
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep
those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3


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81 The Ministry of the 144,000 Servants of God
Revelation 14:6-7 Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth – to every nation, tribe, language and people. He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.” The first angel’s message begins during the first 890 days of the Great Tribulation. The messages of the 144,000 are portrayed by angels because God wants the world to know the messages are not from men – they are from God. The 144,000 servant – prophets of God were hand-picked by Jesus out of every nation of the world to globally preach the gospel before the Great Tribulation began. The servant prophets proclaim the gospel with the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. Even though God uses His servants to proclaim the gospel, no one has ever heard the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit knows what is in each person’s heart and therefore He knows just what to say and do, which is far beyond human ability. The Holy Spirit is not grieved {blasphemed} because He is insulted – He is grieved because there is nothing more that God can do for the person without violating his/her freedom of choice.

82 The First Angel's Message in Reality
World’s Infrastructures Destroyed – According to the time periods given in the books of Daniel and Revelation, the first four catastrophic events could occur during a very short period, perhaps 30 to 60 days. The magnitude, extent and rapidity of these horrible events will catch everyone by surprise and they will cause every survivor to ask three questions. First, ‘What does God want?” In ages past God has sent warning judgments mixed with mercy in an attempt to awaken people to their true condition. (Ezekiel 6; Zephaniah 2) In this sense, the seven trumpets will be no different. By gaining the attention of the world through His wrath, God will put His servants, the 144,000, in an authoritative position to present the terms and conditions of salvation. The overwhelming evidence of God’s wrath will be obvious to religious, as well as non-religious minds. Through a sequence of carefully designed events, God will ultimately separate the survivors of Earth into two categories – those who are willing to submit to His authority and those who defiantly stand in rebellion. The second question that will come to the forefront of people’s minds will be, “Why is God so angry?” Great terror will fill the hearts of those who survive the first judgments of God. Every infrastructure will be broken and demolished. Because the Holy Spirit will empower the 144,000 to proclaim God’s Word powerfully, the world will clearly hear why God is angry. Everyone everywhere must hear why God’s anger has boiled over. In this painful setting, a third question will rise: “What is coming next?” The first four events will cause many to think that God has decided to destroy Earth ‘a piece at a time.” The rich and the poor, the arrogant and the humble, the educated and the uneducated, the powerful and the powerless will be dumbfounded. Depression, anxiety and grief will render many survivors dysfunctional. Few people are mentally or spiritually prepared to cope with the coming tribulation, and physical preparation to save ourselves from God’s wrath is useless. Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matthew 24:37-39) If the Bible teaches anything about God’s wrath, it reveals that God always takes action when a majority of people violate His laws and do evil. The bible speaks of the flood in Noah’s day, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the destruction of Jericho, the destruction of Jerusalem, and at the end of the age, the destruction of Earth. Revelation predicts that Earth will receive a series of 14 deadly blows. By the time the Great Tribulation has ended, God will have destroyed every defiant person on Earth. These three questions and man’s attempt to answer them – willproduce the human response that Revelation predicts.

83 The Analogous Scene of the Leopard-Like Beast, Babylon
Revelation 13:1-2 And the dragon [devil] stood [authority] on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast [kingdom] coming out of the sea [people]. He had ten horns [kings] and seven heads [leaders], with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name [apostate religions]. The beast [government] I saw resembled a leopard [fast like Greece], but had the feet like those of a bear [cruel like Medo-Persia] and a mouth like that of a lion [dictator like Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon]. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. Very rapidly within the first fifty days after the destruction of the first four trumpets all the nations of the world will respond to the global destruction of the first four trumpets by forming a global crisis government that is described by John as the leopard-like beast of Revelation 13:1-2.  Time: By subtracting the length of the persecution of 1,240 days of Revelation 13:5 from when the persecution ends on the 1,290th day of the beginning point of persecution is easily calculated, which is fifty days after Jesus terminates His intercession at the golden altar and sound the first four trumpets {There are 29.53 days to a month}. Persecution Begins: The nations of the world need time to form the crisis government {the leopard-like beast of Revelation 13:1-2} after the destruction of the first four trumpets. The leopard-like beast persecutes the saints for forty-two months or 1,240 days that ends 1,290 days after Jesus terminates corporate intercession {Daniel 12:11, Revelation 8:3-4}.

