
Introduction to Bible Prophecy

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Who but God Has the Authority to Declare Chronological Order?

The visions within Daniel behave in a predictable way. Once this behavior is detected, it keeps us on track. It helps us decipher prophecies and enlightens us with information that we could not otherwise know. For example, one consistent behavior that occurs throughout the book of Daniel is that each prophecy has a beginning point and an ending point in time, and the events within each prophecy occur in the order in which they are given. This chronological behavior may sound simple, but it has profound ramifications. Consider the results of violating this behavior. If the events given within a particular prophecy do not occur in the order given, who has the authority to declare the order of events? Does anyone other than God have the authority to change the order that He created?

The chronological behavior found in Daniel’s prophecies is the basis for Rule One. I have distilled this behavior into the following words (rule): Each apocalyptic prophecy has a beginning point and an ending point in time and the events within each prophecy occur in the order they are given. Be assured, I am not inventing a rule. I am expressing a consistent behavior that recurs without exception throughout the book of Daniel (as well as the book of Revelation).

When the fulfilled elements in Daniel and Revelation are aligned with widely published historical records, the validity of Rule One proves true every time! The prophecies in Daniel began unfolding more than 2,600 years ago. Some of the prophecies in Revelation began unfolding 2,000 years ago. These lengthy periods of time contain a sufficient sample to validate the four rules that spring from Daniel’s architecture. The book of Daniel also provides a historical foundation for some of the prophecies in Revelation. Since prophecies in Revelation run parallel to prophecies in Daniel we can link them together and establish the timing of events mentioned in both books. So, the use of Daniel’s architecture, like the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone, enables us to resolve many prophetic mysteries that would otherwise be impossible to resolve.

I have arbitrarily made the rule governing chronology “Rule One” because establishing the chronological order in each prophecy eliminates a great deal of speculation and aligning the seventeen prophecies in Daniel and Revelation is “Job One.” The importance of this rule cannot be overstated. Draw a time line on a big sheet of paper and place all of the events specified in Daniel and Revelation on this time line. If you attempt this, you will immediately confront the question of chronological order. Rule One is deceptively simple. It is also incredibly powerful. It demolishes two thousand years of prophetic speculation and tradition. Think about this: If God has not declared the chronological order of events within each apocalyptic prophecy, there is no chronological order in apocalyptic prophecy. If there is no order, apocalyptic prophecy remains in the realm of art. On the other hand, if God has declared chronological order, apocalyptic prophecy becomes a science and there is prophetic certainty (“the more sure word of prophecy”) instead of endless chaos and cancelling views.

If apocalyptic prophecy is art, everyone has the same license and authority. Everyone is permitted to define and create whatever prophetic order and interpretation they want. This ongoing process has produced a cloud of confusion and as a result, many Christians treat prophecy with contempt. Worse, there is no general agreement among Christians on the next prophetic event.

When apocalyptic prophecy is regarded as art, church groups will turn to some external authority in an attempt to clarify their prophetic understanding. This authority can be the writings of founding fathers, a prophet, or even church tradition. Like the math teacher, Jesus confronted the traditions of His people and He was considered a blasphemer because the Jews put their religious traditions (art) above God’s Word (authority)![8]

Because there is chronological order within apocalyptic prophecy, we can determine which prophetic event has been fulfilled and what prophetic event will come next. We have twenty-six centuries of prophetic progression and fulfillment since the book of Daniel was written. Looking backwards from our day, world history proves there is chronological order in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. This is good news because the final generation can know and understand prophecies that previous generations could not discover! Remember, God’s greatest gift to the honest in heart is greater truth. This gift will never end throughout eternity! During the Great Tribulation God will swing a powerful magnet of truth over a junk pile called Earth and the honest in heart will be attracted and captured by its power and the rest of mankind will feel nothing. This is how the sheep will be separated from the goats.

What about the Other Three Rules of Apocalyptic Interpretation?

Please consider the remaining three rules.

