Security and Dinosaurs
Dear Mr. Wilson:
1. I have
been taught that once a person is
saved, he cannot be lost. Do you
believe in eternal security?
- Robyn
2. The
devil was once a perfect angel,
but he fell. What would stop a
Christian in eternity from taking
the same path as the devil?
- Michelle
3. How
can the Bible be taken as
“the word of God” or
the truth” when there is
physical evidence of dinosaurs
and humans evolving? –
Ladies, thank you for
your questions! I will start with
Robyn’s question:
Robyn: The
reasoning underlying “once saved
– always saved” involves
two steps. First, it is believed that
being born again is a momentary event
– as in the birth of a baby. In
other words, it is believed that
salvation comes to a person the
second time that he is born again,
not at the end of a lengthy
qualifying process. Second, it is
believed that once a person is saved,
he becomes a child of God forever.
The parallel is simple enough:
Nothing can change the identity of
our biological parents; therefore,
nothing can change the identity of
our spiritual Father. The conclusion
is that once we become a child of
God, we are saved – no matter
Advocates of the
eternal security use many Bible texts
to support their position. Here are
three: First, Jesus said, “my
sheep listen to my voice; I know
them, and they follow me. I give them
eternal life, and they shall never
perish; no one can snatch
them out of my hand. My
Father, who has given them
to me, is greater than
all; no one can snatch them
out of my Father’s hand.” (John
10:27-29, italics mine) Second, Paul
wrote, “For I am convinced
that neither death nor life, neither
angels nor demons, neither the
present nor the future, nor any
powers, neither height nor depth, nor
anything else in all creation, will
be able to separate us from the love
of God that is in Christ Jesus our
Lord.” (Romans 8:38, 39,
italics mine) Finally, Paul wrote, “That
is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I
am not ashamed, because I know whom I
have believed, and am convinced that he
is able to guard what I have
entrusted to him for that day.
What you heard from me, keep as
the pattern of sound teaching, with
faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard
the good deposit that was entrusted
to you – guard with
the help of the Holy Spirit who lives
in us.” (2 Timothy 1:12-14,
italics mine)
Robyn, if these three
passages were the only verses in the
Bible that speak about salvation,
there might be some legitimacy to the
doctrine of eternal security.
However, the Bible reveals much more
about salvation and aligning all that
is said into one harmonious truth is
a challenge. In just a moment, I will
address your question about eternal
security, but right now, please
consider Michelle’s question,
because your two questions are
Michelle: The
Bible teaches that long ago, Lucifer
(the devil) lived in Heaven. He was
blameless, the model of perfection
and perfect in beauty. The Bible also
teaches that Lucifer had a change of
heart. Think about this: Lucifer
lived in a perfect place with perfect
beings. He served a perfect God
– a God of love. Lucifer had
everything that a created being could
be given – his beauty was
exceptional, he had a sinless nature,
and he had the highest and best job a
created being could have! (Ezekiel
28:12-18) He was a guardian cherub
(he stood beside God’s throne.)
Lucifer had it all and still, he fell
into sin. Even worse, prior to
being thrown out of Heaven, Lucifer
led one-third of God’s angels to
unite with him in rebellion against
Adam and Eve were also
created perfect. They were sinless
and served a perfect God of love.
They had everything that created
beings could want. They had
happiness, holiness, and the Garden
of Eden and yet, they fell. Lucifer
deceived Eve and when Adam realized
her fate; his love for Eve caused him
to deliberately eat the forbidden
I have briefly
reviewed these two failures to make a
profound point. God’s children
have the power of choice – they
always have, they always will. This
means that with the power of choice
throughout eternity, God’s
children can choose to rebel against
the laws of God if they want. The
fall of Lucifer and one-third of the
angels proves that sinless beings can
choose and di choose to sin. The fall
of Adam and Even proves that sinless
humans can choose and did choose to
sin. Because God’s children can
choose to sin, what will keep angels
and humans from sinning at some point
in the future? The answer to this
question is amazing!
God has permitted sin
to exist for several thousand years
so that the nature of sin can be
fully understood. God has carefully
documented the course of sin so that
throughout eternity, endless
generations can study the drama cause
by sin. Earth has served as a
theater for the universe. This is the
only place in all the universe where
death, sorrow, disease, broken
relationships, and hatred exist. This
drama has been recorded in real time
with technology that is better than
3D or any technology man is aware of.