84 The Seven Religions of the World
The leopard-like beast is a global crisis government of church/state; thus democracy is gone; marshal law is worldwide. The seven heads are religious systems and the ten horns are kings or political authorities {Revelation 17:12}. The leopard-like beast is a religious/political dictator like ancient Papal Rome. Papal Rome is the head that was wounded by Napoleon in 1798, but at this time the deadly wound is healed and the papacy again has civil authority to enforce its religious laws. As in any animal the head controls the body. This government behaves like an animal that is fighting for survival. It has seven heads that control the body; thus it is full of confusion.  This is why John calls it Babylon. And just like any animal the horns are pointed and controlled by the head. This government has seven religious heads that control the body, but they are all in apostasy. We know the religious laws passed by this government are enforced by the use of civil power, because those who refuse to obey its religious laws will pay with the penalty of prison and death {Revelation 13:7 & 10}. This government gives the little horn of Daniel 7:11 civil power to enforce religious laws like it did during the Dark Ages; thus the deadly wound of 1798 is healed – the papacy is back.

85 Global Crisis of the First Four Trumpets
The first four trumpet judgments will produce death and destruction on a biblical scale that exceeds human calculation. These four judgments will ruin Earth to the extent that recovery will be impossible. I have indicated that the first four trumpets will occur during a period of about sixty days.  Even though the Bible does not explicitly declare the timing of the first four trumpets, there is some indication they will happen in a rapid-fire sequence after the censer is cast down. Please consider the following: The Bible predicts that mankind will quickly respond to the first four trumpets by setting up a crisis government called “Babylon.” Of course, world leaders will not call their new creation “Babylon.” The Bible calls this coming government “Babylon” because its behavior will parallel the ancient kingdom of Babylon, both in arrogance and ignorance. The Bible also indicates Babylon will persecute God’s saints for forty-two months. (Revelation 13:5) Because the Great Tribulation will last approximately forty-five months (1,335 days, Daniel 12:11,12), Babylon has to form within ninety days after the Great Tribulation begins in order to persecute the saints for forty-two months (forty-five months minus forty-two months leaves ninety days). Since Babylon has to begin persecuting the saints within ninety days after the censer is cast down, this suggests that the first four trumpets will come in a rapid-fire sequence.  Here is why:  A rapid-fire sequence of judgments on notably wicked places will silence the argument that these horrible events were random acts of nature. If the first four trumpets were months apart, these judgments could be interpreted as random acts of nature and the argument favoring a random string of “natural disasters” would be difficult to silence. Moreover, if the first four trumpets were months apart, nothing else could move diverse religions and nations to unite and form Babylon so that the persecution of God’s people all over the world can begin within ninety days. If the first four trumpets were months apart, it would be impossible to get people to thoughtfully consider the gospel presented by the 144,000. (The 144,000 will begin their work on the day the censer is cast down.) Until religious paradigms are shattered and a theological vacuum is created, people will not listen to a gospel that is contrary to their current beliefs. If the first four trumpets do fall within a short period on notably wicked places, this would force reasoning people to admit that (a) God is on the warpath against wickedness, and (b) something must be done quickly to appease God or He may destroy everyone.  If the first four trumpets occurred in a rapid-fire sequence, the resulting shock and awe would totally overwhelm the whole world. Panic and trembling would be so great that a war involving nuclear exchanges would end. Panic and fear of “the Living God” would bring leaders (religious and political) into a humble union. United by terror and motivated by fear, they would move quickly to appease God. Man’s fear of more wrath explains sudden formation of Babylon. Everyone will conclude that God is angry. Of course, extreme circumstances require desperate solutions, and the bible predicts that man’s solution to appeasing God’s wrath will be extreme (otherwise unthinkable).

