
The Game of Life


   In this striking picture is an allegorical presentation of the conflict between man and the powers of darkness. A young man is playing the game for his life against the most wily opponents – the prince of evil himself. Behind the young man – and apparently unobserved – is an angel from heaven, sent by man’s Creator as a personal guardian. “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” Hebrews 1:14.

   Also pictured is an angel from the dominion of Satan who is vitally interested in victory for his side and stands ready to assist in any way in causing the young man to lose the game he is playing.

   In the game of life the stakes are high, for Satan is determined to get mastery over man’s soul. With desperate earnestness the man pits himself against this enemy of righteousness. As is all too frequent in human experience, Satan at the outset gains an advantage. He has taken away the symbols representing Bible reading, prayer, and other aids to a Christian experience. Although the young man has given up liquor, tobacco, and card playing, apparently he is still losing the game. What shall his next move be? It is a tense and anxious moment in his life. In contrast with his deep concern is the exultation of his opponent, whose face is marked with malice and cunning. Satan is confident that he has his victim started on the downward path. In deep meditation and conviction the young man hesitantly reaches for the cross, the one symbol that alone can checkmate every move of the enemy.

   The tide can be turned, With the cross in his hand the young man may obtain the victory, not because of his skill or cleverness but because of his complete dependence on the cross of Christ. Like the Apostle Paul, he is able to say, “In the cross of Christ I glory.”

   This is the game in which we are each engaged. What its outcome will be depends upon how we meet and fight life’s battle day by day. Through Christ we may all be victorious.

   So take courage if you too are struggling against the enemy. God never forsakes one who turns to Him for help.  


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