
Prophecy 8

The Six Trumpets –
Revelation 8:2 – 9:21

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Two levels of atonement (two altars) were required in the earthly temple because of timing. When God initiated temple services in the wilderness, the population of Israel exceeded two million people (and the nation became much larger later on). Therefore, an Israelite could not bring a sacrificial lamb to the Altar of Burnt Offering each time he sinned or at any time he desired. He had to wait for his turn. The Talmud indicates that the twelve tribes were assigned specific time periods when they could come to the temple for services at the Altar of Burnt Offering.[6] For example, suppose the tribe of Judah was scheduled for services at the Altar of Burnt Offering during the month of Tishri (the seventh month of the year). Suppose also that during the year, all of the people belonging to the tribe of Judah sinned a few times each month. Because sinners cannot live in God’s presence, the Lord provided a way for the tribe of Judah to be “covered” from guilt until their turn came for the Altar of Burnt Offering. The grace extended through the whole year to the tribe of Judah came through daily services at the Altar of Incense. Here’s how:

A priest conducted a special service at the golden Altar of Incense each evening and morning. He took a perfect one year old lamb[7] from the temple’s herd and sacrificed it on the Altar of Burnt Offering. Then, he carried the blood into the Holy Place of the temple and applied the lamb’s blood to the horns of the golden Altar of Incense. This process was conducted to benefit the whole camp. The guilt of the whole camp of Israel (not the guilt of a particular individual) was transferred to the horns of the Altar of Incense twice a day.[8] This daily atonement allowed an all-consuming God to live among sinners without destroying them. The blood applied to the horns of the Altar of Incense kept God’s wrath away from the camp.

We know from Scripture that ceremonial services in the earthly temple are shadows of services that are conducted in Heaven’s temple.[9] Because this parallel exists, we can determine the meaning of the service that John describes in Revelation 8:3-5. Here is a brief explanation:

Jesus began interceding for all mankind (corporate intercession) at the Altar of Incense on the day that Adam and Eve sinned. Jesus stood between the sudden death law[10] and the guilty pair. Jesus explained His intercession to Adam and Eve when He covered them with animal skins.[11] For 6,000 years, Jesus has protected the whole world from the sudden death law because He interceded for us daily at the Altar of Incense. Prior to the cross, God required individuals to show their faith in God’s plan of redemption by offering a perfect lamb on an altar of burnt offering. Abel showed His faith through obedience, Cain did not. After the cross, burnt offerings were terminated, but living by faith remains unchanged. God still requires each person to surrender his will to God’s will. He calls us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices.[12]

The corporate intercession that began when Adam and Eve sinned will soon end. When it does, the censer at Heaven’s Altar of Incense will be cast down and God’s wrath (the seven trumpets) will break out. God will release the four angels at the four corners of Earth and His four deadly judgments will punish the world. His four deadly judgments are sword, famine, plague, and wild beasts.[13]The seven trumpets contain these deadly judgments.

Revelation 8:4

And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand.{4} I saw a brilliant angel standing at the Altar of Incense. He served the Lord as a priest. Then, I saw all of God’s saints on Earth kneeling in prayer. They were fasting and praying, imploring God to do something quickly because it seemed that everyone on Earth was about to perish. World leaders were crying out for peace and safety.[14] While the saints were earnestly praying, the angel was given much incense. He put the incense on the altar’s live coals and a cloud of sweet fragrance filled the temple. The sweet scent, along with the petition of the saints, was presented to Jesus. He saw the entirety of the situation on Earth and was moved. There was war on Earth, the saints were very anxious, and the timing was perfect. Jesus sat in deep thought for a few moments. I could see deep agony reflected on His face. Then, He spoke to the angel ministering at the altar. He said, “Stop the corporate atonement service, there will be no more delay.”[15]

Since this scene occurs after 1798, Jesus is seated on the throne. He is not the priest at the Altar of Incense. It should not be surprising that angels serve God as priests because human beings will also serve God as priests.[16] The angel-priest casts down the censer because Jesus gave Him the command to do so.

Why are all of the saints praying? What is the relationship between casting down the censer and the prayers of all the saints? The casting down of the censer and the termination of corporate intercession is the answer to the prayers of the saints. I assume one event which would move all of God’s saints to pray the same prayer at the same time would be a nuclear exchange. Paul makes it clear in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 that when people are saying “peace and safety,” God will send sudden destruction. When Revelation 8:3-5 occurs, the world will be on the edge of self-destruction and the saints will be praying for the Lord to intervene. World leaders will be demanding peace and safety and Jesus will respond. He will tell the angel who ministers at the Altar of Incense, “It is finished. The delay (that began in 1994) is over.” Corporate intercession for Earth will be terminated. The angel will respond by removing the fire from the altar and throwing it down on the Earth. This dramatic action indicates indignation. Corporate mercy has ended, the fourth seal will be broken open, and the appointed time of the end will now begin.