86 The Church Given Civil Power to Rule
Babylon is represented in Revelation 13:1-8 as a leopard-like monster that will rise out of the sea. Babylon’s represents man’s response to God’s wrath. Babylon will be a religious government with a simple objective: Babylon will appease God so that His wrath will cease. The “sea” from which Babylon will rise represents ‘peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.” (Revelation 17:15) In other words, Babylon will arise from within the nations of the world. After the first four trumpets turn the world upside down, the political leaders of the world will humbly submit to the authority of Babylon. The Bible predicts this amazing turnover with these words: “… And he [Babylon, the leopard-like beast] was given [the gift of] authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.” (Revelation 13:7, insertion and italics mine) Babylon will be a “monster-sized” church-state government. Babylon’s leaders will dictate how the civil governments of the world are going to proceed in their efforts to appease God so that His wrath will cease. Today, it goes beyond comprehension to say that a time is coming when the world’s political leaders will submit to the dictates of a one-world religious government, but the destruction caused by the first four trumpets is unimaginable, too. When the world witnesses God’s devastating wrath on notably wicked places and smells the stench of 1.75 billion dead people, almost everyone will have a dramatic change in their thinking about God. His authority and our accountability to Him will become topics of greatest concern. During the gloomy darkness of the fourth trumpet, the religious leaders of the world will convene and conceive a well-intended, but foolish plan to appease God. They will unanimously agree that one God is angry with all mankind and that degenerate behavior has provoked God’s wrath against all nations. Therefore, religious leaders will conclude that all nations and all religions must unite as one family to appease Him. “if we do this, they will say, “our chances of offending God further will be reduced. Perhaps He will have mercy on the whole world when He sees that all mankind is anxious to please Him and our sincerity is global.”

87 The Deadly Wound is Healed
The head that was wounded and “had been healed” when Babylon rises to power represents the Roman Catholic Church. The authority of the Catholic Church over the kings and nations of Europe began with Emperor Justinian’s decree in March, A.D. 533 (but the decree remained ineffective until A.D. 538). The Church’s authority over the kings of Europe lasted 1,260 years. (Daniel 7:25, Revelation 12:6, 14) When this prophetic period ended, the French Revolution (1789-1799) fatally wounded the authority of the Church when Pope Pius VI was dethroned and put in prison (February 1798). One hundred thirty-one years later, on June 7, 1929, Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, on behalf of King Victor Emmanuel III, grated the Catholic Church the right to exist as a sovereign state. This grant to the Catholic Church is known as the Lateran Accords or Treaty. This event granted the pope sovereign rulership over the State of the Vatican and more importantly, the pope was set free to direct and lead the Catholic Church without accountability to any nation.  For the past eighty years, the religious and political influence of the Catholic Church has been steadily growing throughout the world. In recent years (largely due to the extraordinary popularity of Pope Paul II, 1920-2005), the Roman Catholic Church has had a significant political force in the world. Pope Benedict’s reception and extravagant birthday party at the White House (hosted by President George Bush on April 16, 2008) is a recent event demonstrating the Church has regained a position of international respect and power. Many nations (170 at this writing) have ambassadors assigned to the Vatican. However, the deadly wound will not be healed until the Roman Catholic Church once again exercises authority over sovereign governments.

