The Plan of Salvation
Part II
Lesson 6
Our last lesson began
by studying the question, What
must I do to be saved?
In that study several important
issues were addressed. A
review on each issue is provided:
Jesus is
omniscient. He knows everything
about everything. He knew sin
would occur on earth before He
created the world. He knew Adam
and Eve would sin. He knew Cain
would kill Abel. He knew sin
would cause His death! But,
Jesus has never used His
foreknowledge to cause or change any
outcome. If Jesus used His
foreknowledge to manipulate any
outcome He could not be a God of love
for love offers the freedom of
Jesus allows us to
proceed in any direction we want to
go even though he already knows the
outcome. God allows us to make
any decision we want to make.
Jesus allowed Adam and Eve to eat the
fruit of the forbidden tree knowing
the price He would have to pay.
Jesus gave Israel every possible
blessing even though He knew they
would reject Him. This is
divine love. Not only did our
Creator give His life for us, He
gives us the choice to love or reject
Him. What love!
As studied in the
previous lesson, the Father wrote the
story of earth before the world was
created. He even included the
names of all who would be
saved. Then He perfectly sealed
up the book with seven seals.
No one in the universe can read the
book until the final seal is broken
at the end of earths
drama. Then the contents of the
book will be revealed before the
universe and every created being will
clearly see that God never once used
His omniscience to force or cause any
outcome. The universe will see
that God is love because He allowed
each person the power to choose what
he or she wanted to do. Thus
Satans charge that God is not
love because he manipulates His
creatures will be forever proven
false. God is both omniscient
and omnipotent. Divine love
might be thought of as the balance
between two characteristics.
Sin brings death
Adam and Eve lost much
and gained very little as a result of
sin. They lost the privilege of
eating the fruit from the tree of
life. Therefore death overtook
them. They lost their beautiful
Eden. They lost the natural
traits of Gods character and in
exchange for these things; they
gained the knowledge of evil,
suffering and sorrow. What a
sad exchange!
Adam passed the
tendency to sin to their
children. Their firstborn even
became a murderer! And sin has
contaminated every descendant of Adam
and Eve. According to
Paul, All have sinned and
fell short of the glory of
God! Romans 3:23 This is
the fallen and unsaved nature of
man. We may be unsaved but we
are wanted! God wants to redeem us
back to himself. For the
wages of sin is death, but the gift
of God is eternal life in Christ
Jesus our Lord. Romans
The penalty for sin is
everlasting death. Jesus, our
Creator, personally paid this penalty
so that whosoever will believe in Him
might be saved. How does a
person then receive salvation?
Basic law
In our last lesson we
briefly discussed that God placed
within each person a basic ability to
distinguish right from wrong.
People living up to the fullness of
their hearts understanding of
truth glorifies their Creator!
Those professing to live up to all
they know (hypocrites) and those
refusing to learn more truth are not
candidates for salvation.
Some people dont
want to know the difference between
right and wrong. Why is
this? Paul says,
The wrath of God is being
revealed from heaven against all
godlessness and wickedness of men who
suppress the truth by their
wickedness, since what may be known
about God is plain to them, because
God has made it plain to them
that men are without excuse.
For although they knew God, they
neither glorified him as God nor gave
thanks to him, but their thinking
became futile and their foolish
hearts were darkened
God gave them over in the sinful
desires of their hearts to sexual
impurity for the degrading of their
bodies with one
Furthermore, since they
did not think it worthwhile to retain
the knowledge of God, he gave them
over to a depraved mind, to do what
ought not to be done. Romans
Down through the ages,
billions of people have lived and
died who never knew the particulars
about salvation. God foreknew
the darkness of sin.
Consequently, the plan of salvation
can save a person who doesnt
understand all the details.
This is somewhat like the law of
gravity. You dont have to
fully understand gravity to
appreciate its operation.
But God is not content
with basic law. He desires to
restore His image within man.
