
End-Time Events Part III

Conditioning to Accept New Age Christ’s

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Almost Everyone Rejected Christ on the Grounds of the Primacy of “the Church”

After Jesus preached this sermon on the Bread of Life, revealing that His kingdom was a mysterious, spiritual kingdom, the entire congregation of thousands of souls, left Him, to walk with Him no more. Only the disciples were left. The situation was so grave that Jesus even asked His disciples if they were going to leave also, and Peter responded, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.

Form Tough Conviction That Can Not Be Intimidated by Satan

We must give close attention to how we form our convictions, and the strength with which we maintain true conviction against all pressure. Multitudes have allowed their conviction-making faculties to be mauled by the devil. The pulse of conviction beats faintly and feebly, and is overwhelmed by the slightest attack of the enemy. We must be like “Great-heart” in Pilgrim’s Progress, with sturdy souls that cannot be intimidated by Satan or his agents. Our souls must learn to welcome the battle over conviction as one more opportunity to become battle-hardened veterans in the Lord’s spiritual army.

Psychological Conditioning to “Go With the Flow”

Those who allow themselves to be conditioned to “go with the flow” will end up going with the flow when the whole world goes after Satan when he manifests himself as Christ in the crowning act of the drama of deception. Just because the tide of humanity sweeps into eternal destruction, does not mean that the rest of the heavenly universe is doing so. Quite the contrary. Hence, the union with the transcendent, True Christ is of vital consequence. Christ, the True Christ, must be the Great Center, around Whom everything else revolves.

How Christ is Defined

How Christ is defined is of extreme importance. There is a depth revealed by the Holy Spirit in the unreachable riches of the true Christ, in the worship of a God Whose character is worthy of worship, that is so very wonderful, and powerful – an anchor to the soul.

It is not enough even to say that one must accept the true, Biblical Christ, for the Jews of Jesus’ day thought they knew who the Biblical Christ was, but it was totally different than the real, Biblical Christ. Likewise today, the New Age believes it knows who the Biblical Christ is, but it is a New Age Christ, and not the True Biblical Christ.

His Word Must Abide in Us

Unless one actually implements the teachings of the True Biblical Christ in the life, he will wind up with a false Christ. Unless, he forsakes all for Christ, unless he seeks the honor that comes from God only, he will have a false Christ. Unless he experiences the true holiness of true sanctification, with Christ as the undisputed Lord and Master of the soul, with the True Christ teaching His own mysteries to the soul personally, he will walk in darkness and confusion.

False Christs Abound

Truly, as the nation goes into apostasy, and is willing to believe good of all evil, the light of wisdom is being put out, and the seeds of national ruin are being sown as false christs abound all around us.

Robert Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral was having difficulty purveying his New Age orientation to the more traditional churches of America, so now his student, Pastor Rick Warren, has succeeded in presenting Schuller’s New Age concepts in his twenty-million dollar best-seller, The Purpose-Driven Life, though he carefully never mentions Schuller in the book. We are given to understand that even the Structure was hosted Rick Warren’s Forty Days of Purpose seminars in its churches across the nation.

Rome has big things planned ahead for what was once the most powerful Protestant nation on the face of the earth.

No More Lingering Protestantism in the Public Consciousness

Now there is no more lingering Protestantism in the public consciousness to hold back the whirlwind of demonic power that is coming. No more Protestantism, even in the churches, which now worship other christs.

It is the work of the Second Angel to separate all false christs from the One, True, Biblical Christ. It is the work of Biblical prophecy to warn about that power that deceives the whole world. Revelation 13:14. All false religion, all false prophets, all false teachings and concepts must be extirpated out of the soul if one is to live in a pure and holy heaven with Christ, the Father, the Holy Spirit, the angles, and the redeemed and unfallen beings who worship God only, and have no ties with Satan and his rebellion. The Truth will make you free.

Today, multitudes are being sucked into the worship of the New Age Christ through false concepts of “providence.”

“God Planned this Moment … No Accident”

“This book is dedicated to you. Before you were born, God planned this moment in your life. It is no accident that you are holding this book.” –form the dedication page of The Purpose-Driven Life, by Saddleback Pastor Rick Warren [over 20,000,000 copies sold]

Fatalism Mistaken for Providence

A failure of the Evangelical world to understand the Great Controversy in the setting of the Providence of God is leading ten of millions to board the lightening train of pantheistic spiritualism. For years I have been alarmed as I have seen the concept of “providence,” developed by the Evangelical world, enter the domain of Structurites and “historics” alike. The idea is, that if something happens a certain way, if there is an unusual chain of events or circumstance, if the path sees blocked, it must be the hand of Providence. There is an almost total lack of comprehension that Satan can also arrange circumstances, block a person, and make things happen.

Results of Fatalism

When in a remote nation in Africa, a missionary took me to an airport where a terrible crash had recently happened. Due to “political correctness”, new employees had been given the job of filling the fuel tanks of the airliners. A certain airliner had the wrong fuel put into the tanks.

The plane took off, but ran into trouble as it completely lost power as it sought to gain altitude. The pilot swung around 180 degrees in an attempt to land the plane. The plane crashed in the attempt and burst into flames. The pilot and engineer, jumped up, ran through the flames and jumped out of the back of the plane that had broken off, and were safe.

