

King James Affirms That God is In Believers

The King James Bible reads, as Paul is writing to the believers in Ephesus: “One God and Father of all, Who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” Ephesians 4:6. Paul is not saying that God is in unbelievers, but that he is in believers.

The Message Bible Teaches Pantheism in Ephesians 4:6

The Message Bible has a most interesting rendering of this verse:

“You have one master, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who rules over all, works through all, and is present in all. Everything you are and think and do is permeated with Oneness.” Ephesians 4:6, The Message. (Emphasis mine)

Looking at how Eugene Peterson rendered this verse is most interesting. It is not a faithful rendering of the Greek manuscripts of the Byzantine Empire, which underlie the King James Bible, for it reads that God “is present in all” leaving out ‘you,” in Greek. Thus, Paul’s critical defining word that God is in the believers that he is writing is left out. Furthermore, Peterson adds an entire sentence teaching the pantheistic concept of “Oneness.”

New Age Versions Follow the Alexandrian Text

The radical New Age Versions do not follow the Greek text of Erasmus, which is the basis of the King James Version New Testament. Instead, they follow the Alexandrian text – the text advanced by the Mary worshipping Westcott and Hort in the 1880s, at the end of the 50-year period of Jesuit infiltration of England in the Oxford Movement. The Alexandrian text comes from the area of the world which started Sunday worship, and which was the home of Origin, who laid the foundation for medieval darkness with his allegorical method of bible interpretation. The Alexandrian text leaves out the critical “you” in Ephesians 4:6.

The Message Bible Makes Clear Its Pantheism By Adding Pantheism Material Not in the Text

Having left out the defining “you” and leaving it that God “is present in all,” Peterson proceeds to give the unmistakable meaning that he intends, writing in words in his version that are not in the text:

“Everything you are and think and do is permeated with Oneness.”
And “Oneness” is capitalized. “Oneness is the New Age “inextricably linked to the understanding that God is “in” everything,” a fundamental tenet of pantheism.

The New Age False Christ Declares, “My Name is Oneness”

Maitreya, the New Age false Christ, declares, “My name is Oneness.” The concept of Oneness, the One, the All, is the fundamental to New Age and the Eastern Religions.

Pantheism Eliminates the Everlasting Gospel

Jung taught this pantheism. If God is in everything, regardless of their state of conversion, everything they do is God doing it-hard rock, immortality, whatever, and the entire great controversy concept is gone, and the need for the everlasting gospel is gone, for God is already in everyone and everything.

Jungian Psychology Prepared The Way for Acceptance of Pantheism

Jungian psychology prepared the way for the acceptance in the Western world of pantheism. Today, from Schuller to Rick Warren, from the New Century Version to The Message, pantheism and New Age are promoted and taught. The New Age Jesuit-crafted Hippie Movement introduced this pantheism, wedded with Marxism, created by the Jesuit Teihard de Chardin, to the generation of the sixties and each succeeding generation.

Even people who would not dream of being an outright hippie, climb on board the lightening train of pantheistic spiritualism as their churches inculcate elements of the pantheistic message, from Willow Creek to the Crystal Cathedral to the Purpose-Driven Life book and seminars, and even political correctness and dialectical praxis amongst some “historics.” It all comes from the same root.

One cannot graft Christ onto a substratum of Jungian psychology, or a theology built upon Jung’s psychology, or New Age pastors of New Age versions of the Bible, or Liberation Theology political correctness issues for church congregations, for Jesus said that there must be new wineskins to hold the new wine. There is no fellowship between light and darkness, between good and evil.

What Happened in Germany With Jung’s Aryan Christ

Those who place the teachings, premises, and orientation of Carl Jung’s psychology, whether consciously or unconsciously, above the teachings of the Biblical Christ of Carl Jung. Jung’s Aryan Christ took powerful hold on Germany – Nazi Germany. All of religion was changed with Reichsteologie and the Aryan Christ.

America’s Foremost Theologian Uses Jung

Today, Jung has made his way powerfully into religion around the world, through many mediums, including the medium of the foremost American theologian, Paul Tillich, who asked the questions of the “collective consciousness” of our culture of the Bible, thus framing the Bible ultimately in the orientation of the Aryan Christ. Tillich’s theology under girds the Saddleback theology of Pastor Rick Warren of the Saddleback Church, whose The Purpose-Driven Life has sold way over twenty million copies.

