

Prophecy 9

The Two Witnesses –
Revelation 10:1-11:19

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To understand God’s use of personification, we need to review some basic facts. We know that the influence of the Holy Spirit is terminated in a person’s heart when that person commits the unpardonable sin. When God’s Spirit cannot live in a person’s heart, it becomes impossible for that sinner to submit to God’s two laws of love. Of course, no one can kill the Holy Spirit, but a sinner can kill the influence of the Holy Spirit through defiance. In Zechariah 4, Zechariah saw a lampstand and two olive trees that were in Heaven. In Revelation 1, John also saw seven lampstands that were in Heaven. Obviously, the devil cannot touch these objects and neither can mankind, but Lucifer can kill the influence of the Ten Commandments and the Holy Spirit by leading people into defiance against the eternal gospel. (See Prophecy 12.)

When Lucifer sets life and death choices before everyone on Earth during the sixth trumpet, millions of people will attempt to save themselves from death. People will acquiesce to the devil’s demands – knowing that what they are doing is evil. Everyone who rushes to be among the first to receive the mark of the beast willingly and willfully “kills” whatever influence the Two Witnesses may have had in his heart.[82] When a person commits the unpardonable sin, there is no motive to repent! The following passage describes the actions of those people who grieved away the Holy Spirit: “And the rest of mankind that were not killed [during the sixth trumpet] still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood – idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.”[83]

The Two Lampstands Cannot Represent a Human Agency

Some Bible students conclude that if the lampstand in Zechariah’s day represented the nation of Israel and the seven lampstands in John’s day represented the seven churches, the two lampstands in Revelation 11:4 should also represent some form of a human agency. While this argument seems logical, my response to this conclusion consists of four steps:

1. In round numbers, God has invested 6,000 years in human agents (the Patriarchs, Israel, and Christianity). These groups failed because the carnal nature of man overtook them. This explains why the last group of trustees (the 144,000) will be sealed before they begin their work! The 144,000 must be sealed so that the carnal nature will not interfere and ruin God’s final efforts to redeem mankind!

2. The two olive trees in Revelation 11:4 and Zechariah 4:3 are identical. The two trees represent the renewing and endless energy of the Holy Spirit.[84] His work comes in two phases; the early rain and the latter rain.[85] There is no question that the Holy Spirit reports to God. He is the living witness who sees[86] and hears everything.[87] (Remember, the four living creatures are covered with eyes. The phrase, “the eyes of the Lord” is used more than eighty-five times in the Bible.)

3. The two lampstands in Revelation 11:4 represent one of the Two Witnesses. I believe the two lampstands represent God’s two immutable laws of love because laws can be witnesses and these two laws are infallible. They define righteousness and wickedness. God’s laws of love testify about the behavior of God, the angels, and human beings. The Bible declares that God is love because His actions are always consistent with His two laws of love. God’s two laws testify without prejudice or fear and their testimony is righteous and perfect.[88] Consider the words of Moses: “After Moses finished writing in a book the words of this law from beginning to end, he gave this command to the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord: ‘Take this Book of the Law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God. There it will remain as a witness against you.’ ”[89]

4. The Ten Commandments are not to be confused with the laws that Moses wrote. This is a very important point! Moses’ laws were temporary and written on parchment by a man. The principles underlying the Ten Commandments are eternal. God spoke them on Mount Sinai before He wrote them with His own finger on two tablets of stone. This may come as a surprise, but the Ten Commandments are also called “the two tablets of the Testimony.” Look at this text: “When the Lord finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the Testimony, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.”[90] The golden box that contained the two tablets of the Testimony (the Ten Commandments) is called, “the Ark of the Testimony” thirteen times in the Bible, because the Ten Commandments testify. The Ten Commandments are an infallible witness. They declare what pure love is and is not, what pure love will do and will not do. These two tablets measure every action and the Holy Spirit measures every motive.

The story of the Two Witnesses significantly increases our understanding of end time events. Consider what we have learned regarding the Two Witnesses:

  1. The testimony of the 144,000 must be validated with two witnesses.
  2. Two witnesses are needed to exonerate or condemn each living person.
  3. The two olive trees represent the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
  4. The two lampstands represent God’s two eternal laws of love.

When we consider that the Two Witnesses will be empowered during the judgment of the living, there is perfect harmony rising from the sum of all of the parts.

People often ask this question: “If the Two Witnesses are two eternal laws of love and the Holy Spirit, why is their power limited to 1,260 days?” God’s Two Witnesses are eternal and in a limited way, they have been effective on Earth during the past 6,000 years. However, their empowerment is required for the judgment of the living, a one-time process that will occur near the end of the world. This process will take 1,260 days.

Soul Sleep and Pre-advent Judgment

Contrary to what many Christians believe, a person’s soul does not go to Heaven or hell at the time of death. The Bible says “The soul who sins is the one who will die.”[91] At death, the soul ceases to exist with no consciousness. Even though some Bible texts seem to support the idea that souls are alive in Heaven or hell, a dead person does not have any knowledge or awareness of what is happening.[92] All people go into a grave of silence at death.[93] It is as though the dead are in a deep sleep caused by anesthesia. The Bible teaches there are two deaths.[94] Like sleep, the first death is temporary.”[95] Jesus referred to the death of Lazarus as though he was asleep.[96] The only difference between the first death and the second death is duration. The second death will be a state of eternal non-existence like Sodom and Gomorrah.[97] At the Second Coming, only the righteous dead will be awakened out of their “sleep.” Those judged to be unfit for eternal life will be awakened out of their sleep at the end of the 1,000 years.