Therefore, man needs to know his
Creator. This calls for much
more light or education on the
subject of the plan of
salvation. Jesus wants a close
relationship with His children, and a
close relationship is only possible
when each party knows the other well.
Stage set for faith
Now the stage for
understanding salvation has been
set. Salvation has two
parts: first, to restore man to
Eden and second, to restore within
man the image of God. The price
for restoring man to Eden was paid at
Calvary. Through Gods
grace or unmerited favor on the human
race, the price was paid. That
God could love the human race and pay
such an extreme price for our
salvation is grace beyond
comprehension. Paul called this
the mystery of God.
He wrote, Although I am less
than the least of all Gods
people, this grace was given me: to
preach to the Gentiles the un
searchable riches of Christ, and to
make plain to everyone the
administration of this mystery, which
for ages past was kept hidden in God,
who created all things.
Ephesians 3:8,9
The process of
restoring man into the image of God
is exciting, rewarding and
excruciating all at the same
time. Our natural inclination
or tendency is to be hostile towards
God. Paul wrote, Those
who live according to the sinful
nature have their minds set on what
that nature desires; but those who
live accordance with the Spirit have
their minds set on what the Spirit
desires. The mind of sinful man
is death, but the mind controlled by
the Spirit is life and peace; because
the sinful mind is hostile to
God. It does not submit to
Gods (basic) law, nor can it do
so. Those controlled by the
sinful nature cannot please
God. Romans 8:5-8
How can a person live
in accordance with the Spirit and
find life and peace? Jesus told
I tell you the
truth, unless a man is born again, he
cannot see the kingdom of
unless a man is born of
water and the Spirit, he cannot enter
the kingdom of God. John
3: 3,5 What does being born of water
and the Spirit mean? Some
people interpret born of
water to mean, unless you
are baptized you cannot go to
(Note: A
controversy over baptism developed
within the Christian church about the
second century. The issue was
whether baptism was required for
salvation. The Christian Church
finally decided baptism was
compulsory. Since the majority
of infants died before reaching one
year of age, the baptism of infants
was implemented to insure that they
met mandatory
requirements of getting to heaven.)
Being born of water,
though, meant something different to
Nicodemus than it typically means to
us today. Being born of water
was an expression that was associated
with being a Jew. If a Gentile
(a Gentile is anyone not born of
Jewish ancestry) wished to become a
Jew, he or she had to submit to
months of extended education on the
rules and practices of Judaism.
After indoctrination, the candidate
denounced his past life and then
dunked beneath the water. This
symbolic act was known as being
born of water. The
Jews thought the act of baptism
overcame the tragedy of being born a
Gentile. As far as the convert
was concerned, life began at
baptism. Nothing between birth
and baptism was worth
remembering. Thus, being born
of water was an expression of
denouncing natural birth as a
Nicodemus was
acquainted with the baptism of
John. Remember, John the
Baptist was baptizing at the Jordan
River where there was plenty of
water. John 3:23 John was told
to use the symbol of being born
of water to call Israel to
repentance. John 1:33 God sent
John to Israel pleading with them to
forsake their evil past and put away
their hard hearts so that they might
recognize and receive Messiah!
Johns baptism was an expression
of denouncing the hardness of heart
that belonged to Israel! John
the Baptist proclaimed, I
baptize you with water for
repentance. But after me will
come one who is more powerful than I,
whose sandals I am not fit to
carry. He will baptize you with
the Holy Spirit and with
fire. Matthew 3:11
So Jesus was saying,
Nicodemus, you must be born of
water. You a respected
leader of Israel need to start
over! You need a new heart, a
new life. You, Nicodemus, need
to repent of your spiritual pride and
religious self-exaltation. You
Nicodemus need to live a humble life,
born and led by the
spirit, for He will guide you
into more truth and light!
The answer
So, the answer to the
question, What must I do to be
saved? begins with a simple and
inclusive sentence. Start right
now: humbly live up to what you
know to be true, and seek more
truth! If you are willing to go
where God sends you, willing to be
what God asks you, willing to do
what God asks you then
youre living by faith and God
grants salvation full and free to
anyone willing to live by
faith! Remember go-be-do!
