
Who Were the Original Immigrants To America?
The Archaeological Evidence Regarding the Immigrants to America
Hundreds of Years Before the Birth of Christ

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Ever-swelling Tally of Inscriptions in North America and Latin America


Harvard professor, Barry Fell, writes in his book, America, B.C., about “the ever-swelling tally of puzzling inscriptions now being reported from nearly all parts of the United States, Canada, and Latin America…


Inscriptions Written in European and Mediterranean Languages Dating 2,500 Years Ago- Permanent Colonies of Celts, Basques, Libyans, Egyptians


“The inscriptions are written in various European and Mediterranean languages in alphabets that date from 2,500 years ago, and they speak not only of visits by ancient ships, but also of permanent colonies of Celts, Basques, Libyans, and even Egyptians. They occur on buried temples, on tablets and on gravestones and on cliff faces.” Barry Fell, America B.C.: Ancient Settlers in the New World. New York: Pocket Books, 1976, p. 3.


Ancient Scripts Inscribed on Bedrock Tell of European Settlers Who Founded Some Amerindian Nations


“American inscriptions some of them known for a century or more, turn out to have been written in ancient scripts of a type recently deciphered in Europe or North Africa. Thus, the truth has slowly come to light, ancient history is inscribed upon the bedrock and buried stone buildings of America, and the only hands that could have inscribed it were those of ancient people. America, as we now realize, is a treasure house of records of man’s achievements upon the high seas in by gone ages. Even more so are our inscribed rocks and tablets a heritage from a forgotten era of colonization. They tell us of settlers who came from the Old World and who remained to become founding fathers of some of the Amerindian nations….


Hundreds of Inscriptions Tell of Vital Celtic Civilization For First Thousand Years of Celtic Settlement in America


“These remarkable and hitherto unsuspected facts have come to light this past summer (of 1975) in the course of an archeological survey of New Hampshire and Vermont. The hundreds of inscriptions among the ruins attest the vitality of Celtic civilization in pagan times, and tell a wonderful story of how Europeans lived in the Bronze Age. Our first season’s work yielded only hints of the fate of Celtic kingdoms, but this book relates what we have been able to find out of the first thousand years or so of their settlements in North America.


3,000 Years Ago Celtic Mariners Colonized North America


“About three thousand years ago bands of roving Celtic mariners crossed the North Atlantic to discover, and then to colonize, North America.  They came from Spain and Portugal, by way of the Canary Islands, sailing the trade winds as Columbus also was to do long afterwards.” Fell, 2-5. (emphasis mine)


Celts Founded Iargalon, “Land Beyond the Sunset,” and Still There in Julius Caesar’s Time


The Celts established “a new European kingdom in New England, which they called, Iargalon, “Land Beyond the Sunset.” They built villages and temples, raises Druids’ circles and buried their dead in marked graves. They were still there in the time of Julius Caesar, as is attested by an inscribed monolith on which the date of celebration of the great Celtic Festival of Beltane (Mayday) is given in Roman numerals appropriate to the reformed Julian calendar introduced in 46 BC.” –Fells, 6.


Celtic Temples in America


Fell has multiple pictures of Celtic temples in America, among others of a stone temple at South Woodstock oriented so that its long axis is aligned with compass bearing 123 degrees which, for latitude 43.5 degrees N. corresponding to the horizon azimuth of the rising sun on December 22, the winter solstice. The date for the stone temple is some time after 433 B.C.


Phoenician Traders From Cadiz, Spain Who Spoke Punic Became Part of the Wabanaki Tribe of New England 


The Celts were followed by Phoenician traders of Spain, men from Cadiz who spoke Punic. Phoenicians remained and together with Egyptians miners, became part of the Wabanaki tribe of New England.


Basque, Libyan, Egyptian, and Norse Penetration in North America-Amerindian Tribes Employ Dialects Derived in Part From Phoenicia and North Africa


Basque settlers settled in Pennsylvania. “Libyan and Egyptian mariners entered the Mississippi penetrating to Iowa and the Dakota, and westward along the Arkansas and Cimarron Rivers to leave behind inscribed records of their presence. Norse and Basque visitors reached the Gulf of St. Lawrence, introducing various mariners’ terms into the language of the northern Algonquian Indians. Descendants of these visitors are also to be found apparently among the Amerindian tribes, several of which employ dialects derived in part from the ancient tongues of Phoenicia and North Africa.