The righteous and the unrighteous are tested and separated prior to the Second Coming.[98] This explains why a pre-Advent judgment is necessary. Most Christians have not considered the implications of a pre-Advent judgment because they assume that a person is judged at the time of death and sent immediately to his eternal reward in Heaven or hell. Catholics believe that judgment occurs at death and the wicked are immediately sent to hell, but “good people” are sent to “Purgatory” where they must suffer through a purification process before being pure enough to enter Heaven.

Apocalyptic prophecy informs us that the judgment of the dead has been occurring since 1844. When Jesus appears in clouds of glory, He will resurrect the righteous because He determined earlier who was righteous during His pre-Advent judgment.[99] On the other hand, the wicked who are alive at the Second Coming will be slain by the sword that comes out of His mouth.[100] This outcome is only possible because Jesus will determine each person’s reward before He appears in clouds of glory.[101] (Further information about the state of man in death and the pre-Advent judgment is available in Chapter 13 of my book, Jesus: The Alpha and The Omega.[102])

The judgment of the dead requires the testimony of three witnesses. The first witness is the actual record of the dead person’s actions. The second witness is a record revealing the knowledge base of the dead person. (Each person on Earth has a unique set of beliefs about right and wrong and I call this set of beliefs a knowledge base of good and evil.) The third witness is the Holy Spirit. When Jesus investigates the life record of a dead person, He compares the dead person’s actions, his knowledge of good and evil, and He listens to the testimony of the Holy Spirit. For example, if the dead person’s actions align with his knowledge base and his actions demonstrate that he lived up to all that he knew to be right and true, and if the Holy Spirit testifies that this person was open to His guidance, then Jesus has sufficient evidence to determine the dead person was honest in heart. On the basis of the dead man’s honesty and fidelity to what he knew to be right, Jesus imparts His righteousness to the dead man and he will be saved.

When Jesus judges mankind (both the dead and the living), He consistently follows one principle: “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.”10[103]3 The phrase, “the good he knows he ought to do” is a reference to our knowledge of good and evil or our conscience. Man’s conscience is an interesting governor. Unless the conscience is dead,[104] it contains our sense of right and wrong (acquired through parental training, cultural influence, education, etc.) and it is the doorway for the Holy Spirit. The “still small voice” of the Holy Spirit is a gift from God to every person. Those who nurture the still small voice of the Holy Spirit please God because spirit-led people love honesty and truth. An honest heart means more to God than anything else. When we honestly know that something is right and good and we do not do it, God considers our action(s) to be sinful because we have violated our knowledge base of good and evil and we have violated the voice of the Holy Spirit.

From a larger perspective, billions of people lived on Earth before Jesus was born to Mary. After He returned to Heaven, billions more have lived and died without any knowledge of His redemption. To make this matter even more complicated, millions of Christians have lived and died believing erroneous concepts about God and His redemption. These facts are not a problem for God because God does not condemn people for being ignorant! Salvation is not based on knowledge (perfect or imperfect). Salvation is based on faith and doing what is right regardless of the cost. The honest in heart live by faith and their actions prove it! They do the good they know they ought to do. “Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and does not do it, sins.” This is not to say that a person will be saved for doing good acts. We cannot save ourselves with good works, but we can show God our love for truth and honesty. Jesus bases His judgment of mankind (both the dead and the living) on our faith. Our faith is revealed when we do the good that we know we ought to do regardless of the consequences.

The judgment of the living will occur during the Great Tribulation and this process will begin with global enlightenment. The 144,000 will proclaim the eternal gospel and they will proclaim to everyone living on Earth “the good he ought to do” (the two laws of love). Naturally, the devil will move quickly to make it very difficult to do the good we ought to do! Torture and persecution will intimidate millions of people, but the honest in heart will put their faith in Christ and embrace His eternal gospel. For 1,260 days, every living soul will have an opportunity to hear and thoughtfully consider God’s will. Because everyone will be informed on good and evil, Jesus can judge the living and base His judgment on each individual’s response to God’s two laws of love. To help us submit to the two laws of love, the Holy Spirit will do everything possible to convict us of God’s will.

Each person will be tested as though he was the only person on Earth. If a person chooses to defy the two laws of love, if he defies the Holy Spirit’s attempt to bring conviction that this is God’s will, the Two Witnesses will condemn that person. They will declare that the person does not love God with all his heart, mind, and soul and does not love his neighbor as he should. Of course, this person should not be given eternal life! At the end of the sixth trumpet, Jesus will bring the judgment of the living to a close because every decision will be made. The living will either have the seal of God or the mark of the beast. At the end of 1,260 days, the work of the Two Witnesses will be finished and their influence on the wicked will vanish.

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