The biblical
definition of faith means full
surrender. Remember Noah? He
did all that God asked him to
do. Remember Abraham? He
did all that God asked him to
do. These worthy examples
yielded their hearts to the will of
God and freely received his
righteousness! If we allow
Jesus to be the Lord of our life, we
will want to obey him. Jesus
told his disciples, You
are my friends if you do what I
whosoever has my
commands and obeys them, and he is
the one who loves me. He who
loves me will be loved by my Father,
and I too will love him and show
myself to him. John 15:14
God reveals the future
Now that salvation has
been looked at from the personal
view, we must look at the corporate
or global view how God implements the
Plan of Salvation. Gods
purpose in choosing the descendants
of Abraham as a special people was
not to make the exclusive object of
His love and special blessings.
Rather, He chooses them to be
ambassadors of His love.
I will also make you a
light for the Gentiles, that you may
bring my salvation to the ends of the
earth. Isaiah 49:6 Israel
was to be a channel through which the
world would come to know and love the
God of heaven, The Creator of the
entire universe. However, Satan
thwarted that glorious plan by
leading the Jews into total rebellion
against Jesus.
For almost a 1,000
years after Israel was delivered from
the bondage of Egypt, Jesus worked
with Israel to make them the great
nation He wanted them to be.
Each time Israel reached a plateau of
physical comfort and wealth, they
promptly forgot God and turned to
idolatry. The reason idolatry
was so attractive to Israel is that
pagan religious services were very
different from the worship of Jesus.
True worship
The worship of Jesus
is thoughtful and reflective.
The worship of Jesus causes soul
searching and brings the sinner to a
greater or daily realization of his
need of a Savior.
True worship unmasks
our deceitful hearts. In short,
the worship of Jesus is like going to
the dentist for a checkup thinking
that everything is OK and discovering
there are hidden cavities! The
worship Of Jesus penetrates the soul
and reveals hidden thoughts and
motives that are impure. This
type of worship is obviously contrary
to human nature and thus Israel
sought other more
exciting gods to worship.
Pagan worship
Pagan worship comes in
a thousand forms and ranges from the
sublime to the ridiculous.
Satan has devised a counterfeit
worship for every type of lust.
Some forms of false worship appear
very close to true worship while
other forms are excuses for the most
degrading acts. Given the
diverse range of false worship, the
only general statement that can be
made about false worship is that such
neither glorifies our Creator nor
brings the worshiper into harmony
with His truth. There is a
psychological law that says, By
beholding, we become
changed. This means that
we become like the object of our
worship! In time, false worship
leads men and women to behave like
the father of sin while true worship
leads men and women to become like
their Creator!
False worship appeals
to the carnal or fallen nature.
Those who worship in darkness hate
truth because the light exposes their
deeds! Jesus told His
disciples, If the world hates
you, keep in mind that it hated me
first. If you belonged to the
world, it would love you as its
own. As it is, you do not
belong to the world, but I have
chosen you out of the world. That is
why the world hates you
servant is greater than his
master. If they persecuted me,
they will persecute you
also. John 15:18-20
In Israels day,
pagan worship included entertainment
of all kinds. History tells us
that everything from infant sacrifice
to gross sexual practices was
performed on or for the benefit of
worshipers. Worship in many
ways became a spectators
delight. The interesting thing
about such drama is that people can
live out certain fantasies without
actually doing the act.
Today, television,
radio, magazines and novels fulfill
many of the sensual desires that
pagan worship services provided for
ancient Israel. Many of the
Israelites would not actually commit
the indecent acts they witnessed, but
they enjoyed watching them
nonetheless. How does this
compare with the multitude of evil
acts committed on TV each day?
Are we becoming a more noble and
God-like nation as a result of our
reading and entertainment?
