

How An Ecclesiastical Hierarchy Silences a
Dissenting Movement Using Hegelian Dialectics

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How An Ecclesiastical Hierarchy Silences a Dissenting Movement Using Hegelian Dialectics

How Diaprax Functions In “The Meeting”
Group Think Roles [Of Agents Imbedded in the Meeting]
Group Building and Maintenance Roles


Praises, agrees with, and accepts other points of view to sustain Consensus agenda

Harmonizer Reconciles disagreements to keep procedure going
Compromiser Offers personal compromise to assist the procedure

Gatekeeper Expediter

Regulates communications to keep procedure going

Standard setter Ego Ideal

Expresses standards for the group that support the procedure
Follower Passively goes along with the procedure

Group-observer and commentator

Keeps track of group’s involvement in the procedure and comment to keep the group in the procedure

Group Task Roles
(Putting the Spin on you and the group)


Suggests a “new” procedure be “tried.” (Diaprax)

Information seeker

Asks for clarification of “facts” concerning the new proceduresuggested.

Opinion Seeker

Asks for clarification of ‘values’ concerning the new procedure suggested.

Information giver Gives ‘authoritative’ facts on the new procedure
Opinion giver Gives personal belief-the procedure should be used.
Elaborator Deducts ideas presented can work with procedure
Coordinator Pulls ideas together under the procedure.
Orienter Summarizes group position in light of the procedure.
Evaluator-Critic Subjects group actions to procedure standards.
Energizer Stimulates group decision based upon the procedure
Procedure technician Adjusts room environment to expedite procedure

Keeps track of discussions which develop and sustain the procedure.

Source: Human relations in Curriculum Change, Kenneth Benne, 1954.

(Robert’s Rules of Order are put to the side or limited to guarantee consensus and the ‘Delphi’ method is used (sub-group, dialoguing to consensus, facilitated).

The roles to be processed away in-group think are the persons who express individuality, who are labeled: aggressor, blocker, recognition seeker, self-confessor, playboy, dominator, help-seeker. (All these persons are negatively labeled to reflect the need for counseling.) In other words, those expressing individuality are a threat to the group, and must be sent for counseling to bring them into submission.

--Adapted from Gotcher, Diaprax.

Euphoric, Spontaneous Group Mind-melt

The environment for a meeting where diaprax is implemented is carefully set up to intimidate the dissenter. The leader sets the rules, such as; no one can speak from his chair, but must appear before a microphone in from of the leaders, and be recorded. One after another of those who have been co-opted by conversion to the perversion of diaprax (opinion givers) will be called upon to give their testimony to the great value of the new orientation of perversion. Gotcher writes, “Praxis is thus facilitated experience of a ‘spontaneous’ uniting of minds upon a common social interest. What diaprax wants to create is a euphoric, spontaneous group mind-melt, or what socio-psychologists Abraham Maslow might refer to as a ‘peak-experience’-what I would rather call a group-think orgy. According to socio-psychologists, this can only happen with a facilitated group-feeling-reasoning experience, the outcome being group cohesiveness (SYYNTHESIS). –Gotcher, The Dialectic & Praxis, p. 11.

Dialectical Praxis: Jesuitical Application of Teilhard’s Pantheism

It is diabolical. Anyone analyzing this process of the destruction of individuality and individual conscience will discern the elements of pantheism which drives the process-the melting of all minds into one consensus based on the destruction of the individuality created by the call of Christ. The destruction of conscience and its re-education has always been the province of Jesuitism. This is fundamental to dialectical praxis. This process has really taken off since GC31, in the 1960s when the Jesuits set out to utterly transform all of human society using Teilhard de Chardin’s pantheism and the dialectic. It is the application of Teilhard’s pantheistic concepts of noogensis (the coming together of all minds in pantheistic oneness), cosmogenesis, Christogenesis.  The hippies sang about noogenesis: “I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony…

The Utter Annihilation of Moral Absolutes

Your thesis, your convictions, have to be negated by the antithesis, which then resolves into synthesis, a blending of the thesis and antithesis. Dialectical praxis contemplates the utter annihilation of moral absolutes. It is Rome’s most potent force to eliminate opposition. Once the moral absolutes are gone, family, church or nation crumples, and the day is upon us when the original Protestant thesis is no more remembered. The battle is not for the weak, or the timid, or the ignorant. They are all blown away as the storm approaches.

The Law of the Negation of the Negation

These tactics of the ‘negation of the negation,” are fundamental to dialectical praxis. Engels listed three basic laws of the dialectic: the law of the unity and struggle of opposites, the law of the transition from quantitative to qualitative change, and the law of the negation of the negation.” –Engels, Dialectics of Nature, p. 26, quoted in Nobel, p. 142. Stalin offered four basic laws, and Lenin thought there were 16 ingredients.