To give just an example of Tillich’s involvement with Jung, consider the following: “Tillich, in continuity with Jung, stresses the participatory and integrative function of symbols.” –Anthony C. Thiselton, New Horizons in Hermeneutics: The Theory and Practice of Transforming Biblical Reading. Zondervan, 1992, p. 576. “Paul Tillich takes up this Jungian approach and develops it not only for his systematic theology, but also for his exposition of the principle of correlation which shapes his hermeneutics and his pastoral theology.” – Thiselton, 577. “Symbols provide material for healing and integrative mediation in the tradition of lectio divina or spiritual reading.” – Thiselton, 577.

Translating Biblical Modes of Thought Into Pantheistic Marxist Modes of Thought  

Walter Brueggemann warns, “There can be no translation of this [Scriptural] grammar, dialect, or cadence into alien modes. As Rudolf Bultmann and Paul Tillich, for example, have proposed.” – Brueggemann, Theology of the Old Testament, p. 79. Translating the modes of thought from the Biblical modes of today’s pantheism -Marxist modes of thought is unthinkable, but this is what happened with not only Tillich, but with The Message Bible, the most used Bible at Saddleback and sold at ABCs and Structure University bookstores.

Rick Warren: Imitating Schuller

Rich Warren was a graduate of the Schuller Institute and…he also taught there. Knowing this helped me to understand the heavy Schuller influence I was discovering in The Purpose-Driven Life.” – Warren Smith, 80.

Rick Warren’s wife, Kay, declared of Schuller,” ‘He had a profound influence on Rick,’ Kay says, ‘we were captivated by his positive appeal to nonbelievers. I never looked back.’” – Tim Stafford, ‘A Regular Purpose-Driven Guy,’ Christianity Today, November 18, 2002, Vol, 46, No. 12, (https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2992/912/1.42.html), p. 4.

Building a Mega-Church in Schuller’s Shadow

Rick Warren started “his church in close proximity to Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral. It was there that he started the process of building his own mega-church by directly implementing the principles and techniques he had learned from Schuller. Stafford [writing in Christianity Today] explained:

“’Imitating Schuller, Warren walked the then unincorporated but fast-growing) town of Lake Forest, asking what kept people from going to church.’ [Tim Stafford, Christianity Today, ibid.,5]

Vision-Casting Dream Statements

“The young pastor, continuing to follow the Schuller prescription for church success, publicly declared the ‘vision’ he had for his church. In his very first Saddleback sermon, on March 30, 1980, he used the Schuller concept of presenting his vision in a series of ‘dream’ statements…

“While everyone else was seeming to sense the presence of God in almost everything Rick Warren was doing, I kept sensing the presence of Robert Schuller.” – Warren Smith, 104.

Rick Warren Appears to Be “Mentally Soaked” by Schuller

Page after page, Warren Smith shows the parallels between Robert Schuller’s thinking and writing, and Rick Warren. Smith declares, “Rick Warren certainly seems to be another example of a pastor who has been “mentally soaked’ by Schuller’s teachings. Schuller has obviously had a ‘profound’ influence on Rick Warren. Most people will probably never know how profound.

A “Change Agent” Mainstreaming Schuller’s Teachings Into the “Bible-Based” Wing of the Church

“As a self-proclaimed “change agent,” [Rick Warren, Purpose-Driven Church, 20] it seemed that one of Rick Warren’s unstated purposes was to mainstream Robert Schuller’s teachings into the more traditional ‘Bible-based’ wing of the Church…Rick Warren’s ‘magic’ seems to be able to make the teachings of Robert Schuller palatable to believers who would otherwise never accepted these same teachings had they come directly from Schuller himself.” Warren Smith, 113.

Evangelicals and New Agers Together: Reinventing the Gospel: Introducing the New Age Christ as a “Dreamer”

“The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism…” GC 588

“I have heard what the prophets said, that prophecy lies in My name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? Yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart; Which think to cause my people to forget My name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor…” Jeremiah 23: 25-27.

Rick Warren never uses Schuller’s name in his The Purpose-Driven Life. Neither does Bruce Wilkinson, another extremely popular Christian writer who is promoting Schuller’s concepts. Schuller’s son welcomed Bruce Wilkinson to the pulpit of the Crystal Cathedral, October 26, 2003.