88 Global Government of Church & State
When world leaders convene during the fourth trumpet to create Babylon, I believe three amazing decisions will come out of this emergency meeting of Church & State.  First, after recognizing the religious diversity of mankind and given the obvious fact that one God has destroyed a third of the world, this emergency council will agree that all nations must unite as a family to appease God so that His wrath will cease. The council will agree that a number of “sin-less” laws must be enacted and enforced or God’s anger will continue to burn against mankind. This council will also agree that God must be respected and worshiped. This council will conclude that anyone defying laws that honor God should be punished because it is better for one person to suffer for wrong doing than for a whole world to suffer additional destruction due to God’s wrath. They will conclude that enforcing high standards of conduct is the only way that God’s wrath against the world’s decadence will stop. Second, because everyone at the council will know that God’s anger was directed at notably wicked places all over the world, political leaders will acquiesce to the suggestions of religious experts.  Political leaders will have no choice but to accept the responsibility of enacting and enforcing laws to reduce sinful behavior. All nations will participate in this endeavor because world leaders believe that God’s wrath could possibly break out against the whole world if any part of the world family fails to participate. Political leaders will be in the position of having no choice but to go along with Babylon’s directions will quickly resolve the awful crisis that exists between God and man. Third, leaders of the world understand that every governing body requires qualified leadership. A Supreme council, something like the Security Council of the United Nations will be created. I believe the pope will be selected as the leader of Babylon for four reasons. First, the healing of the deadly wound has been ongoing since 1929. Second, the Catholic Church is uniquely prepared to serve the world through its diplomatic relations with 170 nations. Third, the Roman Catholic Church believes a church-state is the best form of government. Finally, the Bible predicts the deadly wound will be healed (Revelation 13:3) and the little horn of Daniel 7 (the papacy) will speak boastfully after 1844 (Daniel 7:11). These four reasons lead me to conclude that the pope will be chosen to lead Babylon.

89 The Church with Civil Authority
During the first four trumpets, each nation will be forced to suspend their constitution so that martial law can be enacted. Given the size and scope of God’s wrath, world leaders will do whatever it takes to maintain control. Food and water supplies will be rationed. Medical care and energy reserves will be scarce. Hunger and thirst will drive millions of dazed and bewildered people crazy. Extreme situations require desperate solutions.  Earth’s population has never seen a global crisis like the first four trumpets. The crisis will be so huge that political leaders in every nation will be set free of their constitutional obligations almost immediately. This freedom will permit them to enact and enforce laws they would have been strongly opposed to during normal times. The declaration of martial law will make it very easy for lawmakers to comply with the demands of Babylon’s clergy. Given the fact that something must be done to appease God, very few citizens will complain – at first. After Babylon begins to function as a religious authority over the nations of the world, Babylon’s laws will become increasingly oppressive and restrictive.  Remember, laws will be enacted demanding that everyone set aside one day for worshiping God. Later on, these laws will be amended and mandatory worship on specific days will be required. Man’s efforts to appease God’s wrath explains how worship will become a focal point of persecution. The bible predicts, “All inhabitants of the earth will worship [obey] the beast – all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.” (Revelation 13:8, insertion and italics mine) The Ten Commandments, especially the fourth commandment will be constantly debated. The topic of worship will become very important. The 144,000 will present the holiness of God’s seventh day Sabbath with clarity and compelling power. There is only one reason for rebelling against the fourth commandment. It is man’s natural hostility toward God’s authority. When the carnal nature is confronted with the demands of God’s law, hostility is the result. Paul wrote, “The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.” (Romans 8:7,8)

90 The fifth angel sounded his trumpet
Satan is kept in the prison of the Abyss for two-thirds of the time to maximize saving souls. After the ministry of the 144,000 comes to a stall, then Jesus releases the devil at the end of the 890th day to unmask him. Satan appears, masquerading as Jesus Christ, at the latter time of God’s wrath at the fifth trumpet after two-thirds of the first six trumpets have sounded. Satan, masquerading as God on earth reveals his hideous character by his lies and murderous designs during the fifth and sixth trumpets. Jesus releases Satan at the fifth trumpet to unmask him to save those who that are deceived, but love the truth. Satan is released at the fifth trumpet to make the greatest possible contrast between the truth of Jesus and the lies of the devil. This enables those that love the truth to make an intelligent decision.   The wicked that hate the truth worship Satan and the saints worship God. This segment uses 890 days to represent the early time of God’s wrath because it is two-thirds of the 1,335 days and four trumpets out of six trumpets is two-thirds. God gives most of the time to His servants the 144,000 to save souls. The 890 days gives structure to the story. I cannot say with all certainty that there are exactly 890 days to the appearance of the devil proclaiming himself as God on Earth. But this author can say with all certainty that there are exactly 1,335 days to the length of the Great Tribulation and Satan is not allowed to appear until the fifth trumpet at the latter time of God’s wrath. And the latter time of God’s wrath is near the end of the Great tribulation or after two-thirds of the time, which is 890 days.

