
The Origin of Sunday Blue Laws in the United States


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3. August 11, 1840 Is a Totally Meaningless Date!

The insurmountable problem with the date, August 11, 1840, is that Dr. Litch failed to adjust his 391 year, 15 day prophecy to reflect a change in the calendar which occurred in October 1582. Pope Gregory XIII removed ten days from the Julian Calendar that year to reset it with respect to the Sun. Therefore, Dr. Litch’s August 11, 1840 date should have been adjusted to August 21, 1840 and again, nothing of historical consequence occurred on that date.

Once the 1844 paradigm of the Millerite movement is understood and once the facts are put on the table, it is clear that the historical position on the seven trumpets advocated by Miller, Litch, and Ellen White is factually wrong. Of course, some well meaning SDA pastors may promote the illusion of dual fulfillment, but multiple interpretations only harm and obscure the truth. Why not let the Bible speak for itself? I have no doubts that Miller, Litch, and Ellen White did their best to understand God’s Word, and to his credit, Dr. Litch discovered and publicly corrected his mistake. I believe that William Miller and Ellen White would do the same if they were alive today. Previous generations could not know all that we know today because man’s understanding of God’s truth is progressive. To reach the intended meaning of apocalyptic prophecy, we must use valid rules of interpretation. If the bitter failure of the Millerite movement teaches us anything, it proves that we have to let the Bible speak for itself!

The Second Reason SDAs Keep the Seven Trumpets in the Past

With one glaring exception, SDAs believe that all prophetic time periods in Daniel and Revelation must be translated according to their "day for a year" rule. However, it remains a mystery why most SDA scholars do not translate the 1,000 years of Revelation 20 into 365,000 years – which their day/year rule requires. Nevertheless, because the fifth trumpet has five months embedded in it, SDAs have been unwilling to put the fifth trumpet in the future. Consistency in interpretation is very important, but it is more important to use valid rules of interpretation. Flawed rules always yield flawed result.

Note: There is a Bible process that determines whether prophetic time is translated as a day for a year or whether it should be considered literal time. If you would like to examine this process, you can 
read the following article for free and read the Addendum at the end of the article or you can purchase a book that includes this article. 

The rule that SDAs use, "In Bible prophecy, time is always translated as a day for a year," is invalid. The process mentioned in the note above demonstrates that God translates some prophetic time periods using a day for a year and others, He does not. To illustrate the difference, we will examine the forty-two months mentioned in 
Revelation 13:5 and hopefully, you will see that the day/year rule does not always apply.

Embarrassingly Simple Logic

To begin, almost everyone would agree that a wound has to be inflicted before a wound can be healed. This is embarrassingly simple logic, but it is a point which SDAs distort in Revelation 13. SDAs believe the papacy received a deadly wound in 1798 and they also accurately believe the deadly wound is healed after 1798. The problem that SDAs cannot resolve is that the beast in Revelation 13 is empowered for forty-two months after the deadly wound is healed! Study the following passage from Scripture and observe the chronological order of events. This passage of Scripture begins in 1798. After 1,260 years of trying to destroy the woman in the wilderness (538-1798), the devil was forced to admit failure.

"Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest
 [the remnant] of her offspring – those who obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus. And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea[impatiently waiting for the time when God would permit him to make war on the remnant of the woman]. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads . . . .The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads [actually, the sixth head] of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed [when the beast came up out of the sea]. The whole world was astonished [at the appearing of this beast] and [they voluntarily] followed the beast. . . . The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven." (
Revelation 12:17-13:6. I have added insertions within [ ] for clarity.)

Seven chronological steps stand out very clearly:

  1. After failing to destroy the woman in the wilderness (538-1798), the dragon is furious and he prepares to make war on the remnant of the woman.
  2. The dragon waits for his final opportunity to make war on the remnant of the woman.
  3. A beast with seven heads and ten horns rises from the sea.
  4. One of the heads seems to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed.
  5. The whole world is astonished and follows after the beast.
  6. The beast is given power for forty-two months.
  7. The beast blasphemes God.