Revelation 8:5

And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.{5} The angel serving at the Altar of Incense removed the live coals on the altar and put them in a censer. Then he threw the censer to Earth. There came peals of deafening thunder that caused people to panic. There were voices coming out of the ground and huge bolts of angry lightning filled the sky. Then a great earthquake violently shook the whole world for several minutes[17] and then the whole world came to a standstill.

When the censer is cast down, Jesus will immediately empower His servants who have been selected and sealed. The 1,260 days allotted for the Two Witnesses will begin. The 1,335 days allotted for the Great Tribulation will begin. The “end of days” begins when daily services conducted at the Altar of Incense cease.[18] The appointed time of the end is a well-defined period of time.[19]Everyone will see and feel God’s wrath. The Great Day of the Lord will be terrible.

It is my understanding that since 1994, four angels have been holding back God’s deadly judgments. There have been huge disasters on Earth, including earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, and fires, but these have not been God’s deadly judgments. They have been prophetic samples of events to come. The difference between a random act of violent nature and God’s wrath is a message of redemption. There are several instances recorded in the Old Testament where God’s wrath broke out and thousands perished.[20] When these instances occurred, there was always a divine message. As we approach the day when the censer will be cast down, remember that perfect love drives out fear.[21] If we abide in Jesus, there is nothing to fear. He has promised to be with us until the end of the world.[22] Given the scope and scale of destruction presented in the book of Revelation, it seems almost impossible that anyone will survive God’s wrath. In fact, less than fifty percent of Earth’s present population will live to see the Second Coming; yet, amid all the coming devastation, remember that God is love. He has carefully and deliberately designed the Great Tribulation to save the largest number of people possible and the Bible says a numberless multitude will be redeemed! God has several objectives for the seven trumpets, and as we have discussed, one objective will be to shatter the religious beliefs of mankind. When religious people discover that their religious beliefs are false, the honest in heart will discard their worthless paradigms and embrace God’s truth as proclaimed by the 144,000 and they will be saved.

The First Four Trumpets of Revelation

Revelation 8:7

The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.{7} Jesus gave the signal and the first angel blew his trumpet. Everyone in Heaven was watching, closely focused on this tiny planet. There came a meteoric hailstorm from the sky that was composed of burning rocks. The white-hot rocks were unquenchable, like burning sulphur. One-third of the land was burned up, one-third of the trees were burned up, and all of the green grass was burned up; men were powerless. They could not stop the falling rocks or quench the great fires. Millions lost their lives in the fires.

The first four trumpets will serve as “a surgical strike.” Jesus will destroy thousands of notably wicked places, like Sodom and Gomorrah, with precision. The Bible does not explicitly indicate this. I make this assertion for four reasons:

First, God’s judgments are always deliberate. They are not random acts of violent nature. When the censer is cast down, God’s response to rebellion and degeneracy will be plainly seen and felt. The 144,000 will direct everyone to the book of Revelation so that everyone will see that God’s wrath was clearly predicted.

Second, Jesus wants everyone on Earth to listen to His servants, the 144,000. There is no better way to open the ears of people than to destroy thousands of places around the world that are widely known for their wickedness. Jesus will use the destruction of wicked places to arrest mankind’s attention. He wants everyone to listen to His servants instead of their religious leaders. Getting people to listen to the 144,000 instead of their clergy will not be easy. To make this happen, Jesus will expose the ignorance of the clergy. Honest-hearted people will catch on quickly. They will soon realize that their religious leaders did not warn them of God’s coming wrath because they do not know God’s Word or His plans.

Third, Prophecy 11 states that Babylon (a coming global government) will form during the fourth trumpet because the leadership of the world will be convinced (when they see thousands of notably wicked places have been destroyed) that Almighty God is very angry. God’s wrath against wickedness will be unmistakable, based on the evidence of destruction. Notably wicked places will become non-existent. When world leaders see that 1.75 billion people have been obliterated, they will set aside their religious and political differences, and unite in an effort to appease God’s wrath.

Finally, the first four trumpets affect the land, sea, and trees (physical things and places). The last three trumpets are called woes (or curses) because they will directly impact wicked rebels. In other words, if destroying thousands of wicked places does not produce repentance and reformation, destroying defiant rebels is all that remains.



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