
Lesson 10 Part l
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Heaven’s court must convene after 1798

Applying verses 21,22, and 26 (items 4 & 7 above) we conclude that the courtroom scene takes place in heaven about the time the little horn ends the first persecution of the saints.

The time period of persecution in Daniel 7:25 is called  “a time, times and half a time.”  This period represents 3.5 years or 1,260 days.  A “time” refers to a year.  (Daniel 4:16,25  “Times” refers to two years and a “half a time” refers to half a year.  This point is confirmed within Revelation 12:6,14.  Here 1,260 days and “a time, times and half a time” refer to the same time period and thus interchangeable.  If the time period of Daniel 7:25 is 1,260 years long, the reign of Papal power from 538 to 1798, confirms this interpretation of prophecy.

Point 4 above may represent a problem to some students.  Some may think the little horn loses its power because the court sits.  Don’t overlook the allotted time period for the persecution of the saints by the little horn.  In actuality, the little horn loses its power because its time of power is fulfilled when the 1,260 years end in 1798.  Just as God set boundaries of the oceans, he set a time limit upon the antichrist power.  Daniel 7:26 can be understood to mean that the saints would be warred upon until the 1,260 years of the little horn’s power is broken, but justice for God’s people will come.  The antichrist power will be destroyed forever.  Jesus Himself will avenge the blood of His persecuted saints!

Putting the pieces together

  1. The judgment of human beings takes place in heaven after 4 world empires have risen and fallen and after the little horn power waged war on the saints for 1,260 years.
  2. Jesus is the Judge.  He is granted authority, glory and sovereign power to conduct this process.
  3. The restoration or cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary began at the end of the 2,300 years in 1844.  Thus, 1844 marks the beginning of the appointed time of the end because the Day of Atonement marks the final stage of salvation’s process in heaven.  The courtroom scene can be nothing less than the judgment of human beings.  It is the final event in the heavenly sanctuary.  The opening of the books at this time indicates that time to review the records of each person has come!
  4. The Old Testament Day of Atonement provides valuable information that helps us understand what the cleansing of the “true” sanctuary means.

Repetition and enlargement

Understand that Daniel 7, like Daniel 2, is a broad sweeping prophecy.  All details regarding the little horn power are not included in Daniel 7.  There are many more things to learn that specifically relate to our day.  As mentioned before, the Bible uses the process of repetition and enlargement to unfold the prophecies. Daniel 7 enlarges the details of Daniel2.  Likewise, Daniel 8 expands some of the details of Daniel 7, and we will see that the entire book of Revelation enlarges upon Daniel 8-12!

The process of the judgment examined

What happens in the judgment process?  How are we judged?  Solomon, the wise man, wrote, “…here is the conclusion of the matter:  Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.  For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.”  Ecclesiastes 12: 13,14

In 1844, Jesus began cleansing the sanctuary in heaven.  What defied the heavenly sanctuary?  The recorded sins of people on earth.  Remember how the sins of Israel were transferred to the earthy sanctuary each day so that it had to be cleansed each year on the Day of Atonement?  So the sins of each person are accurately and full recorded in heaven’s sanctuary.  Those who lived up to all the knowledge they had were given the righteousness of Christ. This is the mystery of God.  This is how the plan of salvation can save the vilest offender.  In 1844, Jesus began going through the book of record.  This process is conducted before the host of angels so that nothing is hidden.  Jesus thoroughly investigates all aspects of each person’s life that lived upon earth.  He began with the first to die, a man called Abel.

As Jesus proceeds thorough the books of record, He makes an irrevocable decision about each person regarding eternal life or death.  Those in the books of record who rejected the promptings of the Holy Spirit are lost.  They stand condemned as “uncovered” sinners before the Father.  They refused to live by faith and they refused to heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit.  Understand that Jesus intimately investigates every aspect of a person’s life to insure that a fair decision is made.  Jesus considers what each person knew, what each person had opportunity to know, what each person did with what he knew or believed.  He also considers where each person came from, their time and place, how each person treated others and many, many other factors.  This is a solemn scene of eternal importance.  Millions of reverent angels are in attendance.

In 1844, the judgment of the dead began.  This process has been going on in heaven for almost 159 years.  Soon, the judgment of the living will begin!  We’ll learn more about this in lessons 14 and 15.

A new problem arises

If the judgment of the dead began in 1844, what happened to all those people who died and went to heaven or hell before 1844?  In other words, how could eternal judgment be passed upon people who died centuries ago if the judgment process did not begin until 1844?

Many people believe that the sentence of eternal life or of eternally burning in hell is executed at death.  Naturally, such thinking would require that judgment be made at the time of death.  Is this what the Bible teaches about the judgment of mankind?  No.  The Bible clearly says that God has appointed a certain time to judge the world. Acts 17:31

In Daniel, it is called “the appointed time of the end.” 1844 marks the beginning of this time period, for this is when Jesus begins to cleanse the heavenly sanctuary.  In fact, when Jesus returns at the second coming, He brings His reward with Him indicating that the judgment process is completed!  “Behold I am coming soon!  My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.”  Revelation 22:12

Does God burn people for eternity?

Through the centuries, Satan has tormented millions of people with the concept that when a person dies, he goes straight to heaven or hell.  Many Christians accept this idea today and aren’t particularly bothered by it.  After all, no one has seen a large pit of fire where loved ones are burning and writhing in pain.

Only in the past century has this doctrine lost most of its terror.  In Protestantism today, almost everyone goes to heaven.  When was the last time you were at a funeral sermon sending someone to hell?

The doctrine of an eternally burning hell has a terrible history.  This teaching was used by the Roman Church to control the masses.  The people who lived during the Dark Ages didn’t have Bibles, so they lived in constant fear and had many superstitions about God. (For example, a sneeze was believed to be a demon attempting to snatch away one’s breath.  Thus the quick response “bless you” was offered since last rites were necessary for salvation.)  The superstitious fear of the people war preyed upon by Roman clerics as a way of raising money.  Families could both buy deceased loved ones out of the torment of purgatory and purchase eternal life for themselves, regardless of any behavior.  The wealthier the family, the higher the price of course. (In fact, the construction of St.Peters Basilica was financed entirely from the sale of indulgences in the 15th and 16th centuries.

An indulgence was a “legal document” from the Pope granting eternal life without first going to purgatory.)

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