The Six Seals
Revelation 4:1-6:17
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A Short Summary of the Seven Seals
it is good to have a bird’s eye
view of a topic that is quite
involved. Therefore, a short summary
of my understanding of the seven
seals might be helpful before we
proceed. The first seal was broken in
1798. This seal is a campaign that
promotes salvation through faith in
Jesus Christ alone. This campaign is
controversial because it is in
conflict with all of the religions of
the world. In fact, millions of
Christians have been led to believe
that salvation comes through rituals,
sacraments, or church affiliation.
None of this is true. Salvation comes
through faith, obediently
surrendering our will (go-be-do) to
the will of Christ. The campaign
begun with the first seal will
continue until the time when the
seventh trumpet is about to sound.
The second seal was broken in 1800.
This seal concerns the translation,
publication, and distribution of the
Bible – the only book on Earth
that speaks authoritatively for God.
This campaign will become very
controversial during the Great
Tribulation because Bible truth is
opposed to the desires of the carnal
nature. The third seal was broken in
1844. This seal reveals the concept
of a pre-advent judgment. Jesus began
judging the dead in 1844 and He will
judge the living during the Great
Tribulation. This campaign has been
controversial, in part, because it
rejects the idea that a person is
judged at death and sent immediately
to Heaven or hell. The fourth seal
will be a campaign that reveals the
sovereign authority of Jesus. This
campaign has not begun yet, but when
it does, a great controversy will
erupt as to what constitutes the will
of God. The breaking of the fourth
seal will mark the beginning of the
Great Tribulation. Billions of people
will learn after the fourth seal is
broken that everyone on Earth is
required to worship Jesus as Creator
and Redeemer. Of course, this will be
controversial. The fifth seal will be
a campaign that reveals the faith of
Jesus. There will be millions of
martyrs for Christ when the fifth
seal is broken. These martyrs will
demonstrate the peace and resolve
that only comes through faith in
Jesus. The sixth seal will be a
campaign revealing Christ’s
authority as Almighty God. When the
sixth seal is broken, Jesus will
appear in clouds of glory at the
Second Coming. He will return to
Earth to destroy the wicked and
rescue the righteous. Finally, the
seventh seal will be a campaign that
reveals the eternal deity of Jesus.
The whole universe will learn that
Jesus is equal to the Father in every
way. After Jesus destroys the wicked
and the Earth with fire, He will
create a new Heaven and a new Earth.
The saints will then watch as Jesus
humbles Himself again. Jesus will
return the power and authority which
the Father gave Him. Once again,
Jesus will become submissive to the
Father’s will. Jesus will do
this because of His great love for
the Father and His creation.
The seven
seals reveal Jesus:
- Seal
1: The salvation of Jesus
- Seal
2: The teachings of Jesus
- Seal
3: The judgment of Jesus
- Seal
4: The sovereign authority of
- Seal
5: The faith of Jesus
- Seal
6: The glory of Jesus
- Seal
7: The deity of Jesus
When Jesus is
revealed for all that He is at the
end of the 1,000 years, the universe
will see that the three members of
the Godhead are inseparably united.
They are submissive to each other.
They are one in purpose, plan, and
action and they love their children
with as much love as they love one
another. They are mirrors of each
other.[40] When
Jesus came to Earth at His First
Advent, most of the world was unaware
of His arrival. When Jesus comes to
Earth the second time, the result
will be much different. Every eye
will see Him.[41] The
whole world will know who He is. The
saints will rejoice and the wicked
will perish.
The First Seal – The Salvation
of Jesus
Revelation 6:1
And I saw
when the Lamb opened one of the
seals, and I heard, as it were the
noise of thunder, one of the four
beasts saying, Come and see.
{6:1} After
the songs of praise came to an end,
everyone was seated and silence fell
upon the throne room. A sovereign
Jesus sat beside the Father on the
throne.[42] I
watched closely as the Lamb broke
open the first seal.
The seven
seals represent a seven step process
that will, at the end of the 1,000
years, reveal everything about the
love and full identity of Jesus
Christ. The Father has ordained that
everyone in the universe should know
that Jesus Christ is Almighty God,
just like Himself. Jesus is made of
the same eternal substance as the
Father and He has the same powers and
prerogatives as the Father. Jesus is
a separate, distinct, co-eternal
member of the Godhead. Yet, Jesus was
willing to lay aside His powers and
prerogatives and surrender Himself to
the will of the Father in order to
save mankind. The humility of Jesus
is also seen in the Father. After
Jesus received the book sealed with
seven seals, the Father took “a
back seat.” The Father gave
Jesus sovereign authority so that the
drama of sin and the exoneration of
God’s government of love could
be brought to a successful
conclusion. Jesus still continues to
carry this enormous responsibility
The seven
seals can be compared to seven
political campaigns in the sense that
the purpose of a political campaign
is the exposure of a candidate with
his or her ideas on “the way
government should run.” The
purpose of the seven seals is a
seven-step exposure of Jesus as the
savior of sinners, Almighty God,
Prince of Peace, King of kings, and
Lord of lords.
