Biblical Reason No 6
Sanctuary Services
Parallel Temples
Sanctuary services
in the earthly temple give us a
shadow of the services that take
place in heavens temple. We see these
services being performed throughout
the book of Revelation. It was very
important to know why God insisted
Moses make the temple according to a
(Hebrews 8:1-2)
The point of what we are saying
is this: We do have such a high
priest, who sat down at the right
hand of the throne of the Majesty in
heaven, and who serves in the
sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up
by the Lord, not by man.
The above text
indicates that Jesus serves in the true
tabernacle that is located in Heaven.
The author of Hebrews used the word
true tabernacle to
contrast the sanctuary in Heaven with
the pseudo tabernacle
that Moses erected on Earth. (Hebrews
8:5) Did you know that certain
processes or ceremonies in the
heavenly tabernacle have direct
parallels with the earthly
tabernacle? I like to describe these
parallels as the
Activity in the temples of Heaven and
Earth are linked together by law! For
example, did you know that more than
fourteen end-time events are
synchronized with special ceremonies
in Heavens temple? The books of
Daniel and Revelation are based on
ceremonies in Heavens temple;
therefore, it helps to understand the
ceremonies in Heavens temple to
correctly understand Bible prophecy.
The only way to properly understand
the ceremonies that take place in
Heavens temple is to examine
the services that were conducted as a
parallel on Earth. This is why Moses
was warned when he was about to build
the tabernacle: See to it
you make everything according to the
pattern shown you on the
mountain. (Hebrews 8:5)
Notice how many times
in the book of Revelation, that
temple language is used: Revelation
1:12, 2:1, 4:1, 4:2, 4:4, 4:6, 5:2,
5:5, 6:9, 8:2, 8:4, 9:13, 11:2,
11:19, 14:15, 15:2, 15:5, 15:6, 15:8,
16:1, 167, 16:17, 19:5. It is
extremely important to know these
events and what they represent.
The Feasts that are
included in the temple services and
are shadows of things to
(2 Colossians
2:17). Notice the end-time parallels.
1. First
Passover Gods people
were miraculously delivered from
End-time Parallel
(ETP) Gods people will
be sealed and then physically
delivered from the bondage of
2. First
Passover Everyone in Egypt was
notified that the firstborn (man or
beast) had been placed under the
curse of death. This announcement
produced two groups of people:
believers and unbelievers. The
believers put blood on their
inhabitants of the world will be
notified they are under a curse of
death. There will be two groups of
people: believers and unbelievers.
The believers accept Christs
atonement and will obey the message
that the 144,000 will proclaim.
3. First
Passover God kept His covenant
with Abraham and took Abrahams
descendants to the Promised
ETP Jesus will
keep His promise and return to Earth
at the appointed time. He will take
the saints to the Promised
Land, that is, the Earth made
4. First
Passover There was a Sabbath
rest test in Egypt and persecution
before the Exodus.
ETP There will
be a Sabbath rest test and
persecution for the inhabitants of
Earth before the great Exodus of the
saints at the Second Coming.
5. First
Passover God passed
over every house in Egypt and
He checked the door posts of every
house to see who believed His word.
ETP God will
pass over every human
being and save each person who
believes His word.
6. First
Passover - God sent ten plagues upon
a defiant Egypt.
ETP God will
send 14 plagues upon a defiant Earth
during the Great Tribulation (seven
first plagues called seven trumpets
and seven last plagues called seven
7. First
Passover God destroyed Pharaoh
and his army with water.
ETP God will
destroy the Antichrist and his armies
with fire.
The Passover is an
end-time parallel of Gods
judgment of man. The judgment of
mankind is a topic of utmost
importance and yet, few people know
anything about it.
Reason number 6
leaves us with Conclusion
number 6:
Jesus is now serving
as our high priest in the heavenly
sanctuary. The spring feasts have all
been fulfilled as shadows
of things that have already happened.
The fall feasts have yet to be
fulfilled, the next being the feast
of trumpets which will serve the same
purpose as the temple, resounding the
soon coming of the Day of Atonement
to get right with God before
Jesus return. Because the feast
of trumpets begin in the fall of the
year, we can safely conclude the
trumpets will sound in the fall.
. Is this the 6,000th
autumn? Next autumn? The window
is closing rapidly.