
Prophecy 11

The Rise of Babylon –
Revelation 12:7 – 14:5

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Revelation 13:6

And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.{6} As the Great Tribulation progressed, the leadership of Babylon became more bold in their blasphemy. Persecution intensified. When the fifth trumpet occurred, the devil appeared physically and Babylon’s leaders slandered God’s holy name by claiming that God and his angels dwelled among men! They proclaimed, “Let the world and everyone in it worship him!” The saints on Earth and the angels in Heaven abhorred this degrading insult.

Blasphemy occurs whenever man usurps God’s prerogative or authority. God commands everyone to rest from labor on Saturday, the seventh day of the week.[83] When Babylon forms, it will require the nations to worship God according to the religious majority in each nation. Babylon’s religious leaders will make many declarations about God that are insulting and blasphemous. For a while, it will seem like God’s wrath has stopped and Babylon will take credit for causing God’s wrath to cease. What the leader’s of Babylon do not know is that God does not send devastating judgments during the fourth and fifth trumpets. Babylon will demand that all people worship God or be severely punished. Ironically, when men presume to tell the Creator of the universe when He is to be worshiped, they presume to have God’s authority! Blasphemy is the logical end of the fallen nature. When confronted with the clearest evidences of God’s will, the carnal nature will naturally defy God’s authority. This is why the unpardonable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.[84] If we deliberately continue to make sinful choices, eventually God will be unable to save us.

Babylon’s blasphemy will continue to escalate because Lucifer is the hand inside the puppet. Babylon’s persecution will be intense, intimidating many Christians. For fear of punishment and lack of food, many Christians will give in to Babylon’s demands and refuse to put their faith in Jesus. The remnant of the woman will be imprisoned, beaten, tortured, and many saints will be put to death. Like the Pharisees and Sadducees in Christ’s time, religious leaders will angrily reject the testimony of Jesus, faithfully spoken through the lips of the 144,000.

Revelation 13:7

And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.{7} Babylon made war against the remnant of the woman for forty-two (lunar) months. By the end of the forty-two months, it appeared as though the saints had been eliminated from Earth. The power of the holy people (the 144,000) was broken.[85]

During the Great Tribulation, God will speak forcibly and clearly through His servants, the 144,000. In addition to this, the Holy Spirit will be poured out on all flesh[86] so that everyone will be stirred to hear and thoughtfully consider the testimony of the 144,000.[87] The gospel presented by the 144,000 cannot be defeated because Jesus Himself will speak through their lips. Most, if not all of the 144,000 will be killed on or before the 1,260th day of the Great Tribulation[88] and Babylon will exercise authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation on Earth (including the United States). God’s sheep (the honest in heart) will hear Jesus’ voice[89] and they will embrace and obey His two laws of love.[90] It is interesting to note that in God’s sight, the difference between sheep and goats is the direction of love. Sheep love outwardly, goats love inwardly.

Revelation 13:8

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.{8All inhabitants of Earth will worship and obey the laws of the composite beast (Babylon); all whose names have not been written in The Book of Life that was written before the creation of the world. The Book of Life is the book sealed with seven seals and is the book belonging to the Lamb that was slain.[91]

The second word in verse 8 speaks volumes. With the exception of the saints, the whole world will worship and obey Babylon’s laws. Lucifer brings this specification to fulfillment during the fifth and sixth trumpets. John defines the wicked in verse 8 in an interesting way. He describes them as “all whose names have not been written in the Book of Life that was written before the creation of the world.” This phrase is used for good reason. The Father, having perfect foreknowledge, foreknew the names of those who would rebel against His kindness and grace, but everything possible was done to save each person. Jesus will send out the 144,000 so that God’s will might be clearly set before all mankind. Jesus will pour out the Holy Spirit on every person so that everyone will intelligently and thoughtfully consider God’s will. Jesus has leveled the playing field by offering salvation to everyone who puts their faith in Him and obeys the eternal gospel. Even though the Father foreknew the choices that everyone would make, He has done everything possible to save all mankind.