Using Dreams to Introduce Pantheism

That same day Wilkinson spoke at Rick Warren’s saddleback church. Wilkinson would give the message of pantheism cloaked in the garb of the Dream. Dreams, the unconscious, and the collective unconscious, tying all minds together through the collective “Big Dream” would be language that would be understood and welcomed by a people soaked in Jungian pantheistic psychology and would make them comfortable, introducing them into the new spirituality of New Age Evangelicalism.

Wilkinson’s message was based on his book, The Dream Giver, described by Rick Warren as an ‘unbelievable book.’ The burden of the message was that everyone has a Dream in his heart, a ‘personal Dream,” something that needs to be resurrected across the world, this Dream is their “destiny.” God has put this Dream in their heart. They need to “find out what their Dream is.” Each person’s Dream is connected to everyone else’s Dream because it is really “God’s Dream.” If everyone does not, “do” their “Dream” it can negatively impact future “generations” afterwards. “Each person must look to the dream that is in their heart, see it as ‘God’s dream,’ submit the Dream to God and then ‘commit to the Dream.’” –Warren Smith commenting on Wilkinson’s Saddleback message, Deceived on Purpose, 123.

The New Age Evangelical Reinvention of the Cross to Fit the Gospel of Self-Esteem

Commenting on Wilkinson’s talk at Saddleback, Warren Smith writes, “The term ‘God’s Dream’ cannot be found in the Bible. However, it is a term that I would later discover Robert Schuller has been using for many years. In his 1982 Book, Self-Esteem: The New Reformation, Robert Schuller wrote:

“ ‘And follow me’? What does that mean? It means daring to dream a great dream! [Self-Esteem. P. 119]…

“ ‘Tremendous human energy is needed to walk God’s walk, work God’s work, fulfill God’s will, and complete his dream for our self-esteem.’ [Self-Esteem, 112] (Emphasis added)’ quoted in Warren Smith, 125, 126.

The New Age Christ offered here means that the person determines his own dream, and calls that the “cross” – the New Age Christ’s dream for our self-esteem.” The people, and the Prince of Power of the Air whom he surrenders to in this pantheistic “Dream,” determine the gospel of “self-esteem.”

Schuller A Featured Speaker At the 2004 Annual Convention of National Association of Evangelicals

Things were now moving fast. New Agers, evangelicals, Rick Warren, and Bruce Wilkinson were all alike praising or using Schuller. Schuller was a featured speaker at the 2004 annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals, where he called for a “new reformation” and told everyone that Self-Esteem: The New Reformation was the best book he had ever written.

At the Same Time New Age Using the Term “God’s Dream” To Push “Oneness”

At the same time “Wayne Dyer and other New Age leaders were also using term ‘God’s Dream’ and referring to this dream process to push the idea of Oneness. In his book You’ll See It When You Believe It, and in the chapter entitled “oneness,’ Dyer wrote:

“ ‘Who is the ultimate dreamer? Call it, as you will: God, higher consciousness, Krishna, spirit, whatever you pleases you…

“ ‘One dream, one dreamer, billions of embodied characters acting out that one dream…Your true essence is that you are part and parcel of the one big dream.’ [Dyer, p. 96]

“ ‘This is the quintessential message that is available for all of the spiritual masters. The way to glimpse it is through the mystical world that you are able to create for yourself and live out in your dreaming body. You, the dreamer…God, the dreamer.’ [Dyer, 97] (Emphasis mine)

“I assure you that when you truly know that there is only one dream and that you are connected to everyone in that dream, you begin to think and act as if you are connected to it all, rather than attached to your separateness,” [Dyer, 98].” Quoted in Warren Smith, 127.

The agreement between New Age and Evangelicals is shocking. Furthermore, out of this parallel, and from the more forthright speech of the New Agers, we may begin to see more here about what the concept of creating a “purpose-driven life” might entail. Dyer reveals that “the way to glimpse it is through the mystical world that you are able to create for yourself and live out in your dreaming body. You, the dreamer…God, the dreamer.”

This is exactly the impression that I had from the very beginning of my research about the very concept of “the purpose-driven life” – which it consisted of a self-created world instead of a world of submission in discipleship and repentance to the Biblical Christ. However, here we see that there is more to it than a self-created world. It is a world created by the New Age Christ for the “dreamer” of the New Age Christ’s Dream.


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