
Perfectly Lost


“We know the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.”

–Romans 8:22, KJV


A Planet Possessed


   Take a deep breath. We are going to get one more penetrating and unsettling look at the demoniac’s deplorable situation before Jesus delivered him, because he is the perfect picture of the total spiritual bankruptcy:


   The possessed man moves among decomposing carcasses in the shadow of the surrounding hills, snorting the cries of the foul swine. His ripped and raw flesh drags remnants of mangled shackles and chains. Screaming and moaning, his snaring mouth foaming with saliva, he wanders aimlessly among the silhouettes of caves and tombs, his stinking, naked body followed by a cloud of flies. He continually stabs at his scarred limbs and flinty rocks, and his wild eyes glare menacingly from his dirty, matted hair.


   You’re probably thinking, “OK, Bob! Enough!” I realize this is a loathsome picture, but every component of the story, no matter how sickening, is very important. Each one tells us many crucial things about just how awful the conditions of sin can be, and thus how amazing the wonderful plan of salvation really is.


   Have you ever wondered about the contrast unfallen angels must see when they leave their pure, sinless glories of heaven to come to our dark, possessed planet? For them, this nameless, crazed man must represent exhibit “A” of what it means to be lost.


   This fallen, possessed child of Adam living in a cemetery, surrounded by swine, also represents our fallen, unclean world under the curse of death and enslaved by the devil and his legions of minions. Our planet is now the staging ground from which Satan continues his slanderous campaign against the Creator and His government-so much so that Jesus even calls Satan “the prince of this world” (John 14:30, KJV).


   Every aspect of this man’s desperate condition that Scripture presents can help you and me to appreciate more fully how heaven see the lost. Before we can understand this better and experience the healing God offers us, we must recognize and diagnose the symptoms.


“Who had his dwelling among the tombs….’

-Mark 5:3


Dwelling With the Dead


   I remember well the visit I made to the strangest cemetery on earth while exploring the northern parts of Cairo, Egypt. This cemetery is called the “City of the Dead.” The place hardly seems like a cemetery because it is teeming with life and activity.


      Over a span of centuries, the great Egyptian rulers of ages past built acres and acres of huge elaborate mausoleums and tombs. As tradition dictated, each of these burial places had its own “party room.” Around the fourteenth century, thousands of poor people seeking shelter began squatting in these tombs. Now, this area, classified as a suburb of Cairo, has its own ZIP code, post office, police station, shops, electricity, running water, and sewage system.


   Peering into the tombs, I could see how these people conduct their everyday lives sleeping, cooking, and eating. I was impressed with how they have made use of the smaller gravestones, turning them as needed into washing lines and tables. And all through the area are stone coffins filled with human remains-right in the middle of the current inhabitants’ living space.


   Archaeologists say that some of the tombs around Gadara, where our story takes place, were cut out of the steep mountainside, creating deep caves. The demoniac might have used one of these cavernous tombs for shelter after he had been driven out off town due to his deranged mind. And just as the unsaved live in constant fear of death, this poor man was daily surrounded with reminders of his bleak future.


   The Bible teaches that there are only two classes of people in the world: the living and the dead. You might think this is an obvious statement, but according to God’s Word, not all of the living are alive and not all of the dead are really dead.


    Let me explain. Those living lives without Christ are spiritually dead. Jesus said, “’He who has the Son has life, he who does not have the Son of God does not have life’” (1 John 5:12). On another occasion, He said, “’Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God’” (Luke 9:60).


   Practically speaking, this means that all those who have not had their sins forgiven are living under the death penalty. Yet, when they accept Christ’s forgiveness, they pass from death to life. “You He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1).


   Conversely, when a Christian dies, he or she doesn’t really die-at least not the eternal death. When Lazarus perished, Jesus explained, “‘Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up’” (John 11:11). Jesus also proclaimed, “’Have you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying, “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?” God is not the God of the dead, but of the living’” (Matthew 22: 31,32). Acts 7:60 affirms this truth, saying that when Stephen was murdered by stoning, “he fell asleep.” Those who die in a saved condition, in Christ, are not eternally dead; they are simply resting until the resurrection. 


Comfortable With a Corpse


   I once read about a lady who died. That happens every day, of course; but in this case, two months passed before anyone knew about it. Her neighbors started noticing that he porch was full of mail and newspapers, and they realized that they had not seen her in a while. They summoned the police, who broke down the door and found her dead. They found her husband in her bedroom. He was dead too-and the medical examiner estimated that he had been dead for at least four years! His body was virtually mummified because his wife had kept the heat turned up to about ninety degrees. She had never reported his demise-evidently; she was willing to live with the corpse so that she could continue collecting his Social Security checks!


   The Bible tells us about the battle that rages between the spirit and the flesh. Millions of people want to serve God, but their carnal natures-the lust of the flesh and the pride of life-seem to chain them to their toxic lives. It is like living with a dead person. In fact, in Romans 7:24, Paul asks a penetrating question that uses this image in echoing the pleading of our hearts: “O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?”


   It is very probable that the apostle was referring to a frightening ancient Roman practice reserved for the most wicked criminals. Commentator Adam Clark writes, “After being scourged, the wounded prisoner would be chained to a dead body and obliged to carry it about till the contagion from the putrid mass took away his life!” An old English poem describes it this way:


What tongue can such barbarities record,

Or count the slaughters of his ruthless sword?

‘Twas not enough the good, the guiltless bled,

Still worse, he bound the living to the dead:

These, limb to limb, and face to face, he joined;

O! monstrous crime, of unexampled kind!

Till choked with stench, the lingering wretches lay,

And, in the loathed embraces, died away!



   With that disturbing picture in mind, can you imagine the relief and freedom the condemned one might experience if the corpse that he has been dragging around for days were cut away? Well, this is what the Lord does for us when we come to him with our weak, burdensome, carnal natures.


