
End Time Events

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Talk Show Host Reports Being Set Upon Like the Inquisition

Talk show hosts are declaring that the end of the nation is in sight – that we are now experiencing the first tremors of a national series of earthquakes. Talk show host Michael Savage, of Jewish extraction, declared that for twelve years, he supported the Roman Catholic Church, but when he opposed their organization of the immigration protests, the Catholic League turned on him like it was the Inquisition. (He used the term Inquisition on the radio to describe their attack.)

The invasion is by design – Rome’s design. Over the course of American history, Rome brought about waves of Roman Catholic immigration in an effort to change the demographics of the voting in America, and thus gains control of America. There was the Italian Catholic immigration and the Irish Catholic immigration waves.

Mexico Always Wanted the Southwest Back

The current invasion is the result of long planning. In 1848, in the Mexican-American War, America gained the lands of disputed Texas, the Southwest, and California. Mexico has ever since plotted how to get these lands back.

Immigration Bill

In 1965, as Vatican II drew to a close, a new immigration bill was passed in America. The new immigration bill provided that if any person from a foreign nation became an American citizen, they could bring into America all of their extended family – spouses, children, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.

Michelle Malkin, in her book, Invasion, writes about “how the secretive immigration court system puts aliens rights over American citizens safety.”  Michelle Malkin, Invasion: How America still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces to Our Shores. Washington, DC: Regnery, 2002, flyleaf.

Flooding The Nation With Millions Subservient to Rome

Immigration was choked off for northern European Protestants, and the Floodgates were opened for what Immigration called “the submissive races.” Obviously, the New World Order wants obedient subjects. However, the sword cuts both ways. Flooding the nation with illegals from a culture of obedience to corrupt ecclesiastical authority, but who have at the same time no qualms about breaking the law of the State at will, means that an entire class is emerging in the nation which has no particular vested interest in enforcing surveillance, the very thing they themselves have spent their lives hiding from. Nevertheless, Rome wants a population that they can control through the priesthood, and historically Rome has sought to keep entire cultures in a state of ignorance so that they can be more easily controlled.

We have been told the horror stories of American men who have had years-long nightmares trying to get their Northern European wives into America, while at the same time millions of Roman Catholic Mexicans pour across the border. In Reagan’s administration, blanket amnesty was granted to three million illegals. Today the number of illegals in America is estimated to be somewhere between 11 and 24 million.


At the same time, in the 1960s, the Jesuits launched multiculturalism in America. Multiculturalism is a plan to keep immigrants from being assimilated into Protestant America theology, law, and culture, with each immigrant block keeping their own culture, language, religion, and concepts of law. Thus, Rome can control the voting block of the illegal Mexicans, for instance, with the spiritual fear of excommunication if they do not vote the way the Church tells them to.

Three Decades to Cover the Distance That Took Rome Three Centuries

In the April 30, 1995, Washington Post, William Lind wrote:

“Its funny how clearly the American century is marked: 1865 to 1965. The First Civil War made us one nation. After 1965 and another war, we disunited – deconstructed – with equal speed into blacks, whites, Hispanics, women, gays, victims, oppressors, left-handed albinos; you name it. In three decades we covered the distance that had taken Rome three centuries to cover.” – quoted in Chittim, 115.

Unleashing Marxism Against Protestantism

The result of multiculturalism was the rise, in academia, of denigrating the White, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant, man who founded this nation and gave it its laws, theology, and customs. The universities have become virtual Marxist ‘class warfare” re-education camps, taught by over 10,000 Marxist professors in over 400 universities. An entirely new curriculum of class warfare was created under the influence of the Marxism unleashed in the Jesuit Hippie movement, to create a form of class warfare in America between the “bourgeoisie” and the “proletariat” – though the terms became the WASPs – White Anglo-Saxon Protestants – versus all the rest of the multi-cultural groups from around the world.

The Zapatista Revolt Sends Millions North Across the Border

By 1994, the invasion began in earnest. On January 1, 1994, NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect. The purpose of this agreement was to create one trading block of Canada, the US, and Mexico, and in the process creating one of the ten blocks of the papal New World Order.