91 Satan, the Little
Daniel 9:9 And out of one of them [north wind] came forth a little horn, which waxed exceedingly great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land [global]. The coming Antichrist will not be human when the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, 2 Thessalonians 2 Corinthians, Daniel and Revelation harmonize because they are the Word of God. They present a rather startling picture of the coming Antichrist by adding valuable pieces to the puzzle. The following comments are a brief synthesis of what these books say about the Antichrist: The coming Antichrist will not be a mere mortal. The coming Antichrist will not be born of a woman. The coming Antichrist cannot be killed by men. The coming Antichrist will have supernatural powers that far exceed anything men can do. The coming Antichrist will be evil and destructive beyond comprehension. The coming Antichrist will be dazzling and commanding in appearance, but deadly in manipulation. The coming Antichrist will be a stern-faced king, that is, he will not show mercy unless temporal mercy facilitates his evil schemes. Billions of powerful demons serve him. The coming Antichrist is the ancient foe of Christ. In fact, Lucifer is the most powerful and the greatest angel God even created. He was the first to become Anti-Christ. The Bible predicts that God will allow Lucifer and his angels to appear in physical form visible to the human race. Just as Jesus became a man to save the world, Lucifer will be granted authority to masquerade as God so that he can quickly lead the wicked to their destruction. Lucifer will mimic Christ’s return and appear with clouds of angels. You can be sure the appearing of the devil will be the most spectacular event ever viewed by human eyes (Revelation 17:8) – only to be eclipsed by the brighter and more glorious appearing of Jesus. (Revelation 1:7, 19:11-21) Horn

92 I am God Almighty, the Great Prince - there shall only be one religion!
During the five months of the fifth trumpet, the devil will steadily gain a following of believers through deception. World leaders will be delighted that “Almighty God” is on their side, but a problem will soon arise. How is religious diversity possible when “God” dwells among men? How can Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Hindus defend opposing views when “God” Himself lives among men? How can nations remain sovereign when “God” Himself lives among men? How can nations remain sovereign when “God” is sovereign over all nations? At the end of the fifth trumpet, the devil will abruptly change his tactics and demeanor. He will become a “stern-faced” dictator. He will make horrible demands and mankind will be powerless to resist or stop him. There will be no law except the law of this demon. Whatever the devil wants and whatever the devil commands will be law. (Hence the descriptive term used by Paul, “the man of lawlessness.”) The devil will demand an end to religious diversity and his command will be carried out. He will demand a theocracy be established and his command will be honored. (A theocracy is a church-state government where God rules as King of kings and Lord of lords.) For reasons beyond the scope of this study, I believe Lucifer will change the day of worship. Because he will be “king of kings and Lord of lords,” who can resist anything he wants or says? Resistance to Lucifer’s demands will be silenced by Lucifer’s demons. “… And the agony they suffered was like that of a sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man. During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.” (Revelation 9:5, 6)