Look again at item #4: One of the heads seems to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. This specification forces this beast to rise from the sea after 1798. Remember, simple logic says a wound must be inflicted before a wound can be healed. In other words, this beast has to rise from the sea after 1798 because the deadly wound is healed when the beast rises from the sea and the whole world follows this beast for forty-two months as it blasphemes (insults) God.

SDA evangelists vigorously argue that the forty-two months in 
Revelation 13:5 took place during the Dark Ages (538-1798). This is not a reasonable argument because (a) this beast has no power other than the forty-two months granted to it, and (b) this beast rises from the sea after 1798 because the deadly wound is healed when the beast appears! Contrary to what Adventists say, this beast is not the papacy. This beast is not to be confused with the fourth beast in Daniel 7 that was empowered for 1,260 years. The fourth beast in Daniel 7 is Rome and the little horn in Daniel 7 is the papacy. The little horn persecuted the saints for 1,260 years during the Dark Ages.

The first beast in Revelation 13 represents Babylon and the papacy is only one seventh of Babylon. Remember, this beast has seven heads, and one of the seven heads – the head that was wounded – is the papacy. The fourth beast in Daniel 7 and the first beast in Revelation 13 are completely different beasts. They live at different times and are empowered at different times! The forty-two months of power granted to the first beast in Revelation 13 occurs after the deadly wound is inflicted on the papacy because the deadly wound is healed when Babylon rises out of the sea!

Consider the following two verses and especially notice verse 8: "He [the leopard-like beast] was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation [including China, Russia, India, and the United States]All inhabitants of the earth will worship [obey] the beast – all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world." (
Revelation 13:7,8, italics and insertions mine)

SDAs correctly believe that the devil is preparing to make war on the remnant of God’s people, but they do not properly understand 
Revelation 13:1-8. The devil is preparing to wage war on the remnant of the woman in Revelation 12:17, and verse 7 says the devil will conquer the saints. When this war ends, "All [of the wicked] inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast." Will this war last forty-two literal months or another 1,260 years (calculated using the SDA rule, that is, a day always represents a year)?

This war will last forty-two literal months because there is a mechanism that tells us when God translates a day for a year and when He does not. SDAs do not understand this mechanism and their conclusions on Revelation 13 are prophetically confusing and harmful. The devil is preparing to wage war against God’s saints, and although the SDA Church anticipates religious persecution, they are sitting at the wrong bus stop, prophetically speaking, waiting for the arrival of a national Sunday law. Why is the church sitting at the wrong bus stop? They have put the seven trumpets in the wrong place!

End Time Scenario

Because space is limited, I would like to close with an end time scenario for your consideration. The biblical basis for this story is supported in my book, A Study on the Seven Trumpets, Two Witnesses and Four Beasts, so I will not defend the details here. Just read over the story, consider its ramifications and pray about it. If you want to further examine "the rest of the story," you can 
download the book for free or you can purchase a printed copy.

The overall purpose of the seven trumpets is to awaken the whole world to the authority and reality of the returning of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. God’s wrath against degenerate and decadent behavior is about to be released. During the seven trumpets, Jesus will send destructive judgments that will cause devastation and death on a scale not seen since the flood in Noah’s day. The scope and severity of this destruction will awaken everyone to the reality that corporate mercy has ended. The 144,000 will put this world on notice that Jesus is in charge of Heaven and Earth, and that He is about to return to Earth to conclude the sin problem. Even in His wrath, His generous offer of salvation is extended. For 1,260 days, the 144,000 will faithfully proclaim the eternal gospel throughout the world! (
Matthew 24:14Revelation 14:6,7) Jews, Moslems, Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, Atheists, and Pagans will humbly listen to a gospel that is unlike anything they have ever heard. Millions of honest-hearted people will embrace Jesus Christ as their Creator and worship Him on His holy Sabbath as He decrees.