The Jesuit-Led Zapatista Revolt Sends Millions Across the Border

The very day that NAFTA went into effect, the Jesuits launched the Zapatista revolt in Chiapas, in southern Mexico. 3,000 masked Zapatistas occupied six large towns and hundreds of ranches in an armed uprising. Led by a mysterious masked Jesuit priest, this revolt began sending millions of Mexicans north to cross the border into America. Again and again when you see ad hoc reporters question illegals who have come into America, they say that they came from 2,000 miles south of the border. Zapata was a national hero in the early twentieth century in Mexico. He actually was a Protestant, but his status as a national hero of the common man against national corruption meant that the Jesuits adopted his name for their Zapatista revolt.

“The armed insurgency against the Mexican government that began New Year’s Day in the remote state of Chiapas draws heavily on symbols and styles of the past. The reb3els call themselves Zapatistas, after the great Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, who led a peasant uprising 80 years ago….” – Andrew Kopkind, unsigned editorial in the Nation, January 31, 1994, quoted in The Zapatista Reader, ed. Tom Hayden. New York: thunder’s mouth Press, 2002, p. 19. 

Like the Jesuit Reductions of Paraguay

The new Zapatism, going by the rustic nature of the leader at least, is based on the same equation as the old one: the Gospel plus the poncho, the missionaries’ biblical tradition plus the agrarian tradition of the uprooted Indians, everything at the service of a religion of the motherland…


The religious imprint is evident, up to the puritan and disciplined execution of order in the plantations, island of order with something, at least in La Realidad, of the Jesuits’reductions’ of Paraguay.” – Zapatista Reader, “A Guerilla With a Difference,” p. 345. (emphasis mine)

A Ring of Protection Around the Zapatistas

Seven years after the uprising began “an unlikely new international movement has provided a ring of protection around the Chiapas rebels… (Tom Hayden, Introduction, Zapatista Reader, p. 5)  “March, 2001, enormous throngs gathered at Mexico City’s sacred plaza of revolution, the Zocalo, to welcome the reincarnated ghosts of Emeliano Zapata, the Zapatistas.” (Hayden, Ibid., 5). 100,000 supporters welcomed Marcos as he made a triumphal entry into the capital escorted by 23 other EZLN commanders and sympathizers from around the world, including a Nobel Prize-winner. Newly elected Vicente Fox welcomed the march as representing “a hope for Mexico.”  “My government is in favor of the march,” Fox declared.

The Zapatista uprising has its roots in Catholic Liberation Theology. (Hayden, Ibid., 6), and in the Latin American guerilla movements in Mexico of the 1960s – the same time frame as Jesuit Liberation Theology.

The Northward Tide

This northward tide of millions, once started, has swollen to four million a year, with Middle Easterners, Chinese, and people from around the world climbing on board the invasion. It is a nightmare for those concerned about national security in the age of terror. The concern about the security of the nation since 9-11 has heightened national concern about just who is coming across the border.

The Unlikely Alliance of Free Trade, Big Business, and Rome

The Achilles heel politically in the struggle is the Free Trade movement, in which, of all things, the Republican business sector has climbed on board the effort to call for amnesty for the illegals. This means that Republicans such as Senator Lindsey Graham make common cause with Roman Catholic Democrats such as Edward Kennedy to cosponsor immigration legislation.

You see, corporate business likes the slave labor wages, the vulnerability of illegals that dare not stand up for their rights for fear of being exposed. Thus, they can exploit the low-cost, below minimum wage labor for corporate profit. So the Roman Catholic church, corporate business world, the nationalistic drive for Aztlan, and a host of other entities all for legalizing the millions of illegals.

Flood Could Swell to Thirty Million

Estimates range from 11 million to 24 million illegals in the country right now – the bulk by far from Mexico. If these could obtain citizenship, they can then bring in all of their extended families, swelling the ranks of the Catholic invasion to around 60 million, and swamping the nation in every dimension, so that America will no longer be America, but will become a modified Third World Country divested of her Protestant heritage culturally, theologically, legally, and linguistically.

Crime Wave

A crime wave has come with this invasion. Mexican gangs, the Mexican mafia, the deadliest gang of all – MS 13, made up of ex-military and ex-paramilitary Latin soldiers who murder primarily with machetes, the tensions that have gripped Los Angeles schools between the blacks and the Latinos – all are part of the picture. Illegal aliens dominate the prison population.


As Tom Chittim postulates, in time the Mexican invasion will begin electing in the Southwest, its own mayors, its own sheriffs, its own police force, its own governors, its own District Attorneys, judges, layers, and National Guard – will be predominantly Mexican. There will be a few enclaves of original Americans left. Aztlan will come to be simply by force of numbers in a democracy.

