

Revelation 14:6 – Revelation 15:6

The Close of Mercy and the Seven Last Plagues

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Most Christians don’t expect to experience the wrath of Jesus, the global earthquake nor the first four trumpets. Therefore, Catholics and Protestants will be overwhelmed just like the Moslems, Jews, pagans and atheists.


Keep this though in mind:

The first angel’s message will irritate people for 1,260 days.


For this reason, the first angel’s message will eventually make many people very angry.  (I’ll say more about this in a moment.)


As you can see, the first angel’s message will not only a “a shocking introduction to the sovereignty of Jesus Christ,’ for many people it will become a very serious irritant.


The world needs a strong dose of reality: Jesus Christ overrulesthe universe and the 144,000 will be asking, “Will you let Him rule over you?”


You have heard me say in earlier segment of this seminar that I believe persecution for the saints starts about 60 days after the global earthquake.


The timing is determined by two things. First, the 42 months of persecution in Revelation 13:5 can’t be moved around very much within the 1,335 days of the Great Tribulation.


Second, the crisis has to produce enough destruction and enough time has to transpire before Babylon can form and begin to make laws. 


Look at the Chart Book page 19…


Ok, so Protestants, Catholics, Moslems, Hindus, Jews, Pagans and atheists will be offended when they hear the demand to worship Jesus Christ because the hour of His judgment has come.


This confrontation is exactly what Jesus wants.


Matthew 10:34   “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.


Matthew 10:35   For I have come to turn “’a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—


Matthew 10:36   a man’s enemies will be members of his own household.’ 


Matthew 10:37   “Anyone who loves hid father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;


Matthew 10:38   and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.


John 8:31   To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are my disciples.


John 8:32   Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free [of your friends, family, job and church].


Billions of people will complain to God’s prophets, “But this isn’t what my church teaches!”


The 144,000 will reply: “Is that your final answer?” : -)


A host of “sin-less” laws will be implemented and enforced by Babylon and everyone who violates Babylon’s laws will be punished. Those refusing to comply with Babylon’s laws will be punished because the leaders of Babylon will fear that God’s wrath will break out once again and if it does, more people will die if sinful behavior continue!


When Babylon exerts global authority to appease God, a second message from Jesus will be heard around the world. The second message will be very simple. The 144,000 will utter three provocative words: “Babylon is fallen.”


This means: Babylon is false, blasphemous, arrogant and in opposition to laws and the will of God. Once you understand the context of the first angle’s message and the test of faith that it represents, you can see that it will take a lot of courage and faith to receive the first angel’s message and act accordingly. Then, everyone who accepts the second angel’s message will find himself in a difficult situation called persecution.


Rebellion against the laws of Babylon will bring down harsh punishment.


Listen carefully to the following scenario. Here’s something I want you to carefully consider:


At first, the laws mandated by Babylon will have moral objectives that conservative people in all religionscan accept. For example:


Homosexuality will be soundly condemned and those participating in homosexual behaviors will be harshly punished.


Sexual promiscuity, prostitution and the use or production of pornography will be condemned and those participating in sexual immorality will be harshly punished.


Gambling, stealing, dishonesty, the use of illegal drugs and violent behavior will be harshly punished.


And to insure that God’s wrath is appeased, the religious leaders of all nations will require their respective legislators to set aside a day of rest each week for the worship of God.


Businesses will be closed on a day set aside for God, sporting events will be canceled, and cathedrals, churches, mosques, temples, synagogues and kingdom halls will be filled with worshipers.


As you can see, the laws of Babylon will not dramatically impact people already living godly lives – at first.    


However, there will be “a fly in the ointment” an irritant that just won’t go away. The 144,000 will be proclaiming the first angel’s message with great power and authority and their presence and sharp condemnation of Babylon will create an enormous problem for them and everyone who embraces their message!


The 144,000 will be nagging everyone to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ and worship our Creator on His holy day, Saturday, the seventh day of the week. Were it not for 144,000 “pests” the issue of worship would not become so hotly controverted during the Great Tribulation.


But, the powerful and persistent preaching of the 144,000 will gain attention of Babylon’s leaders and the 144,000 will awaken their wrath. As the number of people resting on God’s seventh day Sabbath begins to grow, a controversy over God’s day of worship will erupt.


This controversy will grow in intensity and animosity because the testimony of the 144,000 will undermine Babylon’s authority and its blasphemous claims. Eventually, the 144,000 will become targets marked for death. Remember the word of Calaphas concerning the ministry and teachings of Jesus?   


John 11:50   “You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish.”

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