
Segment 8 – Daniel 11:36 – 12:13
The King of the North
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Daniel 11:40-43 (KJV) – Part II

“And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and pass over. He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.”

Interlaced commentary on Part II

“Gabriel said, “When the sixth trumpet sounds (Revelation 9:13-21), the devil will attack his adversaries by land, air, and with a great fleet of ships. He will invade and destroy many countries, and his forces will sweep through the nations like an irresistible and devastating flood. Lucifer’s angels will kill one-third of mankind. The devil will invade the homeland of Israel and many countries around will fall, but throughout the world, a remnant of people will remain faithful. Remember how some of your people escaped Nebuchadnezzar’s destruction by fleeing to the remote areas of Edom and Moab?  God will sustain His people in the same way during the end time. Like the leaders of Ammon, who protected your people when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem (Jeremiah 40:11,12), God will deliver His people from the devil’s hand. As the ruler of Earth, the devil will extend his power over many countries. Egypt, which represents Pharaoh’s opposition to God (the king of the south), will not escape Lucifer’s dominion. The devil will control all of the treasures of gold and silver. All of the riches of the world will be his. No person will be able to buy or sell unless he obeys the devil’s laws and submits to his beastly government.’”

Daniel 11:44-12:1 (KJV) – Part III

“But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many. And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him. And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one shall be found written in the book.”

Interlaced Commentary on Part III

“Gabriel said, ‘Near the end of the Great Tribulation, people throughout the Earth will hear peals of loudest thunder. At that time, Jesus will announce that the king of the north is to be destroyed. The devil will be alarmed when he hears this thunder because he will know that his rule has ended. In a rage, he will attempt to annihilate all of God’s people by setting up a universal death decree, but God’s people will be delivered.

The devil will establish a palace in Jerusalem. He will sit enthroned as though he were Almighty God. Jerusalem will serve as one of the palaces of Babylon, that great city that rules the nations of Earth. The devil will consolidate the world into one empire and he will have undisputed rule over the world for a short time. Yet, the devil will come to his end and no human being will be able to prevent these things from happening. When the devil implements the mark of the beast (a tattoo showing allegiance to Lucifer), he will take his seat on his throne to rule over Earth. He will claim to be lord of lords and king of kings. At that very moment Michael/Jesus, the great Prince of Heaven who protects His people, will arise from His seat at the right hand of God’s throne. Jesus will end His intercessory work on behalf of the human race. At that time, Jesus will send the seven last plagues upon His enemies. The distress and suffering caused by the plagues will be terrible. Never, since the history of humankind, has such suffering covered the face of the Earth. But your people – everyone whose name is found written in the Book of Life – will be delivered from death and these plagues.’”

Daniel 12:2-4 (KJV) – Part IV

“And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars fro ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

Interlaced Commentary on Part IV

“Gabriel said, ‘A few days before the Second Coming, Jesus will resurrect multitudes of martyrs who died during the fifth seal in a special resurrection. He also will resurrect those who crucified Jesus, so that they can see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of glory. Their shame and contempt will remain on them until Jesus destroys them at the Second Coming. On that glorious day, the 144,000 will be declared victorious. They will shine with the brightness of Heaven because they led many people to righteousness, and the 144,000 will be the “movie stars” in the new Earth. But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of this vision. This information is reserved for the time of the end. Many generations will try to understand these prophecies; they will go here and there to increase knowledge, but the Most High God has sealed this book until the final generation arrives.’”

Daniel 12:5-9 (KJV) – Part V

“Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood two, the one on the side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river. And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and ah half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.”

Interlaced Commentary on Part V

“Then I, Daniel, looked up and saw two glorious angels. One angel stood on this side of the river and the other stood on the opposite bank. One of the angels said to Jesus, the Man who was clothed in linen and was standing above the waters of the Tigris, ‘How long will it be before the astonishing events in these visions are fulfilled?’ Jesus lifted His right and left hand toward Heaven, and I heard him swear by the Most High God who lives forever, saying, “The gospel of salvation will be preached throughout the whole world during 1,260 days. When the power given to the 144,000 has come to an end, all these things will be completed.’ I heard these words, but I did not understand the meaning. So I asked, “Lord, what will be the outcome of all these events?’ He replied, ‘Do not worry about this Daniel, because the words of this prophecy are closed up and sealed until the final generation arrives. The righteous who lives during those days will understand this vision.’”