However, the passengers believed in fatalism, that whatever happened to them was God’s will. They remained in their seats, and were burned to death. Investigators who came aboard afterward saw the peaceful look of resignation on their charred faces. Such is the fatal consequence of a false understanding of providence.

The Purpose-Driven Life’s Inherent Pantheistic Orientation Appeals to a Generation Inured to a Culture of Pantheism

Over twenty million copies of The Purpose-Driven Life have now been sold. The pantheism inherent in this message appeals greatly to generations inured to the Pantheism of the Jesuit Pierre Teihard de Chardin, intellectual architect of the pantheism of the Jesuit Hippie Movement of the Sixties.

Warren Smith, Former New Age Lecturer, Declares That the King James Bible Delivered Him Out of the New Age

Warren Smith, M.S.W. [Master of Social Welfare], has written extensively on the subject of spiritual deception, and has been widely interviewed on radio and television. He once was involved in New Age, but one day a dear widow lady, after politely hearing him share his enthusiasm over the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles, smiled sweetly, did not say much, but offered him a large, blue King James Bible. Later, as he and his wife read that Bible, it sharply contrasted the gospel of Jesus Christ with the “New Age” gospel. It was instrumental in their conversion. He wrote, “If we had been dependent on The Message, or some of the other versions that Rick Warren uses, we might still be in the New Age today.  It was the clarity and precision of our King James Bible that had exposed the deception behind our New Age teachings. I just thank God that no one put something like The Message in my hands when I was in the New Age.” –Warren Smith, Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church. Magalia, CA: Mountain Stream Press, 2004, p. 40.

Warren Smith Writes “Deceived On Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church”

Warren Smith picked up The Purpose Driven Life, thinking it would be a quick read, but instead, from the opening lines was shocked to find New Age terminology rampant. One issue in the book led to another, until he felt called to write Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church.

Having been deeply involved in New Age, he picked up on things that the average person would not notice. Warren Smith came out of the New Age movement in 1984, and wrote a book about it in 1992, in which he warned about the “New Age Christ” who was deceiving the Church. More recently, in 2002, he has written another book, Reinventing Jesus Christ: The New Gospel.

Evangelicals, New Agers, and Witches Author Articles in “Form the Ashes: A Spiritual Response to the Attack on America”

Smith first became aware of Rick Warren author of The Purpose-Driven Life in a book published in response to 9-11, entitles From the Ashes: A Spiritual Response to the Attack on America. Articles in the book were , such as Neale Donald Walschauthored by Billy Graham, Bruce Wilkinson, Charles Colson, Max LucadoBill Hybels, Jerry Jenkins, Bishop T.D. Jakes and others, were alongside New Age leaders , the Dalai Lama and Starhawk the Witch. At this, Warren Smith did not know who pastor Rick Warren was.

New Age Leader Walsch challenges Rick Warren and All Christian Leaders to Preach the New Gospel That “We Are All One”

In From the Ashes New Age leader Walsch directly challenged Rick Warren, Billy Graham and every Christian leader in the book, in light of 9-11, to accept and preach the “new gospel” that “We are all one.”

“After erroneously claiming that the Bible supports the idea that ‘We are all one,’ Walsch wrote:

“We must change ourselves. We must change the beliefs upon which our behaviors are based. We must create a different reality build a new society…. We must preach a new gospel, its healing message summarized in two sentences:

“’We are all one.

“’Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way.’

“’This 15-word message, delivered from every lectern and pulpit, from every rostrum and platform, could change everything overnight. I challenge every priest, every minister, every rabbi and religious cleric to preach this.’” –Walsch quoted in Warren Smith, Deceived on Purpose, 15. [Bold emphasis ours].

New Age Seeks to Use 9-11 to Promote Pantheism

Thus, the New Age seeks to use 9-11 to promote inclusively based on Pantheism. Inclusively is the message being purveyed by the White House. This message of inclusively has already been advanced by Roman Catholicism in Peter Kreeft’s book, Ecumenical Jihad, where ecumenism in the culture war accepts every religion there is, from Islam to Confucism to Buddhism to Liberal Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, to join together to destroy the last vestiges of true Protestantism, which teaches that there is only One way of salvation.

Walsch’s “Conversations With God’s” Pantheism

Walsch’s best-selling conversations With God books define what Walsch is writing about:

“God is creation.” [Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God: an uncommon dialogue, Book 2 (Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1997), p. 1.]

“You are the Creator and the Created.” [Beliefnet Editors. From the Ashes: a Spiritual response to the Attack on America (USA: Rodale Inc., 2001), p. 21.]

“You are already a God. You simply do not know it.” [Walsch, op. cit., Book 1 (New York: G.P. Putman’s Sons, 1995,1996), p. 198.]

“You are One with everyone and everyone in the Universe – including God.” [Walsch, op. cit., Book 3 (Charlottesville, Virginia: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1998), p. 350.]

“There is only One of Us. You and I are One.” –Walsch, op. cit., Book 1, p. 202, Quoted in Smith, 16.


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