The first four trumpets will occur over a period of about sixty-four days and the results will be overwhelming and catastrophic for the whole world. The first trumpet-judgment will be a meteoric shower of burning hail that burns up a third of Earth! (
Revelation 8:7) Notoriously wicked places all over the world will be burned up just like Sodom and Gomorrah were. The second trumpet-judgment will be an asteroid impact on an ocean. Ships will sink and sea creatures will die. But worse, the impact of a huge asteroid will create a tsunami that rises several hundred feet high. Of course, a wall of water several hundred feet high moving at a high rate of speed will quickly destroy thousands of coastal cities within a few hours. The ocean will roil with great turbulence for months. (Luke 21:25) (Do you remember the December 26, 2004 tsunami that destroyed 230,000 people in southeastern Asia? That event stands as a prophetic warning and is just a sample of the huge tsunami that will soon destroy thousands of coastal cities.)

The third trumpet-judgment will be another asteroid impact, only this impact will hit a wicked continent. Seismic havoc will cause rivers and underground aquifers to become contaminated with buried sewage and toxic waste. Millions of people will die from drinking poisoned water. The fourth trumpet describes a judgment that will affect the Sun, Moon, and stars. Even though the Bible does not explicitly say what causes the darkness, there is a simple ecological answer. Hundreds of volcanos will erupt simultaneously. The ash and ejecta, carried by the jet stream, will darken the middle third of planet Earth for months. Crops will perish and famine will overtake the world. God’s coming wrath is beyond calculation, but so is His great offer of salvation!

The first four trumpets will achieve two impressive goals. First, religious and political leaders will see God’s wrath with their own eyes, and the smoldering ruins will force all mankind to realize that there is one living God and He is not happy with this planet. Every nation on Earth will reel from God’s judgments. All 194 nations will be afflicted and as a result, citizens of the world will conclude that they must unite as one family to beg Almighty God for forgiveness so that His wrath will cease. Out of anguish and fear, the nations of the world will repeat the words of ancient Israel, Whatever you want oh
God, we will do!
Exodus 19:8)

Second, the world’s religious and political leaders will meet to discuss ways to appease God. During this meeting, world leaders will create a new religious government that will have authority over all of the nations of Earth to lead the world in repentance. The book of Revelation calls this beast, "Babylon."  Babylon will be given authority over every nation without firing a single bullet. In fact, at first almost everyone will think that forming Babylon is a great idea! (
Revelation 13:3)

Babylon and its global authority represent mankind’s united response to God’s wrath. Babylon’s mission will be simple: Appease God so that His  wrath will cease. The leaders of Babylon will have authority over all nations to determine what must be done within each nation to best appease God’s wrath. Because no nation wants to further offend God and risk more destruction, secular legislators will dutifully carry out Babylon’s religious demands, outlawing sinful behaviors of all kinds.

The Deadly Wound Healed

Babylon will have seven heads. The seven heads represent the seven religious systems on Earth. The head that was wounded and healed is the Roman Catholic Church. Preeminent among equals, the pope will be selected as the leader of Babylon because the Catholic Church is the only church that already has diplomatic relations (and respect) with most of the world. Currently, the Roman Catholic Church has diplomatic relations with 177 nations. When the religious and political leaders of the world select the pope to lead Babylon, the deadly wound will be healed. Finally, the reigning pope will have authority over the nations as he did during the Dark Ages.

Keep in mind that the pope will not be put in a position to impose the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church on the nations of Earth. (Christians are a mere 25% of the world’s population.) The world’s religious systems view the will of God in different ways, but all seven will have one thing in common after they see and experience God’s wrath! They will agree that mandatory worship and respect is necessary to appease God! This process explains the enactment of laws mandating worship.

The pope and his religiously diverse executives will approach each nation according to the prevailing religion within that nation. For example, the pope and his cabinet will direct lawmakers in the United States to establish a day for repentance and worship. This is how a national Sunday law will occur in the United States. Moslem nations will implement Friday laws (the Moslem day for worship), and the modern nation of Israel will honor Saturday as its holy day. In fact, every nation on Earth will enact laws mandating respect for God so that His judgments will cease. Each nation will also implement and enforce additional laws forbidding sinful behaviors such as homosexuality (including gay marriage or gay clergy), abortion, sexual immorality, gambling, cursing, and drinking. A long list of "sin-less" laws will constitute Babylon’s desperate effort to appease God’s wrath, and everyone, in every nation, will be obligated by severe penalties to obey these laws.

