will see My back parts, but My face
you will not see. Exodus 33:
21-23. (From the Hebrew showing the
semantic range of key words).
The Intimate
Communion With God That Moses Had Is
Our Privilege to En
God designs for us to
have the same kind of intimate
communion with Him that Moses had:
This experience,
above all else the assurance that God
would hear his prayer and that the
divine presence would attend him, was
of more value to Moses as a leader
than the learning of Egypt or all his
attainments in military science.
No earthly power
or skill or learning can supply the
place of Gods immediate
presence. In the
history of Moses we may see what
intimate communion with God it is
mans privilege to enjoy.
4T 53
The battle cry of
Protestantism in the Sixteenth
Century was sola scripture, sola
fide, sola gratia, sola
Christos-Scripture alone, faith
alone, grace alone, Christ alone. With
this triumphant message,
Protestantism vanquished the death
grip of Roman hierarchy upon the soul
and the Christian world. Notice how
the word alone appears again
and again.
They Shall Be
All Taught of God
The New Covenant
promise is they shall all be
taught of God. No less a
Personage than Jesus Christ, Himself,
God in human flesh, declared,
No man can come to Me, except
the Father which hath sent Me draw
Him; and I will raise him up
at the last day. It is written in the
prophets, and they shall be all
taught of God. Every man
therefore that hath heard, and hath
learned of the Father, cometh unto
Me. John 6: 44, 45.
Christ in the Old
Testament declares: And all thy
children shall be taught of
the Lord. Isaiah
54:13. But this shall be the
covenant that I will make with the
house of Israel: After those days,
saith the Lord, I will put My law in
their inward parts, and write it in
the hearts; and will be their God,
and they shall be My people.
And they shall teach
no more every man his neighbor, and
every man his brother, saying, Know
the Lord: for they shall all know Me,
from the least of them unto the
greatest of them, saith the
Lord: for I will forgive their
iniquity, and I shall remember their
sin no more. Jeremiah 31:33.
For thus
says Yahweh to the House of Israel:
Seek Me, and live. And do not seek
Bethel, and Gilgal do not enter, and
Beersheba, do not pass over. For
Gilgal will surely go into captivity,
and Bethel will be
[Seek Him], the One
making the Pleiades and Orion. Amos
5: 4, 5, 8. Any place that is in
apostasy can be plugged in to Bethel,
Gilgal and Beersheba, which were
centers of apostasy in Amos
day. God wants us to seek
Him directly and be controlled by Him
Taught By
Christ Himself
The teaching by Christ
the Messiah, the Anointed One, God
manifest in human flesh, Emmanuel,
God With Us, of you, the
individual, is what discipleship
means. A disciple learns of his
Master. The disciples in Jesus
day desired to stay with their
Master, and learn everything that
they could from Him by being with
Him, by listening to his teaching, by
obeying Him, by walking with Him by
the way, by following Him as their
Example, by surrendering to Him as
their Lord, Savior, and King.
Means Following and Forsaking All
Else for Christ
And Jesus said
unto them, Verily I say unto you,
That ye which have followed Me, in
the regeneration when the son of man
shall sit in the throne of His glory,
ye also shall sit upon twelve
thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
And every one
that hath forsaken houses, or
brethren, or sisters, or father, or
mother, or wife, or children, or
lands, for My names sake, shall
receive an hundredfold, and shall
inherit everlasting life.
But many that
are first shall be last, and the last
shall be first. Matthew 19:
There were many in
Jesus day that felt they were
going to heaven because they were
Abrahams seed. Because they
obeyed the hierarchical structure,
they felt that they were in solid for
salvation. Jesus completely
overturned this idea. Submission to
ecclesiastical hierarchy does not
grant salvation. Only those who followed
Him completely, forsaking all
else and all others-houses, family,
and lands, for His sake, would
inherit everlasting life.
That is complete and total
Agonize to
Enter Through the Strait Gate
Only those who enter
through the strait gate of
absolute self-surrender will be
saved. Then said one to
Him, Lord, are there few that be
saved. And He said unto them.
Strive [agonize,
from the Greek agonidzesthe, to
contend, to engage in an athletic
contest, to fight, to struggle, to
strive] to enter in at the strait
gate; for many, I say unto you, will
seek to enter in, and shall not be
When once the
Master of the house is risen up, and
hath shut to the door, and ye begin
to stand without, and to knock at the
door, saying Lord, Lord, open unto
us; and He shall answer and say unto
you, I know you not whence ye are:
Then shall ye
begin to say, We have eaten and drunk
in Thy presence, and Thou hast taught
in our street
But He shall
say, I tell you, I know you not
whence ye are: depart from Me, all
workers of iniquity. Luke 13:
Not Enough To
Be Around Christ
It is not enough to be
around where teaching about Christ is
going on. It is not even enough to be
in the presence of men who are imbued
with the Holy Ghost, even men whose
voice is delivering the voice of the
Spirit of Christ Himself. To be saved
a person must agonize and actually
enter through the strait gate of
self-surrender to Christ, so that the
will is surrendered to Christs
will, the heart is surrendered to
Christs heart.
Structures Are
Now Moving To Take Over the
Individual Work of the Soul
Because the spiritual
condition of church members is so
abominable in Protestantism, due to
the application of the Hegelian
dialectic, church leaders have been
convinced that the answer lies in
implementing Jesuit Spiritual
Formation, and have Spiritual
Directors from the hierarchy form the
spiritual life of the ministry,
the teachers, the administrators, the
pastors, the evangelists, the
congregations, and students in
training. Thus, the Structure takes
over the work that Christ alone is to
do for the soul.
The work of
evangelism, Jesus said would involve
going and making disciples of
all nations. It is individual soul
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