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How Rome Gains Control of the Modern State

Avro Manhattan is a world-renowned authority on Roman Catholicism in politics, which wrote political commentaries for the British Broadcasting Corporation, the BBC, and has authored one of the world’s best sellers, The Vatican in World Politics, which, at the publishing of his Vatican Imperialism in the Twentieth Century, was in its 46th edition. He writes about how Rome gains control of the modern state:

“The pope still asserts his supremacy as far as he can and dare. To be sure, the Catholic Church at present tries to enforce her sovereignty upon the members of independent nations within the framework of certain principles which contemporary society has imposed upon the external relationship of organized religion and secular authority. Yet her claims are fundamentally the same, and their enforcement, although no so obvious, is conducted with as much obstinacy and ruthlessness as ever.

Spiritual Terrorism In the Conscience

“The fact that they are made via spiritual terrorization and that they exert their pressure within the conscience of modern men should minimize the Catholic Church’s determination to implement her laws above those of the State

Armed With Spiritual Terrorism Driving Social or Political Issues Rome Can Intervene At Will In Any Given Country Through Her Members

“The reality of her spiritual terrorization is proved by the concreteness of the power she has over 550,000,000 people. [This was written in 1965. Today the papacy has 1,100,000,000, that is 1.1 billion members, or double what it was in 1965.] It must never be forgotten that it is through this that she can reach, promote, support, or condemn social and political issues which, although at first seemingly alien to religion, on closer scrutiny are intimately related to it.  Armed with it, the Catholic church can intervene whenever it pleases her in the domestic affairs of any given country, her extraordinary religious authority enabling her to exercise direct control over hundreds of millions of Catholics scattered within the borders of many independent nations. Such interventions by an ordinary state would not be tolerated, and would lead to serious complications. Pressure of political ideologies from abroad can and does promote the mobilization of a national or international coalition against them –e.g. against international fascism before the Second World War and against communism after the war. Nothing of that kind is mobilized against the Catholic Church. Yet the Catholic Church can intervene, whenever and wherever she likes, simultaneously within many independent States, with or without their permission, a thing that no modern State can do, except by war.

“A State wanting to change its own social structure can do so only within its own borders, having no powers whatever outside them. This while simultaneously a neighboring country might be enforcing opposite regulations on the same issue.

A Landless and Boundless Power

‘The Catholic Church, however, being a ‘landless and boundless power,’ has no such limitations. Should she decide, say to condemn coeducation or to prohibit the use of contraceptives, such a prohibition and condemnation must be accepted by all her members, whichever State they inhabit.

“In this way she can influence social and political issues at will in any given nation. No State can accuse her of meddling with its political problems without attacking her as a religious power.  For she does not infringe the sovereign rights of any State. It is her duty, no less than her right, to lead the State’s citizens in religious matters, and if the citizens feel compelled by religious duty to shape their social or political ideas and actions in accordance with their religion, so much the better. The Catholic Church, as such, cannot be blamed.

“She never forcibly compels the citizens of any given country to move against their own will. If they act in accordance with her religious principles, their action is free. The Church, therefore, cannot be accused of interference by anyone.

“It is mainly through loopholes of this nature that the Catholic Church can enter the political life of nations from which she would otherwise be excluded.

When Rome Intervenes in Politics Under the Cloak of Religion the Modern State is Helpless

‘When she intervenes in politics in this manner-namely, under the cloak of religion- the modern state is helpless. It is unable to take the necessary measures to counteract her subtle political activity without infringing the religious liberty of its citizens. The democratic State, by its very fundamental principles of religious and political freedom, is more helpless than any other. For, were it to take measures to prevent Catholic interference in its internal affairs, the Church could claim with apparent reason that she was being persecuted as a religious institution which is above all politics…

The Pope, the Ultimate Instigator, Trespassing Into Social and Political Fields Through Control of the Catholic Citizen

“Thus, through pressure for his religious convictions and the lead of his spiritual authority a Catholic trespasses into social and political fields. As a free individual, enjoying the same civic liberties as any other citizen with different religious or political views, he is, of course, within his rights in opposing, modifying or supporting sundry laws. However, the point is that he has become an active political instrument, bent on furthering certain social or political goals, because of his religious principles.  Hence it is his religious convictions which ultimately are responsible for his final social and political attitude, and, if not entirely, at least to a great extent, for his active participation in the political life of his country. He thinks and acts in a certain way because his religious leader has ordered him to do so. Thus, the ultimate instigator of the political actions of our Catholic citizen is the Catholic church and her head, the Pope.” – Avro Manhattan, pp. 135, 136.

Political Corrections Has Screened Rome’s Maneuvering

Political correctness has all but completely screened Rome’s activity in taking over America, because the religious dimension has been considered politically incorrect to report upon.

Department of Homeland Security

The department of Homeland Security, which in a crisis would have virtual totalitarian power, is run by the Jesuits and the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, according to noted Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins, who probably knows more about the Jesuits than any Protestant alive.

In 1911 the Servant of the Lord wrote: “Romanism is now regarded by Protestants with far greater favor than in former years. In those countries where Catholicism is not in the ascendancy, and papists are taking a conciliatory course in order to gain influence, there is an increasing indifference concerning the doctrines that separate the reformed churches from the papal hierarchy; the opinion is gaining ground that, after all, we do not differ so widely upon vital points as has been supposed, and that a little concession on our part will bring us into a better understanding with Rome.  The time was when Protestants placed a high value upon the liberty of conscience that had been so dearly purchased. They taught their children to abhor popery and held that to seek harmony with Rome would be disloyalty to God. However, how widely different are the sentiments now expressed!” GC 563.

Truly Protestantism’s ‘anti’ character has been eliminated, as top intellectual Jesuit, Karl Rahner, noted in 1985 in his book Unity of the Churches: An actual Possibility.

Rome’s Genocides Largely Kept Out of the Picture

Today, Rome’s responsibility for genocide in the twentieth Century has been largely kept out of the picture. Twenty underground acres of top-secret documents in the Suitland Annex still hide the full dimension of Rome’s activity in the Second World War. Yet, communism, the creation of the Jesuits, in Paraguay from 1600 to 1750, and unleashed in Europe by the Jesuit front organization, the Illuminati, in the French Revolution, murdered over 100 million in the Twentieth Century alone, and Nazism, the child of the papacy, accounted for another eleven million.

Rome Has Not Changed

Has Rome changed, as tens of millions now believe? Just look at her genocide in Rwanda in 100 days in 1994, when genocidaires slaughtered five times as fast as the Nazis in World War II.

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