
Appendix D

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Jubilee cycles explain

     a year for a day


The purpose and beauty of the ancient Jubilee Calendar is now beginning to unfold. Its purpose has been shrouded in mystery for centuries, but now the secrets of the Jubilee calendar are becoming known. Dating back to the days of the Exodus, this time mechanism was given to Moses for some very interesting reasons.


A rest for the land


Upon entering the Promised Land, God had Joshua divide the land of Canaan into twelve “parcels.” Each tribe was given a parcel according to its size and the families within a tribe were given a tract of land. All were free to use the land as they saw fit. They could even sell the land to fellow Hebrews in other tribes, but the Year of Jubilee arrived, the land had to revert back, at no charge, to the original tribe and family that received it from Joshua. The exception to this rule was city property. (Joshua 14, Leviticus 25:10,29)


The Year of Jubilee was celebrated at the end of each Jubilee cycle. Study the chart at the end of this study and notice that each day of the week represents a year. (A complete full sized chart can be obtained for $2 by calling (937) 848-3322.) Notice that at the end of each week, the seventh year is a sabbatical year for the land. Understand that the sabbatical year was not a sabbatical year for the people, but for the land. (Leviticus 25:2) After seven weeks of 49 years had fully ended, the year of Jubilee commenced. You will notice that the 50th year celebration occurs during the first year of the next cycle of 49 years (See 1388 B.C.). At first, this confuses many people. How can the 50th year of celebration also be the first year of the next cycle? Consider the mechanism: The Jews marked off 49 days (seven weeks) from the Feast of Unleavened Bread to observe Pentecost. If Passover occurred on a seventh-day Sabbath, then seven Sabbaths and one day later, the 50th day, the Day of Pentecost arrived. (Leviticus 23:15,16) Understand that in this case, the 50th day, the day of Pentecost, is also the first day of the week. The point here is that God’s Jubilee calendar is based on recurring cycles of seven weeks. And the 50th year of the old cycle falls at the same time as the first year of the new cycle. (For those who are thinking ahead, this is the only way the 70 weeks of Daniel 9 can equal 490 years.)


Not man’s calendar


The Jubilee Calendar was given to Israel for two wonderful reasons. First, God made Israel time-keepers for mankind. They were the only people to receive the perpetual responsibility of marking the passage of time as God sees time. And, to prevent Israel from guessing at time, God synchronized His eternal calendar on two occasions. First, He told Moses when to start counting. (Exodus 12:2) Then, for forty years, He constantly verified the days of the week in the minds of His people by doubling the amount of manna that fell on the sixth day and withholding manna on the seventh day of the week. (Exodus 16:26)


In addition to synchronizing His people with His calendar, God required the perpetual observance of the seventh-day Sabbath to mark the passage of the weekly cycle. This observance would distinguish His people from others. God declared that His seventh-day Sabbath would be a sign between Him and His people. (Exodus 31:17) But keeping up with the weekly cycle was only part of the larger purpose. God also required the observance of new moons to mark the passage of monthly cycles (2 Chronicles 2:4). He required the observance of the Passover on the 15th day of the new year to mark their yearly anniversary of deliverance. He required the observance of each seven-year sabbatical to mark seven-year cycles within the Jubilee. And God required the observance of the Year of Jubilee to mark the completion of each 49-year cycle.

(Leviticus 26:14-44)


Not observed now


Because Jubilee cycles aren’t observed today, many people depreciate the importance of these timing cycles. When Jesus died on Calvary, the observances of feast days and ceremonies became unnecessary (Colossians 2:11-16. Galatians 4:9-11), but the time-periods they marked remain with us. As afar as God is concerned, the weekly cycle, the monthly cycle, the yearly cycle, the week of years and the Jubilee cycle are still intact.  (This assertion will be demonstrated later.) The point here is that when Jesus died, the ceremonial services that occurred at these specific times became unnecessary, but the cycles of time remain. In fact, the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary is directly connected to 2,300 day/years that have their origin in the Jubilee calendar!