In a sense, Jesus was slain from the creation of the world, because before Adam and Eve were created, a plan for redemption existed. Jesus volunteered to die in their place the day they sinned.[92] Of course, Jesus did not actually die until 4,000 years later, but when Jesus promised to die, His promise was as good as done because God always fulfills His promises![93]

Jesus will permit the composite beast to rule over the world (Babylon – Phase I) until the sixth trumpet occurs and then Jesus will allow Lucifer to overtake the world and reign as king of kings and lord of lords (Babylon – Phase II). Prior to the sixth trumpet, millions of saints will support the ministry of the 144,000. Their love for one another, and their testimony and loyalty to Jesus will impress many of the wicked to repent and be saved. Consequently, the saints will nurture millions of new converts who put their faith in Jesus. Prior to the fifth trumpet, the number of people sealed will increase daily. When the gospel fails to transform additional people, the fifth trumpet will sound. When the devil and his angels arrive, they will eliminate most of the non-religious wicked through torture. Then, during the sixth trumpet (Babylon – Phase II), Jesus will bestow a martyr’s faith on millions of His saints so that they can be sacrificed as martyrs. (This is the fifth seal). Jesus needs sacrificial martyrs because there is no greater testimony that a person can give than that of a martyr who willingly lays down his life for what is true. Jesus will permit many Christians to die during the sixth trumpet in an attempt to convert those few souls in Babylon who are still open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. If the Father so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to redeem one sinner, it is easy to see why Jesus would be willing to sacrifice a few million people to save a dozen sinners. The value of one sinner in God’s sight can only be measured by the enormous price He was willing to pay for our redemption.

Do we really need to understand this prophecy at the present time? Jesus said to His disciples, “All this I have told you so that you will not go astray.”[94]Jesus knows the value of foreknowledge. By giving His followers a schematic of His plans and purposes, they will not go astray. They will not be discouraged or caught off guard when this crisis occurs. Paul knew that many Christians would not want to hear from God’s Word. He warned Timothy, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”[95]

Revelation 13:9

If any man have an ear, let him hear.{9} If a person has an ear for the things of God, the Holy Spirit will make sure that he hears and understands this prophecy.
Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. . .”

Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”[97]

Revelation 13:10

He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.{10} Jesus knows who will go into captivity and who will die. (See NIV translation.) Therefore, He says, “Do not worry about the future or your personal situation. I will never leave you or forsake you.” We need to learn all that we can from God’s Word. We need to practice standing firm for what is right and true each day by allowing Jesus to take care of the consequences. This is the essence of living by faith. Trust in God! Be assured that when Jesus requires the death of a saint, He will bestow a martyr’s faith on that saint. The words, grace, and courage needed for the moment will be provided and on top of this, that saint will receive eternal life. So, even though these matters may be unsettling, we need to know and understand God’s plans and purposes without worrying about tomorrow. If we abide in Jesus, we can do everything He commands. A great reward awaits the faithful, those who patiently endure to the end or their end.

The Beast from the Abyss

Revelation 13:11

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.{11} At the beginning of the fifth trumpet, the 891st day of the Great Tribulation, I saw another scene. I saw a beast come up from the Abyss,[98] out of a hole in the Earth. This beast looked very similar to the Lamb that had been slain in Revelation 5, but it had only two horns instead of seven.[99] Even though this beast looked like the Lamb, it spoke like the dragon.

The “lamb-like” beast is the great red dragon wearing sheep’s clothing. Lucifer will personate Jesus. Lucifer will appear on Earth about two years after the composite beast appears. The devil and his angels will be released from the Abyss at the fifth trumpet. Meanwhile, the 144,000 will deliver a third message (discussed in detail in Prophecy 12) warning everyone to have nothing to do with this beast for his appearing is the greatest deception ever created.[100] Because the saints understand Bible prophecy, they will anticipate the arrival of this deception and they will not even go out to see Lucifer and his angels when he arrives at their locale.[101]

The devil knows that “seeing is believing,” and in his situation, this phrase will be particularly true. During the five months of the fifth trumpet, Lucifer and his angels will travel the world nonstop from one heavily populated area to another. Wherever he goes, millions of people will go out to see him. He will claim to be God. He will claim that he sent the first four trumpet judgments upon Earth because of man’s degenerate and decadent behavior. His brilliant glory and awesome powers will appear to back up his blasphemous assertions. Physically, he will be larger than life. He will be a glorious being surrounded by thousands of dazzling angels (demons in disguise). Every day, the devil will put on a great show of signs and wonders to bedazzle his spectators. He will speak kind words and heal the sick. He will even appear to raise some dead people from their graves! His demeanor will seem genuine and generous. He will show sympathy for the suffering of mankind. He will miraculously feed millions who have been impacted by the severity of the famine in the land.[102] When people consider this glorious being with all his generous actions, billions of people will easily accept his claims of divinity.

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