
Prophecy 14

The Second Coming –
Revelation 18:1 – 19:10

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The Beginning of the Sixth Trumpet (1,039th day*)
Ending Point in Time:
 End of Sixth Bowl (1,324th day*)

* Note: The dates above and asterisked on the following pages are not absolute. They are derived from a mathematical matrix that involves several timing factors. For example, when considering the 1,260 days allotted to the Two Witnesses, the resurrection of the Two Witnesses after 3.5 days,[1] the 1,290 and 1,335 days mentioned in Daniel 12, and the forty-two months in Revelation 13:5, there is very little room for data manipulation. Even so, let me say again, these dates are not absolute. Ultimately, these messages will be obvious to everyone on Earth when they occur.


This prophecy contains a message which the 144,000 will deliver to the world during the sixth trumpet.  I calculate the beginning of the sixth trumpet as follows.  If the fifth trumpet sounds and the devil is released from the Abyss on the 891st day (two-thirds of the way through the Great Tribulation) and the fifth trumpet torment lasts for 148 days (five lunar months), the sixth trumpet would begin on the 1,039th day of the Great Tribulation (891 + 148 = 1,039).  Next, if 1,039 days are subtracted from the 1,260 days granted to the Two Witnesses, the sixth trumpet will last 221 days (1260 – 1039 = 221 days or a little more than seven months).  During the sixth trumpet, the 144,000 will proclaim the message described in this prophecy.  When the wicked people consider this message in the environment of Lucifer’s atrocities, a few of them will reconsider their evil ways.  They will refuse to receive the mark of the beast, repent of their sins, come out of Babylon, and be saved.  I believe most, if not all, of the 144,000 will die while delivering this message because of its inflammatory nature.  When properly understood, this prophecy reveals a depth of divine love and compassion that is incalculable.

Introduction:  The 144,000 will present four distinct messages during the Great Tribulation.  Prophecy 12 contains the first three messages and this prophecy contains the fourth and final message.   Lucifer will set up a counterfeit theocracy during the sixth trumpet and this message will be Jesus’ final call to a rebellious planet.  Remember,  when the sixth trumpet begins, Lucifer will abruptly change character.  Overnight, he will terminate his benevolent and gracious mask and become the cruel dictator that he really is.  His forces will kill 1.75 billion people (a third of mankind)[2] under the pretense of divine authority, eliminating those who oppose the establishment of his one world church state (theocracy).  To appreciate the fourth message, we need to briefly review the first three messages:

First Message – Day One:  When the censer is cast down and the Great Tribulation begins, the first message (containing the eternal gospel) will be given throughout the world.  The 144,000 will suddenly begin proclaiming their first message to the inhabitants of Earth and it will be an outright demand.  They will say:  “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment [that is, the time for judging the living] has come.  Worship him [the Creator] who made the Heavens, the Earth, the sea and the springs of water.”[3]

Second Message – Day 64*:  The 144,000 will add a second message when religious and political leaders of the world assemble to find a solution to God’s wrath.  When Babylon forms and begins to function with authority, world leaders will insist that God’s retribution has impacted Earth because “all have sinned” and offended Almighty God with decadent behavior.  The leaders of Babylon will assert that everyone must worship God and live righteously. “This endeavor,” they reason, “will show The Almighty our corporate sorrow and His destructive wrath will cease.”

The 144,000 will counter Babylon’s leaders with this inflammatory declaration in the second message:  “Fallen! Fallen [false] is Babylon the Great, which made all the nations drink the maddening wine [logic] of her adulteries.”[4] The 144,000 will maintain that Babylon’s presupposition, that God’s wrath can be appeased, is false.  Therefore, the 144,000 will declare that Babylon’s demands, worship and repentance, are blasphemous.  Of course, worship and repentance are not blasphemous when a sinner is motivated by sorrow for his sin, but the irony in all this will be profound at this time in Earth’s history.  Babylon will be demanding worship and repentance and so will the 144,000, but the underlying motives between these two groups will be worlds apart.

The phrase, “the maddening wine of her adulteries” indicates two ideas.  First, the leaders of Babylon will unknowingly “drink” many religious lies that will have a numbing effect.  The term, maddening wine, is an ancient expression for bad wine that causes otherwise fine people to lose their minds and “go mad.”  Babylon will produce some “bad wine” and she will make all nations go mad (become incoherent) because they believe its lies.  The result will be universal adultery between church and state.  The union of church and state is an adulterous affair because Jesus is the head of His church.  Until Jesus is the head of Earth’s government, any union of church and state is an adulterous union because power corrupts.  Man’s fallen nature will not allow him to love God and others as himself.  Leaders always abuse their power when church and state are united.  History has clearly proven that the church cannot be faithful to Jesus and simultaneously exercise civil authority.[5]  When the leaders of the world create Babylon, they do not anticipate the blasphemous behavior that Babylon will display.  Also, they will not know that Jesus will soon destroy Babylon (and its leaders).  Therefore, when the leaders of Babylon hear the second message, they will do their best to silence the 144,000.

