
Postmodernism: Throwing Open the Door to the Papacy

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Cardinal Pacelli Gives Hitler the Large Cache of Church Money

“She then saw Pacelli give the soldier ‘a large cache of Church money to aid the rising revolutionary and his small, struggling band of anticommunists.’

“ ‘Go quell the devil’s works,’ the archbishop told him. ‘Help spread the love of Almighty God.’

“Sister pascalina never forgot the young soldier’s face or his name – Adolf Hitler.” F. Tupper Saussy, “15 Brienner Strasse,” Media Bypass magazine, July 2001, p. 54.

This is the philosophical position that produced Nazism and Fascism, supported by Rome-the very philosophic position that undergirds postmodernism now in America.

The Premise of Nazism, “The Revolution of Nihilism,’ With Its Total Irrational and Total Violence, Grips Today’s Culture

“The culmination of the process in total irrationalism and total violence was Nazism, ‘The Revolution of Nihilism.’” – Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, 1225. This evaluation is extremely important for America as it is marching steadily downward to the same pit or horror. Quigley explains:

Cult of Irrational Activism Based on Hegelian Dialectic of Relativism Gives Birth to the Cult of Violence

“Expressed explicitly this cult of Irrational Activism was based on the belief that the universe was dynamic and largely nonrational.  As such, any effort to deal with it by rational means will be futile and superficial. Moreover, rationalism, by paralyzing man’s ability to act decisively, will expose him to destruction in a world whose chief features include struggle and conflict. Men came to believe that only violence had survival value. The resulting cult of violence permeated all human life. By mid-century, the popular press, literature, the cinema, sports, and all major human concerns had embraced this cult of violence….

“On a somewhat more profound level, the Nazi Party mobilized popular support with a program of ‘Blood and Soil’ (Blut and Boden), while the Fascists in Italy covered every wall with their slogan, ‘Believe! Obey! Fight! In neither was there any expectation that men should think or analyze.


Intuition: Bergson appealed to It; Hitler Used It

“On the highest philosophic levels, the new attitude was justified. Bergson appealed to intuition, and Hitler used it. Other philosophers vied with one another to demonstrate that old mechanism of abstract, rational thought must be rejected as irrelevant, superficial, or meaningless. The semanticists rejected logic by rejecting the idea of general categories or even of definition of terms. According to them, because everything is constantly changing [relativism and the Hegelian dialectic], no term can remain fixed without at once becoming irrelevant. The meaning of any word depended on the context in which it was used; since this was different every time it was used, the meaning, consisting of a series of connotations based on all previous uses of the term, is different at each use.” Quigley, 1225.

Today’s Culture Accepts Hitler’s Premises

The rejection of analysis and logic, with appeal to “intuition” is rampant in today’s culture with its slogans such as “Just do it.” In other words, act on intuition without thought, and, “If it feels good, do it.”

Nazis Repudiate Moral Absolutes

“The Nazis agree. They, too, repudiate any unchanging code of values, any fixed theory of the nature of good and evil, virtue and vice. No ethical principles, they hold, their own included, are permanently valid. There is no moral absolutes. As in everything, so in ethics; truth is flexible, adaptable, and relative.


“The Nazis’ relativism in ethics is reinforced by another aspect of their ideology: their pragmatism.” –Leonard Peikoff, The Ominous Parallels: A Brilliant Study of America Today-And the ‘Ominous Parallels’ With the Chaos of Pre-Hitler Germany. New York: Penguin, 1982, p. 89.

Nazism was based on nihilism, on irrational activism, the same powerful currents that shape today’s postmodernism. Thus, the same flux present in today’s postmodernism. “The most widely read of twentieth-century philosophers, the existentialists, reflected this same attitude.” –Quigley, p. 1225.

The Stability of Moral Absolutes is Being Completely Erased From the Earth, Preparing the Way for Rome’s Tyranny

After World War II for a few decades there was a resurgence in various areas of the culture of rational analysis, operational research, and organized scientific attitudes, but by the 1990s and twenty-first century this sector of culture has been increasingly challenged by the aftermath of the resurgence of Irrational Activism, Marxism, relativism and New Age unleashed in the Hippie generation of the 1960s. As the baby boomer, generation has taken the reins of power (notably in the Clinton era) and as the rapper generation, X and Y have been immersed in the violence and irrational activism of their nihilistic culture (including rap music), the stability of moral absolutes and rational thought are being completely erased from the face of the earth, preparing the world for a resurgence of the authority of the beast and its image.

