
The Art and Science of Taking Over the Nation for Rome

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The Effort to Erase Separation of Church and State and Bring About “One Mind”

This then, is the amazing story of the rise of the theocons-the men who would set about to take over the nation by weaver together a synthesis of Jesuitical Marxism and conservative Roman Catholicism, and sell this ideology to churches and a nation that once was Protestant. This is the story of the effort to erase separation of church and state and bring about “one mind, [that] shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” This is the power that will “make war with the Lamb.” Revelation 17: 13, 14.

The Most Radical of the Leftist Radicals Espouse Conservative Roman Catholic Issues

The most radical of the leftist radicals of the Jesuit Marxist/pantheistic counter cultural revolution of the 1960s mutated into the right wing during the 1970s and 1980s, bringing with them the Marxist orientation as to how reality is constructed, with the Marxist way of perceiving and constructing a world view. In this way the Jesuit influence took over not only the left wing in American political and cultural life, but now with fury has taken over the right wing issues into a synthesis with a Catholic/Christian Marxist-style orientation of reality. This fusion of leftist and right wing thought, coupled now with Catholicism and evangelicalism, has created a powerful vortex of last-day developments in the formation of the image of the beast. 

A Nationwide Youth Movement

Not only is the nation now being led intellectually by this group of determined Catholic ideologues, but also nationwide, powerful youth movement is taking over high schools across the nation-a youth movement that synthesizes evangelicalism with Babylon. The forces unleashed by the Jesuits in the 1960s are now taking over every sector of society-left and right, youth and baby boomers.

The theoconservative movement is a blend of the Roman Catholic right wing agenda, which has been adopted by evangelical “Protestantism” and Marxist revolutionary ideology. Thus, in the end, it has its appeal for both left and right.

Roman Catholic Godfather of Conservatism Declares Republicans Have Hijacked Conservativism

We now stand on the point of mid-term elections. The hard core of the Roman Catholic conservative movement, spearheaded by such men as the staunch Roman Catholic Richard Viguerie, is determined not to tie the conservative movement too tightly to any political party. The theocons and neocons have taken over the Republican party power, while Viguerie has written a book delineating how, in his view, the true Roman Catholic conservative movement has been betrayed by a Republican administration which has ‘hijacked the conservative cause.’   

His book is Conservativism Betrayed: How George W. Bush and other Big Government Republicans hijacked the conservative Cause, by Richard A. Viguerie. (Los Angeles: Bonus Books, 2006.) The Republicans have just not been consistent enough, he believes, in espousing Catholic conservativism.

Left Wing Jesuitical Marxism

The political landscape is rumbling along deep religio-political fault lines. One party, the one led by President Clinton, who stated to the Marxist leader of an Eastern European country during his Oxford days that he was committed to bringing about a communist revolution in America, is deeply immersed in Marxist ideology and Hillary’s orientation to Jesuit Liberation theology.  Hillary now has her eye on the presidency in 2008. She, as a student radical in 1968, was featured on the cover of a national magazine as symbolic of the new student radical leadership angling to take over the Democratic Party. This is the picture of the left-wing Roman Catholicism, immersed in the Jesuit Pierre Teihard de Chardin, Marxism, pantheism, and Jesuit Liberation Theology and the Social Gospel.

Theocons: Some Sixties Radicals Adopt Right Wing Causes

Bill and Hillary’s fellow travelers in the Jesuit hippie pantheistic/Marxist revolution of the sixties, men such as Neuhaus and Michael Novak, committed to the very verge of the overthrow of government in the name of Marxist revolution, went on in the 1970s to adapt right wing causes, applying the strategy and revolutionary fervor to the Roman Catholic right-wing agenda. These are the theocons who have captured power in the last six years.

Hegelian Dialectic of Rome’s Two Poles of One Head

With the Protestant center of implicit obedience to the Word of God gone, the nation is being yanked left and then right as it is worked through the Hegelian dialectic of Rome’s two poles: one pole of Jesuitical Marxism used to erase Protestantism; and the other the fascism of conservative, traditional Roman Catholicism to impose Roman Catholic Canon Law and the Decrees of the Council of Trent. The nation is periodically, apparently, jerked back and forth between these two poles. In reality the two parties are two heads of one system-Rome-that lies deep below the surface. Just look at Bill Clinton and George W. Bush traveling the world together raising funds for the tsunami. The one-time respective heads of the two parties are in the closest collaboration on global issues.


Rome’s Secret Societies

The heads of both parties are great friends and meet together routinely at Bohemian Grove. The illusion must be given to the people that they are free, that they control their destiny by their voting that parties are at odds, that the Constitution is still adhered to. In reality the political parties are a superficial dialectical front to distract the masses from the unifying far deeper forces of the Papal New World Order and its power structures:

·        The Illuminati

·        The Club of Rome

·        The Bilderbergers

·        The Bohemian Club

·        The Council on Foreign Relations

·        Freemasonry

·        Priory of Sion (Sionus Prioratus)

·        The Mafia

·        Opus Dei

·        Skull and Bones (Chapter 322 of a German Secret Society, most likely, the Illuminati

·        The Rosicrucian’s (literally, Red Cross, or Rosy Cross)

·        Round Table

·        The Trilateral Commission


Alarming Discoveries: “We Are Not Free”

Michael Bradley, who wrote The Secret Societies Handbook for giant publisher Barnes and Noble began with intellectual smugness, he says, thinking the subject was akin to alien abductions or sightings of Elvis Presley. He intended to dumb down his content. However, he soon became aware that he was unto an extremely serious and complex story. He writes, “How wrong I was. I now believe that Western history needs to be completely rewritten to tell the hidden story behind our true economic and political global hierarchy. The more I have researched, the more alarming my discoveries have been…Even I have woken up to the possibility that we are not free, that we do not control our own destinies, and that we are the puppets, not the masters…. I hope this book will briefly illuminate this hidden world, and like a match struck in the dark, give you a brief glimpse of the horrors that really are in front of our faces.” –Michael Bradley, Introduction to The Secret Societies Handbook. Gusto Company, 2004.pp. 9,10. 