At any time in eternity’s
future, if any hint of rebellion
should arise, God will put out the
fire by calling upon the redeemed
from Earth, a host of ex-sinners who
know all about the wages of sin and
the heartache it brings. The saints
will meet with any person who is
about to sin and there will be a show
and tell experience. The redeemed
will also remind the person who is
contemplating sin that if he insists
on sinning, there will be no rescue
because God will not provide
redemption for defiant sin. (This is
why God did not offer salvation to
Lucifer and his angels. Matthew
12:31, 32; Hebrews 10:26) The bottom
line will be made clear: Sin has been
proven to be an awful cancer that
eventually turns sinners into
predators. Therefore, the day you
choose to sin, you will die. (Genesis
The drama of sin has
three elements related to eternal
security. First, we have a few
million examples of holy angels who
were eternally secure, but are now
lost. They will be burned up at the
end of the 1,000 years. (Revelation
20:10, 15) Second, Adam and Eve are
two examples of holy people who were
eternally secure, but fell. Both
instances (one in Heaven and one on
Earth) prove that eternal security is
based on eternal submission to
God’s will. Look at these two
texts: “If we
deliberately keep on sinning after
we have received the knowledge of the
truth, no sacrifice for sins is left,
but only a fearful expectation of
judgment and of raging fire that will
consume the enemies of God.” (Hebrews10:26,
27, italics mine) Please consider
this passage and notice that it is
possible to fall away! “It is
impossible for those who once been
enlightened, who has tasted the
heavenly gift, who have
shared in the Holy Spirit,
who have tasted the goodness of the
word of God and the powers of the
coming age, if they fall
away, to be brought back
to repentance, because to their loss
they are crucifying the Son of God
all over again and subjecting him to
public disgrace.” (Hebrews
6:4-6, italics mine)
So, Robyn and
Michelle, there is eternal security,
but it is conditional. “If a
righteous man turns from his
righteousness and commits sin, he
will die for it; because of the sin
he has committed he will die. But
if a wicked man turns away from the
wickedness he has committed and does
what is just and right, he will save
his life. Because he considers all
the offenses he has committed and
turns away from them, he will surely
live; he will not die.” (Ezekiel
18:26-38) Being born again is not a
one-time event. There is a beginning
moment to a spiritual life, but the
way to success is to be spiritually
renewed each day or our carnal
natures will quickly separate us from
the Lord. (Romans 12:2, 3; James
1:23-25) The apostle Paul knew that
salvation belonged to those who
finished the race! He wrote, “Now,
brothers, I want to remind you of the
gospel I preached to you, which you
received and on which you have taken
your stand. By this gospel you are
saved, if you hold firmly
to the word I preached to you. Otherwise,
you have believed in vain… I
have fought the good fight, I have
finished the race, I have
kept the faith.” (I
Corinthians 15: 1, 2, 2 Timothy 4:7,
italics mine)
Christina: Your
question involves two separate
issues, so please give me a moment to
identify them before bringing your
question into focus. First, the
language in Genesis 1 and 2 is not
subject to the wild distortions often
heard today when other Bible texts
are considered. For example, our
Creator, Jesus Christ, declared from
His own mouth that He created the
world and everything in it in six
days and this is why He commands us
to remember the seventh day of each
week by resting on His holy day.
(Exodus 20:8-11; See also: Colossians
1:15, 16; John 1:1-14 and Revelation
14:6,7) Because the synchrony of a
day is determined by the arrival of
evening and morning (Genesis 1),
every day since Creation week has
been twenty-four hours in length.
Creation week was a
profound event. Consider this: Light
was created on the first day,
atmosphere was created on the second,
dry ground and food was created on
the third, the Sun, moon and stars
were created on the fourth, fish and
fowl were created on the fifth,
beasts and mankind were created on
the sixth, and the seventh day was
set apart from the six as a memorial
to all that the Lord had done.
According to Genesis
1, Jesus did not create this orb we
call Earth during Creation week.
Moreover, He did not create water
during Creation week! This water
covered orb existed long before
Creation week. Geologically speaking,
Earth appears to be about 4.5 billion
years old and life on Earth,
according to the Bible, is about
6,000 years old. These two issues
explain the mixed geological strata
of Earth because the strata contain a
mixture of old and recent creation!
I have mentioned these
things because dinosaur fossils do
not prove evolution as science
claims. The fact is, dinosaurs could
not have lived on Earth before
Creation week! The dinosaurs required
an atmosphere, dry ground, sunlight,
and food – items that did not
exist before Creation week. I believe
that Jesus created dinosaurs for the
same reason that He created whales
– the oceanic version of
dinosaurs. Both are/were “giant
caretakers” of their respective
worlds. Both are/were designed to
keep the growth and undergrowth in
check so that other forms of life
might flourish. God destroyed the
dinosaurs during Noah’s flood
for a minimum of two reasons: First,
their bones would serve as a
testimony to a worldwide flood in
Noah’s day. Second, because the
surface and weather of Earth would be
radically changed by the flood, they
were no longer necessary to manage
the rapid growth and undergrowth of
vegetation. The dinosaurs were buried
in strata that are billions of years
old and this mixture of recent
creation (6,000 years ago) and
ancient creation (4.5 billion years
ago) confirms that creation’s
story is true! I am looking forward
to the day when the bones of some
antediluvians and some dinosaurs are
found in the strata! Can you
imagine the scientific outcry that
will follow?
As for the evolution
of one species to another
(Darwinism), we know several things
about genetics today that makes
Darwinism less attractive than it
once was. First, we know that genetic
mutations within species can
and do occur. Second, we know that
selective or limited breeding
eventually produces a derivative that
reflects the genes that are dominant
within a given gene-pool. Third, we
know that some species are adaptable.
They can adapt to whatever their
environment may be. Our Creator
wisely gave plants and animals (and
humans) a certain amount of genetic
adaptation so that wherever they
might live on Earth, they might adapt
and prosper. Paul wrote:
“The God who
made the world and everything in it
is the Lord of heaven and earth and
does not live in temples built by
hands. And he is not served by human
hands, as if he needed anything,
because he himself gives all men life
and breath and everything else. From
one man he made every nation of men
that they should inhabit the whole
earth; and he determined the times
set for them and the exact
places where they should live.
God did this so that men would seek
him and perhaps reach for him and
find him, though he is not far from
each one of us. ‘For in him we
live and move and have our
being.’ As some of your own
poets have said, ‘We are his
offspring.’” (Acts
17:24-28, underlining mine)
The Bible and true
science are not in conflict. Even
though recent advances in DNA
technology are many, science cannot
defeat God. Science has not produced
one living example of Darwin’s
theory that one species can become
another. If life on Earth has
been on-going for millions of years,
there should be examples of
life-forms in transition everywhere.
Look around. We have monkeys and we
have humans. Have you seen any half
monkey-humans lately! Grin….