– continued} After
Jesus broke the first seal, He spoke
for a few moments to the first living
creature that had a face which looked
like a lion. Then the first living
creature spoke to everyone seated in
the courtroom. His voice boomed with
great authority. It sounded like
thunder as he said, “Come and
see the assignment the Lamb has given
Revelation 6:2
shall he regard the God of his
fathers, nor the desire of women, nor
regard any god: for he shall magnify
himself above all.{2} As I watched,
the first living creature transformed
Himself into a rider on a white
horse. I was astonished until I
remembered that Zechariah also saw
the work of the Holy Spirit
represented by four horses.[43]
In his
vision, Zechariah saw white, red,
brown, and gray horses pulling
chariots. When Zechariah asked his
attending angel what the horses and
chariots represented, the angel said,
“These are the four spirits [the
four living creatures] of Heaven,
going out from standing in the
presence of the Lord of the whole
world.”[44] The
colors of the horses are associated
with a specific direction in
Zechariah’s vision. The white
horses went toward the west. The red
horses went toward the east. The
black horses went toward the north
and the dappled (gray) horses went
toward the south. When viewed in
their entirety, the color and
identity of the horses in
Zechariah’s vision and the
horses in John’s vision are
identical. The difference is that in
Zechariah’s day the horses were
pulling chariots. In John’s
vision there are no chariots. There
is only a rider on a horse. I believe
this indicates the Holy Spirit must
travel faster and farther, because
there is less time. In both visions
the four living creatures go
throughout the Earth toward the four
points of a compass.
After the
first living creature was transformed
into a rider on a horse, He left the
throne room in a hurry. He departed
on a mission that will not end until
the door to salvation is closed.[45]
The four
horsemen in Revelation
5 represent four campaigns which
the four living creatures (the Holy
Spirit) conduct. Each mission is
associated with one of the four faces
that John saw. Each campaign builds
upon the accomplishments of the
previous campaign and when the final
campaign is completed, the whole
world will not only know about Jesus,
but it will also know who Jesus
really is. Currently, even though
three seals have been initiated, most
of the world still does not
understand who Jesus is. When the
fourth seal is broken, progress will
abruptly improve. At that time, the
groundwork laid by the first three
campaigns will prove to be very
effective. Jesus will soon shatter
the religious paradigms of the world.
He will break the fourth seal and a
display of divine wrath will turn the
whole world upside down. (Note: The
first four trumpets in Revelation
8delineate these horrific events.
This topic is examined in Prophecy
8.) When God’s wrath is
unleashed on Earth, billions of
people will hear the message given by
God’s servants (the 144,000) and
thoughtfully consider a gospel that
is unlike anything ever heard!
Daniel 7:9-14 aligns
with Revelation 5. Daniel saw Jesus
exalted to the throne (in 1798) and
given sovereign power. John also saw
Jesus receive the book sealed with
seven seals (in 1798) and given
sovereign power.[46] These
two scenes align for several reasons,
but primarily because sovereign power
is bestowed upon Jesus in both
visions. When Jesus broke open the
first seal, the Holy Spirit (the
first living creature with the face
of a lion) began a campaign in Europe
and the New World (the United
States). The Holy Spirit opened up
the hearts and minds of people to
their great need of salvation through
faith in Jesus. This was a difficult,
but an important transition. For more
than twelve hundred years, the Roman
Catholic Church had claimed that
salvation came through obedience to
the traditions and sacraments of the
Church. When papal power was broken
in 1798, the time had come for the
world to hear the truth about
salvation. The Bible teaches that
salvation comes through faith in
Jesus Christ alone. No ritual,
clergy, or church can save a sinner.
A person’s connection to Christ
does not come through a priest,
preacher, rabbi, or cleric. Rather, a
connection with Jesus is available to
every person through the work of the
Holy Spirit. Jesus speaks to us
through the Holy Spirit and Jesus
offers salvation to any person
willing to obey His teachings and
After the
power of the papacy was wounded in
1798, the Holy Spirit put a
compelling desire within Protestants
to broadcast salvation through faith
in Christ around the world. When it
comes to revealing all that Jesus
Christ is, the doctrine of salvation
through faith in Christ
(justification and sanctification) is
the first and greatest teaching of
Christ. The bow carried in the
rider’s hand is not a weapon of
war as artists commonly portray it.
The Greek word toxon indicates the
bow is made of fabric which indicates
the bow carried in the rider’s
hand is a winner’s ribbon. This
bow indicates the victory that is
given to everyone who abides in
Christ. (See Appendix B.) In fact,
victory over the carnal nature is
only possible through the indwelling
power of the Holy Spirit. A believer
can overcome the power of sin through
the power that Jesus will send him
through the Holy Spirit! The gospel
of Jesus always produces division and
conflict when it is proclaimed with
clarity and power. Lucifer and his
demons will be sure of that!
The opening
of the first seal initiated a
sevenfold process revealing who Jesus
really is. The first living creature
(the one having a face like a lion)
went throughout the Earth searching
for souls. The Holy Spirit caused a
great awakening in the United States
and Europe and many people rejoiced
to learn that salvation comes through
faith in Christ alone. After breaking
the first seal, the work of the Holy
Spirit took off and the gospel of
Jesus began to grow. This work will
continue until the seventh trumpet
The Second Seal – The Teachings
of Jesus
Revelation 6:3
when he had opened the second seal, I
heard the second beast say, Come and
see.{3} The
Lamb spoke to the second living
creature, the one who had the face
like an ox. (Oxen are known for their
great strength.) The Holy Spirit
spoke in a loud voice, “Come and
see the assignment the Lamb has given
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