

End-Time Events Part VI

The Pantheistic Plan: Enlarge the Territory of Belief To Merge All as One

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Self-Esteem, the Basis of the New Age Christ

Self-Loathing Which Leads to the True Christ


“Immediately following up on the reference to “self-esteem’ in relation to the New Spirituality, Neale Donald Walsch suddenly introduced Robert Schuller and Schuller’s 1982 book about self-esteem into the conversation.” Warren Smith, 64, 65.


Schuller in 1982 Calls For a New Reformation Based on Self-Esteem; Walsch’s “God” Praises Schuller


Walsch’s ‘God” praises Schuller, saying, “I hope he is proud of himself!” Schuller, in his 1982 book, Self-Esteem: The New Reformation, called for a new reformation of all Christianity with a new theology based upon “self-esteem.” The churches swallowed it, including the Structure. Now, with humanity no longer willing to admit its need for a Savior from sin, with a humanity refusing to accept the idea that they in themselves are full of self and sin, you have a humanity that no longer believes in self-crucifixion, self-renunciation, and self-abnegation, but instead believes in self-esteem.  


There is no self-loathing that drives the soul to Christ for salvation. “If any man come to Me, and hate not…yea, his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:26.


In the Heart That Loves God Supremely, There is No Longer Self-Esteem


“The heart that loves God supremely will not in any way be inclined to narrow down His precepts to the very smallest possible claims, but the obedient, loyal soul will cheerfully render full spiritual obedience when the law is seen in its spiritual power. Then will the commandments come home to the soul in their real force. Sin will appear exceedingly sinful…. There is no longer self-righteousness, self-esteem, self-honor, Self-security is gone. Deep conviction of sin and self-loathing is the result, and the soul in its desperate sense of peril lays hold on the blood of the Lamb of God as his only remedy. Lt 51, 1888. (HC 140.) “ 1MCP 32.


Self-Esteem Kills Spiritual Life


“Self-esteem and self-sufficiency are killing spiritual life. Self is lifted up; self is talked about. Oh, that self might die! “I die daily,” said the apostle Paul. When this proud, boasting self-sufficiency and this complacent self-righteousness permeate the soul, there is no room for Jesus….” 5T 538, 539.


The Purpose-Driven Church’s Global P.E.A.C.E Plan


October 27, 2003, Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback church sent out an e-mail titled GOD’S DREAM FOR YOU – AND THE WORLD. In this e-mail Pastor Rick Warren announced that the next weekend he would be announcing his ‘Global P.E.A.C.E. plan.”

Rick Warren Declares Purpose Driven Church About To “Change History”


“In a series of enthusiastic and authoritative statements, Rick Warren was positively declaring that the Purpose Driven Church had arrived at its ‘moment of destiny.’ He affirmed that God was preparing their church for ‘a great dream to change the world.’ He said the dream that they were about to embark upon would ‘change history.’ Employing a metaphysical dream affirmation technique (now often called “vision casting”) and using precise Schuller language, he declared that “The Global Peace Plain IS GOING TO HAPPEN.’” – Warren Smith, 131.


The gist of Rick Warren’s e-mail was that God was preparing his “church for a great dream to change the world!” He referred to Wilkinson’s sermon on “God’s dream for your life….


“THIS WEEKEND, I’ll begin a series of five messages on God’s dream to use you globally – to literally use YOU to help change the world! I’ll unveil our Global P.E.A.C.E. plan, and how God has uniquely prepared you for this moment of destiny.


“You are not a part of Saddleback Church by accident. God has brought all of us together, at this very strategic moment in time, to make a difference. I say this without fear of exaggeration – God is going to use you and all of us together at Saddleback, to change history!…  


“The Global Peace Plan IS GOING TO HAPPEN…” (Warren Smith, 1320)


Introducing Schuller’s Dream Teaching Into the Purpose Driven Church


“Bruce Wilkinson and Rick Warren were now introducing Schuller’s teachings on dreams into the Church. Teachings on dreams that were based on man’s word rather than God’s Word.


“Instead of contending for the faith by exposing the plans of our spiritual Adversary’s 5-Step PEACE Plan, Rick Warren was in the process of introducing his own 5-step P.E.A.C.E.  Plan  – a  P.E.A.C.E. Plan that was being presented in the name of God and in the form of a dream. A dream that was being described in Schuller dream language as ‘God’s Dream for the world.’” (Warren Smith, 132, 133.)


“A Plan That Would Eventually Be Shared With ‘Millions of Other Churches’”


The next week, November 2, 2003, Rick Warren unveiled his 5-Step P.E.A.C.E. Plan to Saddleback Church and those watching on the Internet. He told them that now that it was the 21st century they were going global, formulating ‘a plan that would eventually be shared with ‘millions’ of other churches.’” (Warren Smith, pp. 133, 134). He reminded them that now there were 72,000 names on the church roll – like “a city.”


Working With World Leaders for a Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan


Rick Warren said that he had been talking to world leaders, getting their opinions, and his P.E.A.C.E. Plan was what he came up with.


P lant Churches 


E quip Leaders


A ssist the Poor


C are for the Sick


E ducate the Next Generation  (Warren Smith, 134.)


Post 9/11 New Age Small Groups Praying for Collective Dream of World Peace


After the events of 9/11 New Age leaders were all over the media urging people to gather in small groups to envision and pray for world peace – Neale Donald Walsch, Marianne Williamson, who presented her ideas on the Oprah Winfrey show, Wayne Dyer and others declared that the collective dream of world peace could be created ‘if small groups around the world focused their prayers, meditations, and visualizations on the single subject of world peace.” – Warren Smith, 139. 


New Age Leader Dyer on PBS Promotes Pantheistic “Oneness”


Wayne Dyer on a post-September 11th PBS Special stressed that “God is ‘in’ everyone and everything. Dyer suggested that world peace could be realized if everyone around the world recognized the Oneness (the New Age concept of ‘at-one-ment’) of their shared divinity with God.” (Warren Smith, 140)


Rick Warren Introduces His 5-Step P.E.A.C.E. Plan Using New Age Techniques of ‘Dreams” Directly Out of Schuller and New Age to Link “Millions of Churches”


Now Rick Warren was introducing a similar P.E.A.C.E. Plan to the New Age P.E.A.C.E. Plan, and using New Age techniques of “Dreams” and “Vision-casting,” directly out of Schuller and the New Age leaders to launch his ambitious plan to link millions of churches around the world to his plan  - a plan remarkably parallel to the New Age Plan of Walsch.


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