“The negation concept is primarily the reference to the antithesis uniting with and struggling with the thesis. In the ensuing struggle, the thesis and its antithesis (negation) are transformed or transcended into a different and newer quality. The synthesis is the negation of the negation. The third aspect (synthesis) negates the negation of the second aspect (antithesis), which in turn becomes the new starting point or new thesis (slightly improved and developed), which elicits its new antithesis as the eternal process continues.” –David Nobel, Understanding the Times, 143.

Jesus warned that variance was the lot of being His disciples in Matthew 10.

Chaos in the Soul: Accepting the Gray Zone in Order to Belong

When the moral structure is removed from the soul through the negation of the negation, the result is chaos. The person is taught that he must accept the Gray Zone for the sake of belonging. The person is led to redefine his position for the sake of group acceptance. “Don’t be so old-fashioned.”

Mediation: The Fear of the Loss of Group Approval

Now the person is compromised, and his new orientation is acceptance by the group. It happens all the time in dormitories. The student forsakes his home training and principles in order to be accepted by the gang. There is no substitute for a young person to take a strong position that whatever happens he is not going to give up his faith and the orientation to God that he has learned all of his life.


This is the process of refreezing your conscience, your convictions, in the new mould. It happens in gangs, in churches, in dormitories, at the workplace, on the street, in the interrogation rooms, in the torture chambers, all the time. This is the goal of dialectical praxis-to eliminate the Protestant conscience of dependence upon the authority of the transcendent God, and re-establishing the convictions, the conscience, now in subjection to the new social entity-the ecumenical movement, the ministerial association, the gang, the military, the police, the board, the church, the dorm, the workplace, the interrogator. It is the essence of brainwashing.

Determination: The “Converted” Change Agent

The person now is a change agent, determined to bring others into the dialectical process in order to justify his compromise while developing his relationships with them. The new ‘convert” is out to convert everyone he meets, to neutralize everyone who resists, and remove anyone that threatens the process of dialectical praxis that he has just came through. It happened all the time in the Soviet Union. They would break a minister in prison under torture. The minister would convert to the position of his torturers in the Gulag. He would be sent back to head up his church and bring the entire church over the line.

Only Some of the Waldensian People and a Few Others Resisted the Diaprax When the Church Went Into Apostasy

This is the process that happened in the great apostasy in the early days of Christianity. It was in the name of evangelism that the “church” hierarchy lowered the standard to bring in a flood of new converts. It is the same today. The Waldensees found themselves to be dissenters to this process. Even their leaders caved in: “It required a desperate struggle for those who would be faithful to stand firm against the deceptions and abominations which were disguised in sacerdotal garments and introduced into the church. The Bible was not accepted as the standard of faith. The doctrine of religious freedom was termed heresy, and its upholders were hated and proscribed.

“After a long and severe conflict, the faithful few decided to dissolve all union with the apostate church if she still refused to free herself from falsehood and idolatry. They saw that separation was an absolute necessity if they would obey the word of God. They dared not tolerate errors fatal to their own souls, and set an example that would imperil the faith of their children and children’s children. To secure peace and unity they were ready to make any concession consistent with fidelity to God; but they felt that even peace would be too dearly purchased at the sacrifice of principle. If unity could be secured only by the compromise of truth and righteousness, then let there be difference, and even war.

“Well would it be for the church and the world if the principles that actuated those steadfast souls were revived in the hearts of God’s professed people.” GC 45,46.

Purity of Faith Transcends Evangelism

The point? Purity of faith transcends evangelism. Jesus said the same thing, when he declared to the Pharisees, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” Matthew 23:15. The scribes and Pharisees had a comprehensive evangelism program, but they were more under the control of demonic power than the demoniacs. DA 256.

Using the Argument of Evangelism in Diaprax

Diaprax has been around since the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it is just that it has become refined and codified into a process that is now used almost universally. Rome used the argument that evangelism was more important than the purity of the faith. The compromise resulting from this argument created the papacy. The Waldenses disagreed, and held that the purity of the faith must be maintained as supreme. They were persecuted.

Today many have succumbed to the idea that the church only exists for evangelism. The church Growth Movement, Church Planting, Cultural Relativism, Dialectical Praxis, and Spiritual Formation all proceed in tandem with massive evangelistic effort and the effort to accumulate numbers and form megachurchs. If the people of God only exist for evangelism, does the Church Triumphant cease to exist in heaven and the New Earth where there will be no evangelism? “Evangelism” has been the argument for almost 2,000 years with those who would lower or eliminate the standard of conviction based on truth in order to accumulate new ‘convert.”

And For Those Who Resist by Faith…

For those by faith persisting in resisting Diaprax, it will be declared, “It is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not.” John 11:50. This will be considered the conclusive argument in the death decree. (GC 615.)

Part III – Strategy for Defeating Diaprax


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