93 It [Satan the little horn] set itself up to be as great as the Prince of the host....'
The horn power from the north starts small, but it grows until it reaches the starry host of the heavens, then it throws them down and tramples them. This language indicates the stern-faced king will grow in recognition and authority among the inhabitants of Earth until he is exalted above all gods! The book of Revelation reveals more about this process than Daniel. Revelation indicates the devil will begin his physical work on Earth with local appearances. The devil, along with his enormous host of angels, will come down out of the sky in blinding clouds of light at specific locations on Earth. He will imitate Christ’s Second Coming with two obvious differences. First, God will not permit the devil to be visible to the whole world at one time. So, the people of Earth will not be introduced to the Antichrist at one event. He will grow in popularity as he appears in the skies over the populated cities of Earth. Great cities of the world such as Mexico City, Jerusalem, Washington D.C., Moscow, Sydney, Beijing, Calcutta, Houston and others, will see magnificent displays of power and glory. Lucifer will appear in various places and he will exercise miracle-working powers to convince people that he is God. (Revelation 13:14,15) Even though his display of power will be amazing, the saints will not be deceived. They know who is behind the mask. (Revelation 14:9, 10)

94 '...it [Satan the little horn] took away the daily sacrifice [intercession of Jesus] from him, and the place of his [Christ's] sanctuary was brought low
Daniel 8:11 It [Satan] set itself up to be as great as the Prince of the host [Jesus]; it took away the daily sacrifice from him [Jesus], and the place of his sanctuary was brought low. These verses describes Satan appearing out of nowhere {the wind}, which gives him credibility as a supernatural being. Satan, the little horn, is on Earth for five months {150 days} masquerading as Jesus; this is the time period of the fifth trumpet {Revelation 9:1-11}. Satan so overwhelms the inhabitants of the Earth with his supernatural appearance as an angel of light that the majority of the people completely forget about prayer and repentance. People are saying, ‘Who needs the Bible or prayer, God is here – we could never understand the Bible anyway?’ Satan, masquerading as God on Earth draws the attention of the people away from the heavenly sanctuary, Jesus, the Bible, the truth, and brings the intercessory work of Jesus very low before or by the 1,040th day. So, Jesus sends the wicked their god at a latter time of wrath creating a vortex that forces everyone to make a choice…either worship the devil or God. Satan counterfeits the Second Coming of Jesus by his supernatural appearances and deceives the entire world. Satan and the wicked hate the truth just like the Pharisees that killed Jesus. God allows the wicked to kill millions of saints that love the truth to unmask Satan. The truth being cast to the ground in Daniel 8:12 is looked upon as a very bad thing by many, but this is not so. Jesus sends Satan knowing he will lie and murder the saints casting the truth to the ground.  Jesus sends the saints to their death as they write their testimony to the truth in their own blood gleaning the last few souls. Jesus uses the death of the martyrs to create a great contrast between the lies of the devil and the truth – there are no gray shades. Everyone either chooses to worship the devil or God by their own free choice. The cleansing of the sanctuary is finished – that brings the judgment of the world to an end.

95 Satan the King of the North
Daniel 11:36 The king [Satan] will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods   [2 Thessalonians 2:4]. He will be successful until the time of wrath [trumpets] is completed, for what has been determined must take place. This scene also begins on the 890th day with Satan, the king of the north, destroying the world financially at the time of the fifth trumpet. He exalts himself as God on Earth confiscating all the land in the world and selling it to the highest bidder and giving high positions to those who acknowledge him. In Daniel 8:10 Satan demands that the leaders discard their ancient religions {trampling on the starry host}; then Satan consolidates all the religions of the world into One World Religion called the god of fortresses.

96 A Part of the World Represents the Whole World
Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresses [a one world religion]during the 220 days between the 890th day to the 1,040th day Satan is setting up his kingdom. There are four scenes going on simultaneously. 1. Satan is exalting himself as the Prince of the host in Daniel 8: 9-11 and drawing people to himself and away from God and repentance. 2. His demons in Revelation 9:5 & 10 are torturing the non-religious wicked people into submission to worship him. 3. Satan, the lamb-like beast of Revelation 13:11, is masquerading as the Savior of the world setting up a ONE WORLD RELIGION – the image of the beast. 4. Satan, the king of the north, is creating a god of fortresses, or the consolidation of all the religions of the world into a one world religion, the whore that sits on the beast: Revelation 17:3,4 Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.