Third Message – Day 891*:  The 144,000 will present their third message when Lucifer and his angels physically appear.  Speaking through His servants, Jesus will send this ultimatum throughout the world: “If anyone worships the [lamblike] beast [who masquerades as Almighty God] and [if anyone participates in] his image [theocracy] and receives his mark [tattoo] on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.  He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.”[6]

Fourth Message – Day 1039*:  The 144,000 will add a fourth message to their presentation when the sixth trumpet begins (day 1,039*).  The fourth message will come at a time when everyone on Earth is afraid for his life.  Lucifer’s forces will be in the process of killing a third of mankind and people will be standing in line to receive the mark of the beast on their right hand.  The fourth message contains a tender invitation as well as a solemn threat.  Jesus will speak through His servants and say, “Come out of her [the great whore, Lucifer’s theocracy] my people. . . . For her sins are piled up to Heaven, and God has remembered her crimes. [He will] Give back to her as she has given; [He will] pay her back double for what she has done.”[7]>

When the sixth trumpet begins, I believe Holy Spirit power will rest upon the 144,000 in an unusual way.  God’s prophets will glow with a radiant light just as Moses did when he came down from Mt. Sinai.[8]  This illumination will be so glorious that it will be difficult to look at the 144,000.  This manifestation of divine power will produce the highest possible credibility.  God’s prophets will proclaim a message of truth, grace, and mercy.  It seems incredible that even with this dramatic display of power, very few people will repent and be saved, but God’s love for sinners knows no bounds.  If I am correct and the 144,000 do shine with supernatural glory during the closing days of salvation’s offer, this could explain how the whole world is illumined by the splendor of the fourth angel.  I cannot think of a more effective way to announce to the world that where sin abounds, grace much more abounds![9]

During the sixth trumpet, Jesus will speak through His glorified servants in the clearest and tenderest of terms, “ ‘Fallen! [false and blasphemous] Fallen is [the harlot-theocracy of Lucifer,] Babylon the Great!  She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird [this language refers to the fact that vultures feed on dead flesh without any concern for whose flesh it might have been].  For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries [the whole world is intoxicated with the lies and glorious plans promoted by Lucifer]. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her [the kings of the Earth have immorally united with Lucifer’s whore, they have allowed her religious power to usurp their civil powers], and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries [the merchants are those people who went along with the whore for financial gain.  They are like vultures who feed on the poor and become fat and rich through extortion].’  Then I heard another voice from heaven say: ‘[Jesus Himself will speak to the whole world:] Come out of her, my people [though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow – if you will repent now of your rebellion.  Please come now, come out today], so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues.’ ”[10]

Obviously, the 144,000 will remain alive until the first four messages are delivered.  Everyone on Earth will “see and hear” the fourth message during the sixth trumpet.  However, the fourth message will be so inflammatory that most, if not all, of the 144,000 will be killed for delivering it.  When this occurs, Jesus will end His offer of grace and mercy for sinners.  At the end of 1,260 days, the ministry of the Two Witnesses will be completed.  Most, if not all of the 144,000 will be dead.  Jesus will wave His sickle over Earth[11] and the people who have the mark of the beast will be condemned to die the second death.  Six thousand years of redemption will end on the 1,260th day of the Great Tribulation.  Each person on Earth will have made an informed and final choice and Jesus will reward each person accordingly when He appears.[12]

The Sequence

Revelation 18:1

And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.{1} I saw a mighty angel come down from Heaven.  He spoke with great authority and the whole world heard his testimony.  The angel illuminated the Earth with his glory.

The fourth message presented by the 144,000 is represented as an angel messenger sent directly from God’s throne.  This message contains God’s final offer of redemption.  The fourth message will join with the previous three messages and together they will swell into the clearest and strongest statement of truth that God can present to mortals.  Jesus will speak through the 144,000.  He will declare the truth because what matters most to God is our response to truth.

The honest in heart always love truth.  The indwelling presence and peace of the Holy Spirit is more desirable to the honest in heart than any benefit stemming from compromise with evil.  When a person stands firm for the truth, the Holy Spirit confirms God’s will and the Bible assures him that he stands on solid ground.  When the Holy Spirit and the Word of God are allowed to do their divine work within an individual, that person is filled with peace.  To impress the wicked with the importance of this final offer of salvation, the 144,000 will radiate with the glory of God as did Moses when he came down from Mt. Sinai.[13]

Jesus knew that sinners could not provide an atonement for sin.  For no other reason than unfailing love, Jesus came to Earth and died a cruel death so that every sinner could be saved.   His goal during the Great Tribulation is to save as many sinners as possible.  He is not willing that one soul should perish.[14]  Conversely, Jesus offers no grace to a defiant sinner.  When a person defies the Holy Spirit, he defies the two laws of love.  He rejects the wisdom and authority of Almighty God.[15]  This is why defying the Holy Spirit is unpardonable.  The Bible leaves no question about God’s love for sinners, but unfortunately, many sinners do not want to love God or their neighbor.

Jesus will speak through the mouths of the 144,000.[16]  To make His words receptive, Jesus will also pour the Holy Spirit out on all flesh.[17]  The Holy Spirit will pound hard on the door to each heart enticing each person to surrender to God’s two laws of love.  God’s offer of redemption is extremely generous.  He has paid the price for our sins.  He is willing to remove our sinful nature[18] if we are willing to worship Him according to the demands of the eternal gospel.  Of course, obeying the eternal gospel will require faith.  The price of worship will be great.  Satan will see to it that Babylon’s decrees are in direct conflict with God’s laws.  The contest between competing laws will force everyone to make a choice and take a stand for or against the eternal gospel.

When the Two Witnesses complete their work (on the 1,260th day of the Great Tribulation), Jesus, our High Priest, can do nothing more to save one more soul.  Everyone will have firmly settled into their final decision.  Two distinct and separate groups of people will exist: Sheep and goats.  The sheep cannot change their ways for they have been sealed.  The goats cannot change their ways for they have committed the unpardonable sin.  The following benediction indicates that Jesus has done everything that can be done and now, He will honor each person’s choice: “Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy.”[19]


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