
Circumstances and Consequences

Seminar 216-01

June 3-6, 2009
Seminar Topic:
The Two Witnesses – Part I

Larry Wilson


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Eve loved everything the snake said. Her love for Jesus, whom she well knew and with whom she had spent much time, should have stopped her from eating the fruit. 


But, a talking snake was a new adventure ….  another interesting and beautiful sight to behold!


Eve was seduced.


Genesis 3:6   When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was (1) good food and (2) pleasing to the eye, and also (3) desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it….”


It was practical, pretty and powerful  -- gulp


Adam had a different problem.


Adam loved Eve too much.


He ate the forbidden fruit fully knowing that what he was doing was wrong.


When Adam ate the fruit, He (1) violated the Word of God (which commanded him not to eat) and (2) he violated the first law of love by putting the second law of love above the higher law.


Here’s the problem for all romantics in the crowd:


Adam loved Eve as much as he loved himself. OK, that’s 100%.


She was only human being he knew.


She was beautiful and his constant soul mate.


She was family. She was everything to Adam.


She paid the bills, took care of the Garden and prepared food for him. (In fact, she went grocery shopping at the tree of life when she heard a voice in the forbidden tree calling her name.)


Eve was dependable, lovely and a perfect companion.


(I have not yet figured out what Adam did when they lived in the Garden. Maybe his job was that of naming the animals – anyway, while he was waiting for her to get lunch, he fell asleep.)


The point here is that Adam so loved Eve that he was motivated by “true and undying love” to eat the forbidden fruit so that he could share in Eve’s fate.


If she wasn’t going to live, he didn’t want to live either.


True love? Or Misplaced love?


Thus, Adam violated the first and highest law, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind and soul.”


Adam made the horrible mistake of loving Eve more than he loved God.


Yes, Adam loved Eve as he loved himself, but he put his love for family above his love for God and this was wrong.


What a romantic love story!!!


The first Romeo and Juliet!!!


Well, let’s look at this Romeo and Juliet tragedy – what is so romantic about 6,000 years of sorrow, death, abuse, sexual immorality, greed, idolatry, illness, cancer, rape, slavery, adultery, torture and dishonesty.


This world has undergone 6,000 years of pure agony and torture because Adam violated the highest and first law of love.


He put love for Eve higher than his love for God and look at the nasty consequences.


Look around, look in the hospitals and nursing homes, look at the inhumanity in Darfur, look at the grinding poverty in India and Africa, look into the jails and penitentiaries and you can see the stinking miserable outcome of Adam’s words to Eve:


“Eve, I would rather not live than to be separated from you… Oh precious Adam. You are such a sweetheart, so wonderful… Here, eat both of these… I picked them for you.”


On romantic sin is all it took.


Romans 5:12   “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, all death through sin, sin in this way death come to all men, because all [have] sinned.”


Profound:   Law #1 is always higher than Law #2.

1.   Love God first

2.   Love wife next


Legalism is a religious life where Law #2 is missing.


1.   Love for God is all that matters.


Humanism is a religious life where Law #1 is missing.


2.   Love neighbor as self.

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