Daniel 12:10-13 (KJV) – Part VI

“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of thy days.”

Interlaced Commentary on Part VI

“Gabriel said, ‘God’s people must be refined, purified, and made spotless. The wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand these things, but at the appointed time of the end, the people who are wise in spiritual matters, the ones who are listening for my voice through the Spirit, will understand the importance of these things. Daniel, write the following things down because God’s people will need to know when the appointed time arrives. A time is coming when Jesus will end His intercession on behalf of the world. At that time, Jesus will cease from the daily work He has been doing on behalf of humanity ever since sin began. He will no longer stand between God’s wrath and a guilty world. When He steps aside, a great earthquake will shake the Earth. This event will mark the end of Christ’s corporate ministry in the Heavenly sanctuary. From the day that Christ’s daily intercession ceases until the devil establishes a universal death decree for God’s people, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed are the saints who patiently endure the Great Tribulation to reach the end of the 1,335 days.’ “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.” (Matthew 25:34) ‘As for you Daniel, go on with your business until the end of your life. Then, you will rest with your fathers in sleep. At the end of Earth’s days, you will be resurrected to receive your allotted inheritance. The Lord will surely reward you for your faithfulness.’”


Even though the information in Daniel is very important, the book of Daniel does not tell us everything we need to know about the end-time. This is why God gave John the vision recorded in Revelation. When the prophecies in the two books of Daniel and Revelation are properly related, the alignment of details and the harmony of facts are astounding!

The prophecy in Daniel 10-12 contains a warning message for those who will live during the Great Tribulation. Man’s great adversary is coming and will crush every religion and government. He will destroy hundreds of millions of people and will establish himself as Almighty God on Earth. He will do everything in his power to destroy the people of God. The Great Tribulation will last a maximum of 1,335 days, and the final abomination that causes desolation (a universal death decree upon God’s people) will occur on the 1,290th day. Fro 1,335 days, God’s people will be caught in the middle of a series of wars. Many of God’s people will perish. Christians need to know these facts now. Christians need to understand God’s plans; otherwise, the horrors of tomorrow could overpower our faith in God. Most Christians have no idea about the events that are coming. They are like the Jews living inside ancient Jerusalem. Vespesian’s departure did not mean an end to Rome’s hostilities against Jerusalem, as the Jews mistakenly presumed. It was merely a signal of a reprieve – a window of opportunity to escape. Christian believers who understood Jesus’ words knew what was coming next and fled the doomed city. In our day, people who understand Daniel’s words can know what is coming next and when the time becomes appropriate, they will flee from Babylon and separate themselves from this horrible system that will form. God wants His people to know His plans so they will not be overwhelmed with loss, disappointment and depression. Therefore, God had the book of Daniel written for our generation so that coming events will confirm our faith instead of destroying our faith. What a thoughtful and caring God.


Gabriel told Daniel that his visions were sealed up until the time of the end. (Daniel 12:4,9) Has the time of the end arrived? Has the book of Daniel been unsealed with the discovery of the four rules that govern the interpretation of apocalyptic prophecy? Time will soon tell. Now that the four rules of Daniel are known, and the books of Daniel and Revelation interlock into one comprehensive harmonious story, we better understand the plans of God. We have carefully examined the contents of Daniel and we now know several things that previous generations could not have known.


  1. We found in Daniel 2 that our current generation is living during the time period of the feet that are composed of iron and clay. When the Antichrist appears, he will gain control of the world and will appoint ten puppet kings to be responsible for administrative details. (Revelation 17:12) The toes of Daniel’s metal man represent these ten kings. (Daniel 2:42) During the days of the ten kings, Jesus will return to Earth and destroy all of the wicked. (Daniel 2:34,35) Daniel 2 indicates that the kingdom of God will not coexist with the kingdoms of sinful men.

  2. We found in Daniel 7 that Heaven’s court convened in 1798 and billions of angels were summoned to attend. Shortly after the court convened, Jesus began to review the books of record and decide the eternal fate of every person who has ever lived. We also found that the little horn power in Daniel 7 represents the Roman Catholic Church, and we know that the deadly wound inflicted on the church in 1798 will be healed on or about the time of the Great Tribulation.