Gods wrath on
By 600 B.C., the Jews
had become so totally resistant to
Gods plan and so degenerate in
behavior that something drastic had
to be done. Therefore, God
planned the destruction of
Israel. He would not destroy
all of Israel. He would save a
remnant. With this remnant He
would start over and try one last
time to achieve His objective.
So Jesus sent Babylonian monarch,
King Nebuchadnezzar, to destroy
Jerusalem. After three sieges,
Nebuchadnezzar completely destroyed
Jerusalem and carried off a remnant
of Israel into captivity. Jesus
did not destroy Jerusalem without
warning. He sent a number of
prophets to Israel so they might know
what He was going to do and
why. But Israel not only
rejected the warning messages, they
killed or destroyed most of the
prophets who gave them!
Jeremiah was one such
prophet. Jesus speaking through
Jeremiah said, O house of
I am bringing a distant
nation against you an ancient
and enduring nation, a people whose
language you do not know, whose
speech you do not understand.
Their quivers are like an open grave;
all of them are mighty
warriors. They will devour your
harvests and food; devour your sons
and daughters; they will devour your
flocks and herds, devour your vines
and fig trees. With the sword
they will destroy the fortified
cities in which you trust. Yet
even in those days
I will not
destroy you completely.
And when the people
ask Why has the Lord our God
done all this to us? you will
tell them, As you have forsaken
me and served foreign gods in your
own land, so now you will serve
foreigners in a land not your
This is what
the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel,
say: listen! I am
going to bring on this city and the
villages around it every disaster I
pronounced against them, because they
were stiff-necked and would not
listen to my words
I will hand all Judah over to the
king of Babylon, who will carry them
away to Babylon or put them to the
sword. Jeremiah 5:15-19,
19:15, 20:4
One of the remnants
taken into captivity was a young man
named Daniel. This young man,
unlike most young men of his time,
loved the Lord with all his
heart. The story of his life is
quite remarkable for God used this
humble young man to reach the proud
heart of King Nebuchadnezzar, the
monarch of Babylon.
Jesus revealed to
Daniel a great prophetic chart or
outline describing the future of
Israel, and of the rest of the world.
The visions recorded in the book of
Daniel not only provide a wealth of
information about the plan of
salvation but they tell us how God
works. We will now look at one
of these apocalyptic visions.
Daniel 2 opens the
Stop! Before
proceeding further in this lesson,
please read all Daniel 2 in your
Four important issues
will be gleaned from this chapter.
First, we notice the omniscience of
Jesus declared. Daniel said,
there is a God in heaven
who reveals mysteries. He has
shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will
happen in the days to
Daniel 2:28 After
explaining the vision, Daniel said,
The great God has shown
the king what will take place in the
future. The dream is true and
the interpretation is
trustworthy. Daniel 2:45
Jesus revealed to the great monarch
of Babylon that astrologers,
magicians, enchanters and soothsayers
are not connected to God, nor do they
have the ability to
predict the future.
Their works (then and now) are
essentially a collection of clever
lies. Daniel 2:8-11
Daniel 2 reveals the omnipotence of
Jesus. Omnipotence means,
having all power.
Daniel said, Praise be to the
name of God for ever and ever; wisdom
and power are his. He changes
times and seasons; he sets up kings
and deposes them. He gives
wisdom to the wise and knowledge to
the discerning. He reveals deep
and hidden things; he knows what lies
in darkness, and light dwells with
him. Daniel 2:20-22 In a
later vision Daniel again reminded
the King,
the Most High
is sovereign over the kingdoms of men
and gives them to anyone he
wishes. Daniel 4:25
The vision and interpretation given
to King Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel
contain a broad apocalyptic outline
of the future. Apocalyptic
prophecy refers to prophecy that
deals with a structured or sequential
series of events. Jesus
revealed to Nebuchadnezzar that
subsequent kingdoms would rise and
fall until the time came for the God
of Heaven to set up His kingdom on
The kingdoms of man
were appropriately represented to
King Nebuchadnezzar by the symbol of
the image made of different
metals. The head of gold
represented Babylon and metals of
lesser value represented kingdoms
that followed.
