
American Roman Theocracy

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“And it was given to him to give life to the image of the beast, in order that also the image of the beast might speak, and should act, that whosoever should not worship the image of the beast, so that he might be killed.” Revelation 13:15. (Greek Translation)


A Theocratic Governing Philosophy Rooted in Roman Catholicism… Tim LaHaye’s novels from a decade ago dictate the plot behind the pre-emptive Strike on Iraq… A Former Editor of First Things reveals Rome’s Battle Plan to Take Over America… Theocons provide the Moral and Theological Roman Imprimatur for Republican Presidents… The Theocon/Vatican Axis… Ratzinger Backs Theocon Position…


Former Editor of First Things Warns of Rome’s Takeover of the US Government


It is as if Rome’s strategic and tactical battle plan for America’s takeover has just been captured.


Origins of Theocon Ideology


How the Lord’s Prophecy has Taken Place


“The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism; they will reach over the Abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience.” GC 588


The Word of the Lord is being fulfilled to the very letter.


Protestantism: Private Wrestling With God and the Word


The nature of Protestantism may be seen in Martin Luther, pouring over Scripture, wrestling with God and the Word and his own soul, applying the Word of God to his own soul, then preaching that Word as millions espouse the Word in their own souls.


Rome: A Religion of Coercion in the Public Square


The nature of Rome may be seen in its focus on the Public Square. It was to the public square that the Inquisitors repaired. It is to the Public Square that the people, the masses are called to stand before the Inquisitors. It is to the people in the Public Square that decrees of the Inquisition are read. It is in the Public Square where people are required to denounce heretics. It is in the Public Square where the Auto-de-Fe is held, as heretics are burned for their faith in the presence of the King, Queen, the Archbishops, the Bishops, the Priests, the Orders, and the people, the public. In the Public Square, the Cathedral is erected. In the Public Square the symbols of Rome are erected-the Virgin Mary, the Cross. In the Public Square, the Eucharistic processions are held. Rome’s religion is the religion of the Public Square, where Church and State are joined together. 


Jesus’ Kingdom is Not of This World


Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” John 18: 36.


“[T] oday in the religious world there are multitudes who, as they believe, are working for the establishment of the kingdom of Christ as an earthy and temporal dominion.  They desire to make our Lord the ruler of the kingdoms of this world, the ruler in its courts and camps, its legislative halls, it palaces and market places.  They expect Him to rule through legal enactments, enforced by human authority.   Since Christ is not now here in person, they themselves will undertake to act in His stead, to execute the laws of the kingdom. The establishment of such a kingdom is what the Jews desired in the days of Christ. They would have received Jesus, had He been willing to establish a temporal dominion, to enforce what they regarded as the laws of God, and to make them the expositors of His will and the agents of His authority. However, He said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” John 18:36. He would not accept the earthy throne.” DA 509.  


The Founders of America: The Preconditions of Freedom


To break the power of Rome in the Public Square and the persecutions of centuries and centuries, the Founders of America saw as the precondition of religious freedom in a pluralistic society the requirement that piety be privatized, thus separating church and state, and creating spiritual space for every American to worship as he or she wishes, without state interference. “In return for this freedom. Believers are expected only to give up the ambition to political rule in the name of their faith-that is, the ambition to bring the whole of social life into conformity with their own inevitably partial and sectarian theological convictions. This is the literal bargain that secures social peace and freedom for all Americans.” Damon Linker, The Theocons, p. 224.


“It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand itself.”

-Thomas Jefferson


Separation of Church and State


This separation of Church and State, the principles of Protestantism and Republicanism, has established the preconditions for thriving religious life and an extraordinary degree of political stability.


‘Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other or his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.”  Thomas Jefferson, letter responding to a committee of the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut, January 1, 1802.


“It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. We hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of citizens, and one of the noblest characteristics of the late revolution. The freeman of America did not wait until usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences by denying the principle. We revere this lesson too much soon to forget it. Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other religions, may establish, with the same ease, any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other sects?”-James Madison, “Memorial and Remonstrance” of 1785 against the  proposal of the House of Delegates of Virginia to provide, through assessments, for teachers of the Christian religion. 


A Ruling Theocratic Philosophy


It is the work of the Roman Catholic Theocons to forge a “ruling theocratic philosophy” that will return Roman Catholicism to the Public Square, and restore coercive power to Rome by the destruction of Separation of Church and State. This is that story of how it has happened in America, once the land of the free, and home of the brave…


Rise of the Theocons


Damon Linker, one-time editor of First Things has taken pen in hand to warn the world that Rome is taking over the United States government in a blockbuster new book with a lengthy title and subtitle: The Theocons: Secular America Under Siege: For the past three decades, a few determined men have worked to inject their radical religious ideas into the nations’ politics. This is the story of how they succeeded. (New York: Doubleday, 2006).


Roman Catholic Radicals Lead the Theoconservative Movement That Now Sits At the Pinnacle of Political Power


Almost all of them Catholic radicals, joined by a few Jews and a Lutheran who converted to Catholicism, straight out of the Jesuit Marxist/pantheistic counter cultural revolution of the 1960s, would become revolutionary leaders of the theoconservative movement that would take over the Republican party and would set out to utterly reshape the culture, politics, and religion of the nation, attempting to offer a comprehensive ideology of Catholic Christianity to the people of America. One of these leaders set out to become a Christian Marx, offering America a comprehensive religious ideology – “a religiously informed public philosophy for the American experiment in ordered liberty.” [Richard John Neuhaus, The Catholic Moment: The Paradox of the Church in the Post-modern World  (New York: Harper & Row, 1987), 284] quoted in Linker, The Theocons, p. 65. 


Breathtaking Revisionism: The Theocons Revise American History, Claiming America for Catholicism


“In the early 1970s, the theocons proposed… to reveal the numerous ways in which the political system of the United States already presupposed and drew on Catholic-Christian assumptions.” Linker, 69. The theocons drew heavily on Jesuit John Courtney Murray, S.J., who insisted that “the United states was the Western nation that more than nay other had ‘faithfully carried the heritage of Catholic Christendom into the mid-twentieth century.’


“It was a breathtaking act of historical revisionism – one in which Catholicism was portrayed not as the enemy of modern liberalism but rather as its true source and indispensable foundation. Indeed, Murray maintained that from the country’s seventeenth-century origins, the American people had tacitly adhered to a Catholic-Christian consensus on moral matters. Linker, 71.

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