   For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death…that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit….For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace (Romans 8:2,4,6).


Dumpster Diving


   You might be wondering how anyone could become comfortable with living surrounded by dead bodies. How could the demoniac live among the dead, like the people who inhabit the City of the Dead and the lady who lived for four years alongside the corpse of her husband? It might be hard to imagine, but I know it is possible, because I’ve known different people that are experienced becoming comfortable around some very disturbing things. For instance, there was a man about sixteen years old that lived on the streets in Southern California for a few months. During that time, he had some friends who “shopped” for food in supermarket dumpsters with the same delight that other people have exploring a buffet. They called it ”dumpster diving.”


   This one man in particular who had been raised in a clean, middle-class home, was at first revolted by the disgusting habit his street friends had of fishing around for food in sticking, grocery-store garbage containers. However, the longer he hung around them, the less offensive dumpster diving became. Gradually, he drew closer to the dumpster-of course, only in an advisory role! While holding his nose, he would point out dented cans or day-old bread still in its wrapper. Eventually, he began to reach over the edge to inspect ripe bananas. And then-you guessed it! -before long he was crawling into the dumpster and rooting around for “treasure.” He had become intimately comfortable with garbage.


   This same degrading dynamic also erodes the spiritual health of many souls. The devil knows that through constant exposure to sin-through things like morally questionable movies, magazines, and music-he can soften our convictions regarding the deadly evil of sin. It might have taken months for the lady to become comfortable with her dead husband, but the checks that kept coming made it palatable. If we tolerate sin despite finding it offensive, we will eventually endure it until we full embrace it.


   In order for us to repent genuinely, we must recognize and appreciate the evil of sin. “Sin, that it might appear sin, was producing death in me through what is good, so that sin through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful” (Romans 7:13).


“He wore no clothes.” –Luke 8:27


The Naked Truth


   Most of us never feel much gratitude for our clothing, but some people actually owe their lives to what they wear! For instance, to survive in the extreme temperatures and vacuum of space, astronauts need special spacesuits. These thick outfits supply oxygen, maintain pressure, keep body temperature controlled, and monitor blood pressure and heart rhythm.


   When Neil Armstrong sealed his place in history as the first man to walk on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission, his suit was specially designed to provide a life-sustaining environment during periods of extravehicular activity and unpressurized spacecraft operations. The custom-fitted suit permitted comfort for up to 115 hours outside the spacecraft or for 14 days in an unpressurized mode. 


   Astronauts must put an enormous amount of trust in their spacesuits. One described the eerie feeling he got when he realized that while outside the space capsule, just one-quarter in of material lay between him and eternity. Now that important clothing!


   Back in Gadara, however, the frost of winter mornings made the demoniacs naked frame shiver. And through the scorching summer, his leathery skin would burn. But neither heat of cold nor even shame would lead him to cover his naked limbs.


   When it comes to clothing, human beings differ from every other creature. All the other creatures in God’s kingdom are “born with their clothes on,” so to speak. The covering they need grows from the inside out. Some animals even shed their old clothes periodically and develop new ones. Human beings are the only creatures whose clothes must come from the outside.


   The Bible tells us that Adam and Eve first wore artificial clothing after they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:7 (KJV) says, “The eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”


   Our first parents had the sense and modesty to recognize when they were naked and to seek a remedy. Not everybody feels that natural yearning to be covered.


    There once was this young man about seventeen, he lived as a hermit in a mountain cave above Palm Springs. During that time, He never wore clothes while in the vicinity of his mountain “home.” At first, he was painfully aware that something was missing, but after going naked for several weeks, he rarely thought about it. Like dumpster diving, you can get used to almost anything if you do it long enough. 


   Once or twice a week, he would hike down to the city to panhandle for money in front of the local supermarket. He always carried his clothes in a little bundle at the bottom of the backpack. When he approached the outskirts of civilization, he would stop and dress before venturing into the city limits.


   On one occasion, he felt particularly enthusiastic about going to town because he had some money and an exciting list of small things to purchase. When he reached the top of the ridge, he felt exhilarated! It was a spring morning in the desert, the sun was just rising, and everything was glowing with a brazen, beautiful color-all the hills, the cactus, and even his skin looked golden.


   Playing his flute, he be bopped down the mountain and walked right past the big rock where he usually stopped to put on his clothes. Still enthralled, he didn’t notice that he was venturing into the city limits wearing nothing but a backpack, some hiking boots, an a friendly smile.


   As he came around the bend in the trail screened by a large bush, he saw a nicely dressed family-a father, mother, and two daughters taking a Sunday stroll and enjoying the dessert flowers. This young man felt so good that he even offered them a wave and a grin.


   They all froze!

   As shock ripped through the family, the mother closed her eyes and hid her face against the father’s chest, the two girls each grabbed one of their father’s legs and turned away, and even the father closed his eyes!


   He instinctively assumed that some terrifying hideous monster was looming behind him, and he snapped around. But he could not see anything. He wondered, what did they see that made them react with such horror? Then it dawned on this young man. They were looking at him-and he was naked! Overwhelmed with shame, he slipped behind the closest bush and quickly dressed.


   What had happened to him? He felt perfectly fine the moment before he saw this family. They had not touched him, and they said nothing to him. Yet, after that encounter, he felt awful. What made the difference? He saw himself through their eyes, and he saw that he was naked.


   All of us would rather be much healthier if we would get a fresh look at ourselves through God’s eyes. We might discover that we are naked too! The Bible says that one of the most serious problems His own people face in the last days is that they are naked. Actually, the problem is not just that they’re naked, but that they’re naked and don’t know it. God says, “[You] do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17).

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