King Nebuchadnezzar
was told another kingdom would
succeed Babylon. The chest and
arms of silver represented this
kingdom. Afterwards, another
kingdom would arise represented by
the thighs of brass. The legs
of iron represented the fourth
kingdom. The feet of iron and
clay represented the fifth kingdom
and the last kingdom was represented
by the ten toes, which represented a
brief reign of 10 kings (a global
confederation) just before Jesus
King Nebuchadnezzar
was told that during the reign of
these ten kings that, In the
time of those kings (the last ten
kings), the God of heaven will set up
a kingdom that will never be
destroyed, nor will it be left to
another people. It will crush
all those kingdoms and bring them to
an end, but it will itself endure
forever. Daniel 2:44
Nebuchadnezzars dream may be
seen as a very broad explanation of
the destiny of mankind beginning with
his day. Comparing prophecy
with history, we discover the
following progression of seven world
- Babylon
- Med-Persia
- Greece
- Rome
- Many kings
- 10 last kings
- The kingdom of
History and prophecy
harmoniously combine so that we might
understand the plans of God.
Just as Jesus predicted (remember) He
is omniscient), all the kingdoms have
come and gone. As you can see
from the outline below, we live in
the time period of many
kings. Soon, we will see
a brief confederation of 10 kings,
and we will know that the return of
Jesus is at the door! More will
be said about the brief reign of
these ten kings when we study
Revelation 17. For now, it is
important to recognize two things:
- When
The Rock Of
Ages sets up His
kingdom, it fully and
completely destroys the
kingdoms of man. Daniel
told the king,
a rock was
cut out, but not by human
hands. It struck
the statue on its feet of
iron and clay and smashed
them. Then the
iron, the clay, the
bronze, the silver and
gold were broken to
pieces at the same time
and became like chaff on
the threshing floor in
the summer. The
wind swept them away
without leaving a trace.
But the rock that struck
the statue became a huge
mountain and filled the
whole earth. Daniel
2:34,35 In other words,
the kingdom of Jesus does
not co-exist with the
sinful kingdoms of man.
- Twenty-five
hundred years ago Daniel
told King Nebuchadnezzar,
The great God has
shown the king what will
take place in the future.
The dream is true and the
interpretation is
Daniel 2:45 Today, we see
the truthfulness of the
dream. In an
earlier lesson the point
was made that prophecy is
history in advance and
history is prophecy from
the past. From
Nebuchadnezzar, it is
clear that we are close
to the end of the
kingdoms of man. Just
how close are we: 1 year,
10 years or 100 years?

Salvation and prophecy
work together
We have studied the
plan of salvation and its two
components. First, the penalty
of sin was paid in full by the death
of Jesus on Calvary.
(Justification) Secondly, our
Creator wants to restore His image in
those who choose salvation.
Prophecy is the plan
of salvation what the wedding date is
to a couple planning for
marriage. The Bible often
compares the second coming of Jesus
to a marriage feast or a
wedding. Let us rejoice
and be glad and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has
come. Revelation 19:7
Those who have
received salvation are anxious for
the return of Jesus! What would
you say about a couple who were
indifferent about the date of their
wedding? What would you say of
Christians who are indifferent about
the time of Christs coming?
Next lesson
The Bible often
follows the process of repetition and
enlargement. This consists of
presenting a point and then expanding
the details about the point in
subsequent visions. In our next
lesson, we shall begin to study a
dream given to Daniel that clearly
shows our chronological position in
prophetic time!
- Some people
dont want to know right
from wrong. Why?
- Paul said,
The sinful mind is
_________ towards God.
- Can a person
be saved without baptism in
water? What about the thief
on the cross?
- What is the
Biblical definition of faith?
- T or F Daniel
2 indicates we are living
close to the end.
- T or F The
kingdom of Jesus destroys all
the other kingdoms when it is
set up.
Memory Verse:
Romans 6:23
For the wages of
sin is death, but the gift of God is
eternal life in Christ Jesus our