
The Repairer of The Breach
Part 13

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Isaiah 58:12-14 Discusses an amazing prophecy that proclaims the glory and importance of the Lord’s Seventh –Day Sabbath and tells that in the last days it will be restored!

 “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations: and thou shalt be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in. If thou turn away thy foot from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable; and shalt honor Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: “Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord!”

The Seventh-Day Sabbath was introduced in the Garden of Eden, and was intact for God’s people up until the Roman Catholic Church took control of Christianity!

In the early third century, this Church introduced worship on one Sunday a year in honor of the resurrection, then when “Lent” was established they instigated Sunday-worship on each Sunday during the forty days – But up to 300 A.D. Both Saturday and Sunday were kept!

Then came the “worship-on-Sunday-upon-pain-of-death” orders from Constantine, the world’s first Sunday Blue Laws in 321 A.D! This was soon followed up by Popes wishing to do away with the supposedly “Jewish” Saturday Sabbath that the Christians kept, so they made Saturdays a day of enforced fasting and mourning, while feasting and celebrating the resurrection on Sundays!  In addition, this helped the Church to convert the sun-worshipping pagans who wished to keep their “Sun-Day!

Therefore, there is the breach! Brought about by no one else but the Papacy! The “Breach,” the period during which most of the Christian world ignored the Lord’s Holy Sabbath!

Now, some of you may say that, “there was no weekly Sabbath between the time that God sanctified the Seventh Day at Creation till the time of Moses.” Yes, the first mention in the Bible of God expecting his chosen people to rest on the seventh day was when they received the manna in the desert on their way to the promised land, and then came Mount Sinai experience where it was “put in writing”! So some may think that there was no weekly Sabbath until around 1400 B.C. But: Does that mean that the knowledge of God having blessed the Seventh Day was “non-existent”?

Luke 3:23-38 lists the genealogy of Jesus all the way back to Adam, and its fair to assume that every one of those righteous godly men passed on what they had seen and known! In addition, there is no doubt that God informed Adam that Seventh Day was Holy! Accordingly, every ancestor of Jesus undoubtedly knew the Seventh Day was Holy!

A point to keep in mind is that writing was a rare and “unknown” art to men up until Moses’ day – this was the first chance man had, really to put God’s story into writing! In addition, the fourth commandment begins with “Remember”. Remember the Seventh Day… See, during the two hundred-year Egyptian captivity there would have been little chance to practice actually keeping the Sabbath:   They were enslaved in Egypt! So, were they told to remember something that they had never known? The truth is they were being told to remember what they once knew! Proof: In Genesis, 26:5 it says, “Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws”! Abraham kept the Lord’s Sabbath!

If you still have “doubts” that the Ten Commandments were in effect previous to the Sinai experience? If so, here are four proof texts that guarantee to get across this “chasm” of “doubt.”

  1. “Sin is the transgression of The Law.” 1 John 3:4
  1. “Where no law is, there is no transgression.” Romans 4:15
  1. “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23
  1. “Death reigned from Adam to Moses.” Romans 5:14

Do you follow the logic? Its simple” There could be no “death” without sin, and there could be no “sin” without a law! Therefore, it is as clear as day that the Ten Commandments existed “from Adam to Moses”!

Part 14

What was “Nailed to the Cross”?

Colossians 2:14-16 tells us that the Handwriting of Ordinances was “taken out of the way,” that it was nailed to the cross, and that we should “let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holiday, or of the new moon, or of the things to come…” Christians who endorse Sunday worship say that this is proof text in which God negated the Holy Weekly Sabbath… However, this interpretation is totally incorrect!

The Law of Ordinances that was nailed to the cross was the Ceremonial Law! The “shadowy” yearly Sabbaths that were described in Leviticus 23:4-44! These Sabbaths pointed to the death of Christ, these ceremonies were to have no further meaning beyond the cross, and this was why Paul said they were contrary to the Christian!

The veil in the temple was torn in half from top to bottom when Christ died on the cross (Matthew 27:51), and this indicated the end of the ordinances requiring animal sacrifices! Ephesians 2:15 clearly state that Christ abolished “The Law of Commandments contained in Ordinances”!

As an example, The Passover… The Passover, honors the exodus from Egypt, but several parts of this ceremony point to Christ.

  1. The woman of the house lights the candles, symbolizing that the light of the world, Jesus, entered the world via a woman!
  2. Three pieces of unleavened bread are placed in three compartments in a bag… (The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost)
  3. The middle piece of bread is removed, broken in half, then this bread is placed in a white linen bag, and then the bag is placed under the table, “buried”!
  4. About two hours later, this bag is brought up, the bread taken out, and then broken into smaller pieces…

…All while passing around the 3rd cup of wine eats a piece… This is Communion! The unleavened bread even bears the stripes and holes that Christ bore for us! That middle wafer is Christ! The Ten Commandments were never called “Ordinances”!

God knew that most of the Jewish people would re-ject His Son, and there was no need in over burdening the Gentiles with numerous symbolic ceremonies that they themselves never historically participated in – so Jesus “simplified” the ceremony!

 Today we:

1.      Accept Christ as our personal Savior, and live by faith in Jesus,


2.      Are baptized by His death and resurrection,


3.      Take communion, and obey God’s Laws!

…In addition, the rest of the ceremonies were “Nailed to the Cross”! Critics also like to point to Romans 14 to say that God no longer considers the Seventh Day of the week as “Holy,” or sanctified, but Paul’s letter to the Roman Church was merely addressing the problems that were welling up between the two main groups of the first century Christians. Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians were constantly judging each other… Meat that was offered to idols was an item of contention, as was the reluctance of the Jewish converts to let go of the age-old symbolic shadows and ceremonies!

That’s why Paul wrote “one man esteemed one day above another: Another esteemed every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.” (Romans 14:5) However, this had nothing to do with the Seventh Day Sabbath of the moral law of God that was indeed a holy day in itself! The only logical conclusion… The Sabbath of Creation Week was never “A Shadow of Things to come”! “Types” and “Shadows” came into existence as a result of sin, and pointed forward to the deliverance from sin! The Sabbath was made before sin existed! Therefore it was never a type or shadow! The Seventh Day Sabbath was never “nailed to the cross”! Nor any of the other Ten Commandments! See Matthew 5:17.

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