97 ...and [Satan] will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price
Satan, the king of the north, physically appears as God on Earth on the 890th day of the Great Tribulation. The king of the north ‘here’ means Satan is a global destroyer. He exalts himself above every god and every religion in the world just as he did in Daniel 8:9-12. He has no respect for any of the ancient religions of Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, etc. – he exalts himself above them all. Satan, as God on Earth, confiscates all the wealth of the world. Satan creates ‘the god of fortress’ by consolidating all the religions of the world in one called ‘the god of fortress,’ which is another name for ‘image of the beast’ in Revelation 13:15. Those that acknowledge him, he honors with gold and silver – making them wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.  The south, the non-religious wicked, organize themselves all over the world to attack Satan the king of the north. This war is a global civil war over land and money because Satan looted the world. The south ‘here’ means the non-religious atheistic world on a global scale. On the 1,040th day a global civil world war will begin by the south attacking the north to take back their land and money

98 During the first five months of Satan's reign, masquerading as God on earth, he will honor those who acknowledge him making them very rich and rulers over many people
Satan, the king of the north, physically appears as God on Earth on the 890th day of the Great Tribulation. The king of the north ‘here’ means Satan is a global destroyer. He exalts himself above every god and every religion in the world just as he did in Daniel 8:9-12. He has no respect for any of the ancient religions of Judaism, Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, etc. – he exalts himself above them all. Satan, as God on Earth, confiscates all the wealth of the world. Satan creates ‘the god of fortress’ by consolidating all the religions of the world in one called ‘the god of fortress,’ which is another name for ‘image of the beast’ in Revelation 13:15. Those that acknowledge him, he honors with gold and silver – making them wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.  The south, the non-religious wicked, organize themselves all over the world to attack Satan the king of the north. This war is a global civil war over land and money because Satan looted the world. The south ‘here’ means the non-religious atheistic world on a global scale. On the 1,040th day a global civil world war will begin by the south attacking the north to take back their land and money

99 '... the key to the bottomless pit.'
Revelation 9:1 The fifth angel sounded his trumpet [on the 890th day], and I saw a star [Lucifer the devil] that had fallen from the sky [into] the earth [the Abyss in 30 A.D.]. The star was given the key [Jesus released the demons] to the shaft of the Abyss. 2. When he opened the Abyss [prison for demons], smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky [counterfeit second advent of Jesus] were darkened by the smoke [millions of fallen angels] from the Abyss. 3. And out of the smoke [analogy for destruction], came down upon earth and were given power like that of scorpions [to paralyze with pain] of the earth. 4. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree [2/3 remaining vegetation is safe], but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads [unsaved non-religious wicked]. 5.   They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them [like the two thieves on the cross] for five months [length of 5th trumpet].   And the agony they suffered was like that of a sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man. 6.   During those days men will seek death [terror & pain is terrible], but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them [Jesus saves].

100 '...there arose a smoke out of the pit'
Revelation 9:1 The fifth angel sounded his trumpet [on the 890th day], and I saw a star [Lucifer the devil] that had fallen from the sky [into] the earth [the Abyss in 30 A.D.]. The star was given the key [Jesus released the demons] to the shaft of the Abyss. 2. When he opened the Abyss [prison for demons], smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky [counterfeit second advent of Jesus] were darkened by the smoke [millions of fallen angels] from the Abyss. 3. And out of the smoke [analogy for destruction], came down upon earth and were given power like that of scorpions [to paralyze with pain] of the earth. 4. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree [2/3 remaining vegetation is safe], but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads [unsaved non-religious wicked]. 5.   They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them [like the two thieves on the cross] for five months [length of 5th trumpet].   And the agony they suffered was like that of a sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man. 6.   During those days men will seek death [terror & pain is terrible], but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them [Jesus saves].


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