  1. Rule Two: A prophecy or prophetic element within a prophecy is not fulfilled until all of the specifications are met. This includes the order of the events given within the prophecy. (Fulfillment)
  2. Rule Three: Apocalyptic language can be literal, symbolic, or analogous. To reach the intended meaning of a passage, the student must consider (a) the context, (b) the use of parallel language in the Bible, and (c) a relevant text that defines the symbol if an element is thought to be symbolic. (Language)
  3. Rule Four: The presence or absence of the Jubilee Calendar determines how God measures time. If a prophetic time period occurs during the operation of the Jubilee Calendar (1437 B.C. – 1994), time is translated as a day for a year; otherwise, translation is not permitted. (See Appendix A for further study of the Jubilee Calendar.) (Timing)

Issues and Answers

Because apocalyptic prophecy involves many facets, several issues need to be addressed before we jump into this study. Please take a few minutes and thoughtfully consider each of the following issues. Later on, as you near the end of this book, I also hope you will review these matters again. I have identified these issues before you begin reading in hopes they will accelerate your investigation and pique your interest in apocalyptic prophecy.

1. This Book Is a Commentary, Not a Paraphrase or a Translation

According to the dictionary, a paraphrase is an attempt to clarify the meaning of an author’s words by restating the author’s original idea with different words. On the other hand, a translation is quite different. A translation is a direct conversion of the equivalent sense from one language to another. I mention this distinction so that you will understand that this book is not a paraphrase or a translation. This book is a commentary. This book contains only my current understanding of Daniel and Revelation.

Through the years, I have experimented with different teaching techniques such as translating, paraphrasing, and interlacing. (Interlacing is the practice of inserting words within brackets [attempting to make the Bible text read more easily].) Some people dislike interlacing because they feel that I am distorting the integrity of the text. My response (attempting to be humorous) has been, “What difference does it make if I distort the text before you read it or after you read it?” When it comes to Bible commentaries, all commentaries stem from human opinion and none have divine authority, for if they did, they would not be commentary. As far as I am concerned, the Bible does not have or require external authority. It stands on its own. As Christians, we do not worship the Bible, we worship God the Father, Jesus Christ,[9] and the Holy Spirit, who are one in purpose, plan, and action.[10] Since there are distinct differences between a translation, a paraphrase, and a commentary, please regard this book as a commentary.

This commentary has not been designed to thoroughly prove every point. Rather, it was designed to increase your interest in Daniel and Revelation and your faith in God. Above all else, we cannot forget this: Soon, everyone on Earth will witness the amazing fulfillment of Daniel and Revelation. Once the Great Tribulation begins, it will be very easy for ordinary people to determine which commentaries on Daniel and Revelation were based on valid rules of interpretation and which were not. The truth will be self-evident and speak for itself.

The better we understand God’s Word, the more clearly we comprehend God’s love, ways, and plans. Contrary to what many people think, the primary objective of apocalyptic prophecy is not future telling.  The primary objective of Bible prophecy is to understand God and how He operates. I have no intention of corrupting the intended meaning of Bible prophecy. I take the warning given in Revelation 22:18,19 very seriously. I understand that God will deal harshly with anyone who knowingly and willingly corrupts the message in Revelation by adding to it or taking away from it. On the other hand, like any other human being, I am fallible and I appreciate the promise in Revelation 1:3 which says that everyone who studies and tries to understand what Revelation means will be blessed. So, consider this commentary a stepping stone. It was written by one Bible student to help other Bible students understand the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation as quickly as possible.

Additive Nature

The study of apocalyptic prophecy is somewhat like math. Both are additive in nature. Algebra I precedes Algebra II for good reason. So, please read this book in chronological order. Do not jump around looking for answers to your questions until you clearly understand the operation of the rules of interpretation that I am following and the chronology of the elements within the prophecies. When you find a conclusion in this book with which you disagree or that is different from what you have believed, it is important that you refer to the apocalyptic chart on pages 4 and 5 and note the prophecy and chronological time of the event under consideration. Compare my conclusions with other events in other prophecies that occur at the same time. In fact, you should often refer to the chart so that you can see how each story progresses chronologically. Once you see how all seventeen prophecies connect and align with each other, you will then see the intricate relationships that exist between the prophecies.

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