Right now Rome astutely sees that the nation is extremely closely divided politically. Just look at the ‘hanging chads” of the 200 election in a couple of countries deciding the fate of the nation and the Supreme Court finally deciding who would be president. It only will take a little more effort in the invasion to take over completely.

Last Stage Before Tyranny

This is why Rome seeks to change the nation from a Republic to a Democracy. In a democracy the people rule – the masses. Rome does not really want the masses to rule – but it is her policy to use what she can to undue what Protestantism has done – and democracy is a step on the path to total tyranny, and the establishment of Rome’s Leadership principle, often called Fuhrerprinzep.

Rome’s scholars are deep students of Plato’s Republic. In Plato’s Republic, Plato declared that the last step on the path to tyranny was a lasses-faire democracy, in which cultural restraints broke down, and liberty became license. That is the picture of America today. We are in the last stages before tyranny takes over. America resembles the Weimar Republic in Germany of the 1920s where immortality so shocked the nation that the nation swung into the ranks of Nazism in reaction.

Already the Unitary Executive Theory is establishing on a daily basis the concept that the President is above the law – from incommunicado detention, to torture, to illegal wiretapping, to creating press leaks. What would be illegal for anyone else to do is legal for the president to do. This is being argued on issue after issue. It was a big issue in the Alito nomination hearings, it comes up now on almost a daily basis as the attorney general, Alberto Gonzales, argues its merits before an increasingly paralyzed Congress.

Rome is On the March

Rome is on the march. National apostasy will be flowed by national ruin. The apostasy of Marxist political correctness had blinded the eyes of the nation to forces and plan at work to dismember the nation. The ecumenical movement has made it acceptable to reveal the work that Rome is playing in regain control of the world, re-establish persecution, and undo all that Protestantism has done. Judgment and discrimination are the first things to go when apostasy takes hold. The person appears incapable of making decisions that would enable him to secure his own national, spiritual, moral and physical preservation.

At times the nation feebly rouses itself as it is shocked to see its national security sold off to the highest bidder – as missile secrets go to China under Clinton’s watch, as secrets microchips essential to national security are manufactured overseas, as the transformers that power our cities are made overseas, as foreigners run our national nuclear center at Los Alamos, as the nation almost allowed the takeover of port loading facilities to the United Arab Emirates, as the jobs of Americans head overseas to China, India, and a host of other nations supplying cheap labor, as the nation sees that it will never again be the same after an invasion that it lacks the will and determination to deal with.

The Way of Truth

The final events are under way. Ten Commandments day, headed up by prominent television evangelists, to be held on a Sunday, heralds a move that may well end in a National Sunday Law. Rome’s millions are swarming across the border in reconquista, to tip the balance of power in America to Rome’s side, and forever change the American Republic. Congress is paralyzed right now, unable to deal with a problem that has already gone far beyond its capacity to act. The model for reconquista is the Spanish reconquista that ended in Inquisition.

As Rome’s millions swarm across the border, Rome’s concepts take over with the “Leadership principle” taking hold at the highest levels of government, and a surveillance state takes hold. A global elite ruling class, more concerned about their own financial aggrandizement than about the survival of a Protestant Republic, are selling off the nation to the highest bidders, and are handing over the keys of the nation to Rome, from the control of the Supreme court to the priests who control millions of her adherents swarming north to retake America’s Southwest and West Coast.

Wrote that giant Avro Manhattan, regarding Rome, “ignorance of her true nature, exertions and policies, therefore, is no longer permissible…a future menaced by the Institution set to mold it solely in her own pattern, to the exclusion of any other not in conformity with hers, would be nothing but a return to the past…The lesson to be learned, therefore, had better be learned in dead earnest…” –Manhattan, Vatican Imperialism in the Twentieth Century. Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1965, p. 412.

As the final developments in the marshalling of the nations take place all around us, as prophecy fulfills all around us, we are to “lift up our heads, for our redemption draweth nigh.” Jesus is coming, and coming soon, in the clouds of glory, with all the holy angels. We must be ready, with our garments washed in the blood of the Lamb, keeping the commandments of God and having the faith of Jesus, getting ready to lift off this old earth, and go home to glory!

Hebrew genealogies would often skip over generations to the next notable, well-  known individual. Here the Scripture skips from the well-known Caesar Augustus, the raiser to taxes, whose decree (Luke 2:1) brought Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem where Jesus was born, to the rise of the pope, who took over the Roman emperor’s place in Rome, when Constantine moved the empire headquarters out of Rome to Constantinople.



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