Why for instance, did Knight of Columbus Tom Ridge, former head of the Department of Homeland Security, with all the nation’s most sensitive secrets in his head, go to work for the government of Albania, a 90% Muslim nation, the launching platform of the Muslim terrorist raids against the Serbs in Kosovo?

Strategy and Tactics

Right Wing Conservative Roman Catholicism Has Studied Deeply the Tactics of the Reformation and the American Revolution to Learn Tactics to Take Over US

The religio-political landscape is rumbling deep below the surface. The right wing conservatives’ causes espoused by the theocons were constructed by Roman Catholic conservatives-men such as Richard A. Viguerie and Paul Weyrich and Knight of Malta William F. Buckley. These Roman Catholics set out to create an ideological revolution of Roman Catholic conservatism merged with evangelicalism. They studied deeply the tactics and methods of Martin Luther, and applied them. They studied the American Revolution- Tom Paine and Paul Revere, the use of the broadside and pamphlet-and incorporated the principles-all for the cause of conservative Roman Catholicism in taking over America. 

The theocon and neocon movements are all about swaying the masses to line up lockstep behind the efforts of Rome to take over the entire globe.

The Roman Catholic Molders of Public Thought

Knight of Malta William F. Buckley, a consummate debater, with his magazine, National Review, led the charge, going out and taking on the opposition. Buckley was the forerunner of such as the popular Roman Catholic Bill O’Reilly today, the most watched commentator on cable television, and Sean Hannity, the former priest in training, talk show host, the number two star, first to achieve stardom on both cable TV and talk radio, and a host of other conser4vative molders of public opinion who reaches ten of millions every day on radio, television, and on the printed page. All these are dedicated to waging war on liberalism and the Enlightenment-that power that since 1798 has kept Catholicism in subservience. 


A Roman Catholic Movement to Take Over the Nation

Viguerie and Weyrich learned how to create a movement-the use of alternative media-the printed page, the talk show, issues, self-identification, money, schools, organization. Direct mail and mailing lists would become their secret weapon for creating a revolution. It was their Roman Catholic movement to take over America, launched in 1955, that those now known as the theocons joined in the 1970s.  The world’s leading Trotskyites, such as James Burnham, would join Buckley’s National Review, and the neocons.  “With Buckley as the captain and Burnham at the intellectual helm, National Review saw itself, and acted, as the house organ of a movement to take over the nation and defeat communism.


The Marxist Strategic and Tactical Mindset Teaches Conservatives How To Take Over the Globe

“This communist/socialist strategic and tactical mindset-encompassing the whole world, not just the nation, though now utilized for a different ideology, of course-also explains the emphasis on keeping the movement on the straight path to power, expelling ‘right’ or ‘left’ deviationists who were seen as obstacles to taking power….

“…National Review gave conservatives ‘a center of gravity, some focal point, that addressed them as members of a movement and taught them, in Lenin’s words, what is to be done.” –Richard A. Viguerie and David Franke, America’s Right Turn:  How conservatives Used New and Alternative Media to Take Power. Chicago and LA: Bonus Books, 2004, pp.63, 64.

Evangelicals Adopt Roman Catholic Conservatism

And then, thanks to the masterful orchestration of the simultaneous Roman Catholic and Evangelical charismatic movements, and Cardinal Bea’s ecumenical movement, a truly earth shaking development happened. The evangelicals would enthusiastically join the Roman Catholic conservative cause, bringing their ten of millions of adherents, replete with new schools, youth movements, money, political clout, mass appeal, and zeal, thus strengthening mightily the cause.

“The Four Horseman of the Conservative Apocalypse”

Direct mail would elect Ronald Reagan. Talk radio would create a revolution… and the Internet and blogs. As of 2004, active Web logs numbered about 1.2 million. [America’s Right Turn, 292]. Viguerie calls the four alternative media-direct mail, talk, radio, cable news TV, and the Internet, “the four horseman of the conservative apocalypse.” (America’s Right Turn, 333) (Emphasis mine)

RC Conservatism Not Fastened to a Party

The true Roman Catholic conservatives, such as Viguerie and Weyrich, are too savvy to fasten their cause tightly to any party. No one must be frightened away from their cause. They know they must maintain their independence and independence of their cause in the straight path to the pursuit of power. Parties may join to them but not them join a party.

So just now, as shocking revelations reveal what really was going on when America was launched into Mideast War, and as scandal rocks the party of conservativism, the fathers of the Roman Catholic conservative movement are making it clear that they are not fastened to a party. Viguerie and Weyrich are appearing on the Media denouncing the corruption of the party now in power. Viguerie, the archconservative of the conservatives, the father of the conservative movement that had its roots in 1955, is even going on radical leftwing talk shows, to denounce the corruption of the rightwing party. Family values groups are denouncing the corruption of the ruling party. The rumblings are deep as Roman Catholic forces-left and right, are jockeying for power and position. America stands poised for a whirlwind of change.


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