


The National Sunday Law - Revisited

What will cause seven billion people
to worship the beast?
Revelation 13:8

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Even though the Supreme Court does not acknowledge the sacredness of Sunday, it justifies Sunday blue lawsfor the same reason that legislators justified Sunday blue laws in the South after the Civil War. The justification was that everyone benefits from a common day of rest. I have wondered if the Supreme Court would have reached the same conclusion if the state of Maryland had selected Tuesday as a common day of rest.


Why Seventh-day Adventists Anticipate a National Sunday Law


For the past 145 years, Seventh-day Adventists (SDAs) in the United States have anticipated the enactment of a national Sunday law, and to a great extent, they believe this event will initiate a worldwide “time of trouble.” They also believe “the time of trouble” will end with the outpouring of the seven last plagues and the appearing of Jesus. To understand the origin of this anticipation and their keen interest in a national Sunday law, a short review on the prophetic beliefs of SDAs is necessary.


Many of the pioneers who would later form the SDA Church grew up within the Puritan influence that permeated New England Protestantism during the nineteenth century. Most Protestants living in the Unites States were gratified by the news that the pope had been imprisoned and no longer had papal authority over Europe (1798). In 1831, William Miller, a licensed Baptist evangelist from New York, concluded that the Lord would return “around 1843.” (Later, he corrected the date to 1844.) Based on his preaching, a movement (largely centered in New England) attracted between 50,000 and 100,000 of his followers. After the bitter failure of the Millerite Movement in 1844, prophetic interest within Protestantism generally waned. However, a tenacious group of Millerites went back to the Bible to see why Jesus had not appeared in 1844. After twenty years of regional conferences and various camp meetings to determine Bible truth, a group of people organized a new church body in Michigan and named it the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The year was 1863 and the War Between the States was raging.


SDAs believe they are the heirs of the Protestant Reformation that began centuries earlier in Europe. Like the Puritans before them, they believe it is divinely appointed duty to point out the heresies that originated within Catholicism by teaching Bible truth. To this end, SDAs believe that a time is coming when everyone in the United States (and ultimately the whole world) will be forced to recognize Sunday as a holy Day. Once a national Sunday law is enacted in the United States, SDAs believe that all who obey the forth commandment will be persecuted for refusing to recognize the sacredness of the first day of the week. In some cases, they believe there will be torture and even death.1 SDAs arrive at this conclusion in four steps:


Step 1 – The Catholic Church Is the Beast in Revelation 13:1


SDAs believe the Roman Catholic Church is the beast mentioned in Revelation 13.2 Since the Bible states this beast will make war on God’s saints and impose false worship on the world (Revelation 13:5-8), SDAs conclude the Roman Catholic Church (the beast) will someday wage war against those who observe God’s seventh day Sabbath.3
Step 2 – The Mark of the Beast Is Sunday Observance


SDAs teach that the Roman Catholic Church altered the Ten Commandments by eliminating the second commandment. Moreover, the Catholic Church has tried to change the holiness of God’s seventh day Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.4 SDAs interpret these actions as blasphemy and this blasphemy is regarded as the mark (as a trademark) of the Catholic Church’s presumed authority.1 Therefore, SDAs conclude   that the mark of the beast is Sunday observance and this mark of papal authority will be imposed on everyone when a Sunday law is enacted. This anticipated law, they teach, will require everyone to respect Sunday as a holy day.2
Step 3 – The Second Beast in Revelation 13 Is the United States
SDAs teach that the second beast in Revelation 13 is the United States.3 They believe the Roman Catholic Church and the United States government will “Join hands” in the future to enact a national Sunday law.4 United, these two superpowers will impose a universal Sunday law on every nation. The church’s prophet, Ellen White (1827-1915), wrote: “As America, the land of religious liberty, shall unite with the papacy in forcing the conscience and compelling men to honor the [Catholic Church’s] false Sabbath, the people of every country on the globe will be led to follow her example.”5 She also wrote: “The decree enforcing the worship of this day [Sunday] is to go forth to all the world… Trail and persecution will come to all who, in obedience to the fourth commandment, refuse to worship this false Sabbath.”6
Step 4 – A National Sunday Law in the United States Signals the End of the World
SDAs teach that the enactment of a national Sunday law in the United States will usher in a worldwide “time of trouble.” They believe that God will test the world through persecution to see who will honor Rome’s false Sabbath and receive the mark of the beast. They believe God’s saints must resist a Sunday law by standing firm in their faith and obeying the fourth commandment which declares the seventh day of the week holy.1  
What Will Trigger a National Sunday Law?
Here is the mystery. What will cause the United States Congress to enact a national Sunday law? What will cause Protestants and Catholics to “join hands” and eliminate religious freedoms in the United States? Will the 1961 Supreme Court decision favoring Maryland’s blue laws provide a loophole around the First Amendment that eliminates religious freedom? Will the Unites states and the Catholic Church someday impose a universal Sunday law on all 194 nations of the world containing seven billion people?
The recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq prove that the outcome of war is hard to predict. The United States has sacrificed thousands of lives in Iraq. It has spent trillions of dollars and invested six long years setting up a fledgling democracy in a tiny country of only twenty-five million people. (For comparison, the state of California has a population of thirty-six million.) If establishing freedom (a democracy) in tiny Iraq has been deadly, expensive, and lengthy, how will the United States and the Catholic Church impose the holiness of Sunday on billions of devout Moslems, Hindus, Jews, Pagans, and Communists? This is a valid question and it deserves a biblically reasoned answer. Many SDAs are also asking this question because today, 93% of SDA Church members live outside the United States.2
What Is the Next Prophetic Event?
Revelation 13:1-8 clearly indicates that worship will someday become a hotly debated topic all over the world, but what will trigger this conflict? What event should Christians anticipate? What will cause the United States to negate the First Amendment and enact a national Sunday law? What will trigger the enactment of a national Sunday law in communist countries like China, North Korea, and Russia? What will cancel Sharia law and trigger the enactment of Sunday laws in large Islamic populations found in Indonesia, Egypt, Iran, and Saudia Arabia? What will trigger a national Sunday law in the Jewish state of Israel where conservatives insist on observing the seventh day of the week? What will cause seven hundred million Hindus in India to worship the God of Christians on Sunday? Today, the total of all Christian religions of the world is a mere 25% of the world’s seven billion people. So, how is a universal Sunday law possible?
Ironically, SDAs claim to have a prophetic end time message for the whole world, but they have little or nothing to say to the world about coming events because (a) their eschatology is essentially limited to events occurring within the United states, and (b) they insist that most of Revelation has already been fulfilled. Fortunately, they believe that Revelation 13:8 is future, “All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast…” but they have no idea how this will happen? What will cause the entire world to worship the beast?
According to the book of Revelation, a national Sunday law in the United States is not the next prophetic event, and a national Sunday law in the United States is not the signal event that marks the commencement of the Great Tribulation for the whole world! SDAs are watching and waiting for a national Sunday law to usher in the final days of Earth’s history, and unfortunately, they are sitting at the wrong bus stop. Like the rest of the world (and the ten virgins), the SDA Church will be caught by surprise. It is time to wake up and become serious students of God’s Word.



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