  3. We found in Daniel 8 that Jesus began reviewing the books of record in 1844 – at the end of the 2,300 day/years mentioned in Daniel 8:14. We also found that the horn power coming from the north in Daniel 8 will be the Antichrist. He is the stern-faced king who will bring destruction upon the whole world. He will cause evil to prosper and will inflict astounding devastation on Earth. He will take away the daily from Jesus, man’s intercessor. Many of God’s people will perish because of his actions. From a human perspective, he will be invincible. The devil’s personation of Christ (a physical body) will be destroyed when Jesus arrives in clouds of glory.  Lucifer is not annihilated until he is destroyed at the end of the 1,000 years.

  4. We found in Daniel 9 that Jesus came to Earth and died on time – April 7, A.D. 30. God’s original plan (“Plan A”) to establish His kingdom on Earth at the end of the seventy weeks was not fulfilled because Israel rejected the Messiah. Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed in A.D. 70 as predicted.

  5. We found in Daniel 10-12 that Israel’s unbelief led to Jerusalem’s destruction by the Romans. Through Daniel, God warned early Christians to escape this destruction. In a similar manner, people who live during the Great Tribulation will be caught in the middle of a great war. Christians will be on Earth during the world’s destruction and God has included clues in the final prophecy of Daniel describing the actions, identity and objectives of the Antichrist. This vision tells us that the Great tribulation will last a maximum of 1,335 days, and the vision indicates there will be a universal death decree for the saints that occur on the 1,290th day of the Great Tribulation.

  6. We find in Daniel a prophetic architecture that conforms to four rules. This architecture is a framework that enables us to understand God’s plans in advance. God has hidden the knowledge of this framework for twenty-six centuries. Now this architecture has been discovered, the book of Revelation becomes an extension of the book of Daniel. The two books combine to form one comprehensive story. The book of Daniel provides the final generation with advanced information about God’s plans for terminating the sin problem. This is not a casual matter. Given what is coming upon earth, this knowledge is of greater value than anything the world can offer. The present Heaven and Earth will soon pass away, but God’s Word will never fail.

  7. The book of Daniel declares that God rules and overrules. God is eternal and God is sovereign. He manages the nations of Earth and He knows the hairs on each of our heads. This scope of knowledge is hard to comprehend. God deals with macro issues (the rise and fall of empires) and yet, He deals with His children on the micro level. He treats each one of us with the tenderest care. The book of Daniel demonstrates these things. Whether God is destroying one empire or delivering one man from a lion’s den, the message of Daniel is clear: God rules and overrules. The book of Daniel makes it clear that God overrules events on Earth from time to time so that He can produce the best possible outcome. He manages to do this even within the chaos and suffering that sin has caused without violating the will of men.


The book of Daniel has taught me a sublime lesson: If I surrender my will to God, to go, to be and to do according to all that He has commanded (go-be-do), I have a place within His plans. Whether His plans mandate life or death for me in a temporal sense does not matter, for with God, death is nothing. What really matters is that each of us finds our place within His plans. When Daniel went to the lion’s den, he did not know ahead of time what the outcome would be. Yet, he willingly went to the lion’s den because he knew he was within God’s plans. This is total trust in God. May God grant within each of us total trust and complete peace!

At the end of his vision, Gabriel told Daniel that he was going to die and that at the end of Earth’s history, he would live again. Daniel was told that he would “stand in his lot at the end of the days.” This phrase means that Daniel will serve in his appointed place in God’s kingdom when Jesus resurrects the saints at the Second Coming. Think about it. What greater honor is there than to serve in an appointed position throughout eternity? This outcome is possible if we live a life of faith in God. Daniel’s visions and experiences are evidences of this truth: God rules. The good news is that God uses His incredible powers, omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, not to insure His position on the throne of the universe, but to insure that the law of love is eternally exalted throughout His universe. No wonder He is called the King of Love, whose dwelling is on the sides of the north, and He will forever rule over His children with love. They will have peace and joy and endless happiness because “…. The government will be on His shoulders.” (Isaiah 9:6, insertion mine) 


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