I know it seems outrageous to say that the world’s political leaders will voluntarily submit to the leadership of the pope and Babylon’s religious authority! In today’s secular and diverse societies, submitting to a single religious authority is unthinkable and impossible, but the Bible predicts it will occur. Do you recall how Republicans and Democrats stood together for prayer on the steps of Capitol Hill after the World Trade Towers fell? Remember when representatives from many different religions later stood together on that same platform and prayed together? When world leaders see and experience the magnitude and scope of God’s wrath on thousands of notably wicked places and when they witness how God’s wrath has killed almost two billion people, everyone will tremble at God’s displeasure.

Final Three Trumpets

A few words about the last three trumpets is necessary. The fifth trumpet will be the physical and glorious appearing of the devil – the Antichrist himself. The devil will physically masquerade around the world as Almighty God! He will deceive the world through his mighty miracles. One miracle will stand out above all others. He will convince the world that he truly is God by calling fire down out of heaven at will. (
Revelation 13:13,14) Jesus will grant the devil, attended by 200 million angels (actually demons – Revelation 9:11,16), five months to convince the world that he is God. (See 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12) The sixth trumpet is even worse. At the end of the fifth trumpet, the devil will demand that a theocracy (the image to the beast) be established. He will kill a third of mankind (those who oppose him) and set himself up as King of kings and Lord of lords. Masquerading as God, the devil will declare, "There is no room
for religious diversity!" Everyone willing to obey and worship the devil on his universal holy day will receive a tattoo (a mark) on his or her right hand. Evidence of this tattoo will be required each time a business transaction occurs. Finally, the seventh trumpet will sound in Heaven’s court. This trumpet will mark the close of God’s grace and mercy. Every choice will have been made, every decision is final. At this time, God will demonstrate a great display of His divine power. Everyone on Earth will look up and see the Ark of the
Covenant, which contains the Ten Commandments. God will show the world that His Law is above all laws. The seven bowls will then be poured out on those having the tattoo that represents the mark of the beast.


We have briefly examined the origin of Sunday blue laws. We have briefly examined the prophetic beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church as they pertain to a national Sunday law in the United States. We have briefly considered the problem of imposing Sunday laws on 194 countries of the world. We have noticed that SDAs do not know what will trigger a national Sunday law. SDAs do not have an explanation for 
Revelation 13:8 because they do not properly understand the seven trumpets.

We have also briefly examined the first four trumpets because they will drastically change life on planet Earth as we know it. The first four trumpet events will be the catalyst that causes Revelation’s end time story to begin. They reveal how, when, and why Revelation’s story will unfold so that worship will become the matter of greatest concern for everyone on Earth. We have examined some of the obstacles that prevent SDAs from putting the seven trumpets in the future. We have also learned how the long held SDA position (promoted by Ellen White) on the sixth trumpet does not have historical support or significance. So, where does all of this information leave you? I hope it causes you to want to learn more about the book of Revelation!

This little brochure has been prepared and distributed in hopes that you might become motivated to restudy Revelation and reexamine your prophetic position. This is not an attempt to siphon members or money away from your church. My concern is simple and straightforward. I believe the seven trumpets are about to sound. I believe that God’s wrath will soon be directed at Earth and billions of people will soon perish as a result. I believe that God’s Word has much to say about coming events – much more than Christians have been willing to embrace.

Because the Great Tribulation will be the worst time in Earth’s history, we need to know and understand God’s Word. His Word will be a lamp unto our feet and a light on our path as we proceed through 1,335 days of severe tribulation. At a minimum, please download the free material. No strings are attached. The information provided there is carefully documented. If you want to order a printed copy, please contact us. This brochure has not been sent to sell you something or to ask for money. Our joy is sowing the good seed, the Word of God. The Bible has never been more relevant than now. Bible truth is more complete and comprehensive than ever before. God’s truth is marching on. We cannot afford to depend on church leaders or the final crisis to awaken us. "The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can [study and] pray."(
1 Peter 4:7, insertion mine)



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