A starting point


A day in the Jubilee calendar represents a year. Verify this point by looking at the chart at the end of this study. The Jubilee Calendar marks the passage of time by counting “weeks of years.” That is, a week of seven days represents seven years. This may sound complicated, but remember, the Jews did not have a fixed date by which to mark their calendars like we do today. When we say 2009, what are we referring to? We are saying that there have been 2,009 years since the birth of Jesus (actually, 2009 years is incorrect but this is beside the point). Because our calendar dates from an event that is recognized by all nations, we can keep track of the years quite easily. But suppose the Japanese did not base their calendar on the birth of Jesus, what year Honda would they be selling in the U.S.A. right now?


The weekly cycle is a template


God foreknew the problems of keeping track of time, so he created a calendar based on the template of the weekly cycle. Many people understand the importance of the cycle of the week, but few understand the importance of the other cycles. We will investigate two:


The sabbatical


God declared that a sabbatical year must occur every seventh year (Leviticus 25:3-7). Every seventh year, the land was not to be planted or harvested. In His divine wisdom, God accomplished two important things with the seventh-year sabbatical. First, the land itself received a much-needed rest. Secondly and more importantly, He wanted to test Israel’s faith every seventh year. He wanted to see if they would trust Him enough to provide for their needs. Think about this, would it take considerable faith for an agricultural nation to let the land lay fallow for a whole year? So, God declared that year 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 and 49 were perpetual Sabbatical years. The land was to receive its rest.


The Year of Jubilee


The 49th year was the last sabbatical of a Jubilee cycle. It was considered a high year because it was the seventh sabbatical. And the high sabbatical of the 49th year was followed by the once-per-generation Year of Jubilee. Again, the immediate purpose of the Year of Jubilee was the test of faith. God wanted His people to realize that the land they enjoyed was a gift from Him. He wanted them to know that they did not work for it, earn it, nor deserve it. Therefore, it was given back to its original owner every 50 years with the same cheerful spirit that He gave to them because the land was not theirs to own. He wanted them to know that they were only stewards of it. And, if they were faithful, they could remain upon the land. If they were unfaithful to Him, He promised to throw them out. (Joshua 24:13; Leviticus 18:24-28; 25:23 and Jeremiah 2:7). He also required that they were not to plant or harvest their fields during the Year of Jubilee, for it was a holy year (Leviticus 25:11,12), 


The harmony of time


The observance of the seventh-day Sabbath kept the weekly cycle intact. The observance of new moons kept the monthly cycle intact. The observance of the Passover kept the yearly intact. The observance of the seventh-year sabbaticals keep the week of years intact. And, the observance of the Jubilee cycle kept the land in the hands of its original owner.


Note: In all but the very first Jubilee cycle, there were eight sabbatical years per Jubilee cycle. These include the Year of Jubilee (year 1) plus seven sabbaticals (years 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49). See the charts at the end of the study for further detail.




When God gave Israel the Jubilee Calendar, He made clear their responsibility. He warned, “But if you will not listen to me and carry out all these commands… then I will do this to you: I will bring upon you sudden terror, wasting diseases and fever that will destroy your sight and drain away your life… Your land will be laid waste, and your cities will lie in ruins. Then the land will enjoy it Sabbath years all the time that it lies desolate and you are in the country of your enemies; then the land will rest and enjoy its Sabbaths. All the time it lies desolate, the land will have its rest it did not have during the Sabbaths you lived in it.” (Leviticus 26:14-35).


If we look carefully at the penalty for violating the sabbatical years we may correctly estimate their value in God’s sight. The penalty for violating the sabbatical years was severe because God wanted Israel to live by faith. He also wanted Israel to perpetuate His calendar. Since the Jubilee calendar was initiated at time of the exodus (Exodus 12:2), God designed that Israel should never forget their deliverance, their benevolent Creator and God. He required them to observe His sabbatical years. Anything God calls holy has an important lesson in it. He does not declare something holy to tempt men with disobedience.


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