True Christianity is Self-abnegating: Contemporary Spirituality is about Self-Discovery

“Clear contrasts now emerge. Traditional Christian spirituality is self-abnegating. It values self-sacrifice and self-discipline, a sacrifice and a discipline that is required by the moral world it inhabits. Because of the felt obligation to curtail and discipline the self, traditional spirituality lives within doctrine that is true and wants to live with corporately practiced faith…  Contemporary spirituality which opposes itself to religion is a spirituality which, by contrast, is about the business of self-realization, or self-discovery… and is assuming, as Bloom puts it, that real knowledge is found in ‘an inward knowledge rather than an outward belief.’…

Contemporary Spirituality Has Clear Parallels With Paganism and Early Gnosticism; Adapts Itself continually to Moral Relativism; Settled, Unmoving Convictions Become Impediments

“This spirituality has clear parallels with paganism, but that is not all that it is. While this pagan impulse parallels what was evident in the early gnosticism, it must also be said that it is thoroughly postmodern. This is the kind of spirituality which goes hand in hand with a flexible biography, with the ability to reinvent one’s self, remake one’s self, shift and adapt consonant with the constantly shifting demands of a virile economy and workplace and with the changing topography of moral reality. It is the psychological counterpart of the modern-driven economy and the collapse of moral absolutes. Settled, unmoving convictions, an inward core of moral belief, easily become impediments to the need to be able to make quick adaptations as changed contexts might require. This, then, is the spirituality of those on the move, those who live in the interstices of the postmodern world, those who know the rhythms, its demands, and the punishment that it inflicts on any who are unwilling to shift as it shifts, those who will not change as it changes, those who look askance at expediency. This is a spirituality, then, that is as contemporary as is contemporary society but, in other ways, as ancient as the world is ancient.”” Wells, pp. 154, 155.

Part and Parcel of Babylon the Great

Thus souls enmeshed in “contemporary spirituality” are locked in with Babylon the Great, reflecting Babylon’s thinking and acting, forming a character in harmony with the beast, and thus preparing to assume the mark (accepting the assumed authority of Rome to change God’s law with reference to the seventh-day Sabbath), number (submission to papal authority), and the name of the beast (having an identity of character and thinking with the beast).

“And that no man might buy or sell, save he had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:17.

Revival of the Gnostic Gospels in Contemporary Spirituality

The Revival of the Gnostic Gospels

Gnosticism is a diabolical heresy from the Second Century AD. The revival of gnosticism is sweeping the field of religion. The bookshelves in the bookstores are now full of Gnostic “gospels.” Here are just a few of the titles of some of these Gnostic gospels and books pertaining to these Gnostic gospels displayed in the bookstore section today:

·        The Gospel of Thomas,

·        The Gospel of Mary of Magdala,

·        Gospel of the Savior,

·        The Secret Gospel of John: The Gnostic Gospel,

·        The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus: The Hidden saying of Jesus,

·        The Brother of Jesus and the Lost Teachings of Christianity,

·        The Secret Teachings of Mary Madalene: Including the Lost Verses of the Gospel of Mary, revealed and published for the First Time,

·        Mary Magdalene: Bride in Exile,

·        Lost Scriptures: Books That Did Not Make It Into the New Testament,

·        The secrets of Judas: The Story of the Misunderstood Disciple and His Lost Gospel,

·        The Gnostic Bible

·        The Gospel of Judas Iscariot.

  The Gospel of Judas Iscariot

Perhaps the most diabolical Gnostic ‘gospel” is the recent Gospel of Judas Iscariot, which, written in the Second Century about 150 AD, discovered in Egypt in the 1970s, restored and translated into English (2001-2006), puts forward the idea that only Judas really understood Jesus. In this false Gospel of Judas Iscariot, Judas is seen as Christ’s favorite. It is the gospel told from Judas’ perspective. In this false, Gnostic gospel, Judas does not betray His master, but rather fulfills Jesus’ wish. “Judas is Jesus’ chosen instrument of fulfillment.” –Krosney, 295.

The Son of Perdition

However, according to the Biblical gospels, in the Gospel of John in Jesus’ High Priestly prayer in John 17: 12, Jesus prays, “Those that Thou gavest Me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.”

In John 13, after the foot washing, Jesus said, “I speak not of you all; I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with Me hath lifted up his heel against Me.” John 13:18. Jesus is quoting from Psalms 41:9: “Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of My bread, hath lifted up his heel against me.”

In John 13, at the Last Supper, gathered around the table, Jesus declares, “One of you shall betray Me.” He then identifies who it is: “He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it. And when He had dipped the sop, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. And after the sop, Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly…. He then having received the sop went immediately out: and it was night.” John 13:21, 26, 27, 30.




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