
The Terrible Danger of Drinking Old Wine
From the Structure-It Destroys the Taste for Jesus’ New Wine

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The Almost Sacrosanct Assumption About Consumer Sovereignty

“This creates an entirely different context for ministry from what prevailed only a few decades ago. This market today is competitive. And increasingly what pastors are up against are churchgoers’ preferences.  This is a buyer’s market and what the buyer wants has become as large a consideration as what the church wants to give. And what churches have discovered is that these preferences are significantly affected by deep therapeutic longings, by fallacious assumptions about human potential, by a sense of entitlement to wholeness, by an almost sacrosanct assumption about consumer sovereignty,  by the entertainment industry, and perhaps even by a desire to be cocooned from society as much as possible.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.” 2 Timothy 4:3.

Disney World a Model For Some Churches

“This has changed many things in this new experiment in how to ‘do church.’ Among them is the fact that concerted attention is now given to the way in which a newcomer ‘feels’ about the church. That is why Disney World is considered a model that some churches have tried to follow…. One of the less welcome by products of the new consumer mentality is that brand loyalty is a thing of the past so people circulate through churches, trying one and then another, which the result that back doors are being used as much as the front….


Complete Managerial Control

“…Disney, the happiest place on earth, is in fact, utopian.  It is a compelling distillation of how the middle class wishes life looked in the United States or how they (mistakenly) remember it as having been. And the key to producing such a happy place is complete managerial control, considerable imagination, and technological wizardry. None of these points has been lost on emerging seeker churches…



“Disney is also about entertainment, and some churches have come to think that here, too, another page can be taken from its book… entertainment has therefore emerged as a very important factor in the new mix… Ministers who resemble comedians or other entertainers are beginning to show up on church teams…

“These churches have been to the forefront in recognizing how the growth of our cities, the evolution in the ways people shop, and the ways in which they have adapted to large, impersonal structures in society have all changed what they expect from church, what they are and are not willing to tolerate…


“Much of What the Earlier Generation Valued Has Been Swept Away

“… When malls began to be built outside cities, a ‘culture-changing concept’ was under way. No longer would shoppers drive into the city but they would go to the malls. At the same time this was happening, the importance of the neighborhood was diminishing. Those born before 1935… value a sense of community which they found in the neighborhood but those who are part of the younger generations, those born after 1955, work off; a non-geographical basis for creating social networks.’… Thus it is that we have the ‘emergence of the new regional megachurch as the successor to the old neighborhood parish… The contemporary ethos is now quite different from what it used to be. As modernization has taken hold, much of the earlier generation valued has been swept away: ‘familiarity, continuity with the past, kinship ties, small institutions, simplicity, predictability, longtime relationships, informality, and a slower pace of life. Younger generations have only known a culture, which is dominated by large institutions. They are used to having many choices, to experiencing innovation, constant change, numerous surprises, and convenient parking lots.” Wells, 269-275.



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