
Circumstances and Consequences

Seminar 216-04
June 3-6, 2009
Seminar Topic:

The Two Witnesses – Part IV

Larry Wilson

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Driven by fear and humbled by overwhelming destruction, the religious and political leaders of the world will implement a terribly misguided solution to appease God’s wrath and this solution will stand in direct opposition to what God actually wants. This is how God will confront man.


Another objective embedded in the seven trumpets is redemption. The “shock and awe” caused by the first four trumpets will shatter religious paradigms.


Everyone, regardless of his religious background, will listen and intelligently consider a gospel that is different than anything he has ever heard. 


This, in itself, will be miraculous. Given the religious antagonism that has existed for centuries between Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Atheists, Catholics, Protestants, and Pagans, how can one religious body claim that it knows more about Almighty God without being condemned by the other six?


God will displace man’s arrogance by uniting mankind through fear of God.


Over whelming destruction will produce unimaginable suffering and hardship.


God will level the playing field through humiliation so that the gospel might be heard.


This will provide an opening wedge for God’s servants, the 144,000, to speak and more importantly, be heard.


The 144,000 will boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.


Thus, every religious and nonreligious nation will hear and thoughtfully consider a gospel that they would have refused to hear at any other time. (Matthew 24:14)


There are other important objectives to the seven trumpets, but these two examples should demonstrate the point that God has put a lot of thought into His forthcoming actions.


God is love. He is deliberate and purposeful in all of His actions. It is a shame that God has to implement His full cup principle and destroy a large portion of Earth in order to get mankind to listen to Him.


The good news is that millions of people from every nation will listen. The Great tribulation will ultimately produce two distinct groups of people.


One group, the day people, will consist of honest-hearted people who exalt righteousness and love truth.


The other group, the night people, will consist of people who reject the gospel. They will do “whatever it takes” to save themselves from suffering and death.


Because God is deliberate in everything He does, the seven trumpets and seven bowls can be called designer judgments.


God’s plan for Earth and its inhabitants predates Creation and this plan will soon consummated.


The Bible teaches, “Intelligent Design,” that Jesus created this world in six literal days and He rested from His creative works on the seventh day. (Genesis 2:1-3)


The Bible also teaches “Intelligent Demise.” Jesus will also destroy this creation over a course of 1,335 days. Nothing can stop the process once He starts. 


There is an unusual service that occurs in Heaven just before the seven trumpets begin. Once we understand the significance of this special service, the judgments that follow will make a great deal of sense.


As I talk about this topic, remember, God is love. This means that God’s actions are eternally consistent with principles of love.


God’s wrath is based on a policy that I call the “Full Cup Principle.” The full cup principle is based on the perfect balance of justice and mercy.


God hates to see individuals and nations self-destruct through degeneracy, rebellion, and sexual immorality. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?


God is patient and longsuffering, not willing that anyone should perish. (2 Peter 3:9)


But, God sees the past, present and future with the same clarity, God loves oncoming generations just as much as He loves the present generation. Therefore, down through history His love for oncoming generations has moved Him to destroy the current generation so that the oncoming generation can be relatively free of the degenerate and destructive behaviors that were passed to the children.


Remember, the sins of the fathers are passed down to the third and fourth generations!

(Exodus 20:5)


Over time, sin multiplies – both in width and depth and finally, on day it metastasizes like cancer and chaos erupts.


Sin penetrates every aspect of society. Sin is like gravity; it creates a steady downward tug that eventually pulls everyone (especially the innocent and uninformed) into its deadly vortex.


A new generation only gets a chance of having a better life when the old order is destroyed. Thus, a God of love has destroyed degenerate groups of people through the ages when they passed the point of no return.


God destroyed the whole world in Noah’s day. Why?


Sin metastasized. God knew that recovery was impossible.


Now hear this:

Any efforts to save this planet from certain destruction is futile. It is doomed because of sin.


Any efforts to reform this nation or any other nation is futile and a waste of time and resources. It is like arranging chairs on the Titanic.


This nation and all nations are beyond redemption. This world is doomed. The date for destruction has been set. 


Acts 1:7   He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority.”


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