“The Celts seem first to have settled near the mouths of rivers of New England, as at North Salem on a branch of the Merrimac River in southern New Hampshire.” Fells, 7. From there, they pushed westward.


Siberian From the West; Semitic Celtic, Gaelic, Egyptian and Norse Words and Writings Systems From the East


Russian investigators have assembled vocabularies of some 25,000 words from nomadic tribes inhabiting northeastern Siberia and adjacent islands, which bear affinity to tongues spoken in northwestern North America. The Algonquin Indian tongue has substantial Siberian roots in its western dialects, diminishing as one moves eastward into New England, where Semitic words dominate. There are many hundreds of words of clearly Semitic origin in the modern Wabanaki language, missing from the western Algonquin, where the Phoenicians apparently did not penetrate. Many place names in the New England are Celtic, or Gaelic, and there are substantial injections of Egyptian vocabulary, apparent from hundreds of roots in the Wabanki and Micmac. The Micmac writing system is derived from Egyptian, Northeast Algonquin, or Micmac, also contains Norse. (Barry Fell, 282-284)


Algonquin Ancestors Crossed the Sea


The Algonquin have a tradition that their ancestors crossed the sea, and kept yearly sacrifices, until 1819, for their safe arrival in America. Cotton Mather inquired of the Natick Indians in Boston about their knowledge of the stars, and they responded that they always called the constellation known by Europeans as “The Bear,” Ursa Major, by the name Paukunnawaw, or “The Bear.” The Micmac dialect of Algonquin’s name for this constellation is mooeen, also “The Bear.” (Fell, 279-282)


Libyan Explorers in California; Zuni Language Derived From Libyan


Libyan explorers came to California around 232 BC, “probably by sea landings on the Pacific coast, made from vessels sent out by the pharaoh Ptolemy III around 232 BC. This inscription, discovered by Dr. Edward J. Pullman of the U.S. Exploration Company, is replicated from a rock on a mountain range adjacent to the Mojave Desert [S. California]. It reads, left to right, from the downwards, S R-Z, R-Z. W-R-Z-MT (‘All Men, Take care Take care, Great desert’). The writing style shows some deterioration from the earlier inscriptions, and suggest a date perhaps several centuries after the time of Christ. The graver may have been a Zuni Indian, for the language of the Zuni today betrays its derivation from the ancient Libyan.” (Fell, 182). Ancient Libyan inscriptions are on the Mimbrews valley in New Mexico, written 700 years ago. Chief Ras wrote his name in Egyptian and Libyan on the Cimarron cliffs, and also left another bilingual autograph in Libyan and Iberian Punic. (Fell, 182, 183)


Pima Tribe of SW Speaks Semitic Derived From Iberian Punic Colonists 2,500 Years Ago


”The Pima tribe [of the American Southwest] speaks a Semitic tongue evidently derived from that of the Iberian Punic colonists who settled America 2,500 years ago.



Pima Have Ancient Religious Scriptures of Iberian Punic Colonists With Creation and Flood Accounts, Survival of Chosen Beings


“The Pima have preserved with remarkable fidelity the ancient religious scriptures of these early Iberian Punic colonists.” Fell, 171. These sacred scriptures include creation accounts of the “Creation of the Moon (Pima mar, Semitic amar) the celestial vault of atmosphere (Pima howa, Semitic hawa), premonitory warnings of an impending Flood, the Flood itself, referred to as a submergence or subsidence (Pima rso, Semitic resub), and the eventual salvation of chosen beings who survived the Flood. It is interesting that the Pima priests (makai, wizard, matching the Semitic makana and magus, magician or wise men) not only have preserved this ancient Semitic epic as a remembered sacred history, but also have retained the sacred words of the ancients, such as Tars (the sacred disk of the sun, matching Turs, with the same sense) which, it will be remembered, we found written in Phoenician and Ogam characters on the cliff face at Cachada Rapa, a relic of the Iberian Bronze Age.” –Fells, 173.  


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