
Does the Nation of Israel Have an End Time Role?

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Problem 2: The Judgment, the Rapture, and the 70th Week

Because the terms and conditions of the two covenants are often mixed up and inappropriately merged together, advocates of dispensationalism have devised a mechanical solution (called “a pretribulation rapture”) to solve their problems of mixing and merging the two covenants. In a nutshell, dispensationalists believe that God is still obligated to fulfill His promises to the biological offspring of Abraham because God’s calling and promises are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29)

Let me be clear, God’s unconditional promises are irrevocable. Heaven and Earth will pass away before God’s Word fails. (Matthew 5:18) For this reason, we can be sure that God will fulfill everything He unconditionally promised to Abraham, but His conditional promises to the nation of Israel are another matter. In fact, if it were not for the revocation of the Old Covenant, there could not be a New Covenant! Jesus terminated the Old Covenant because the nation of Israel passed the point of no return. “But God found fault with the people and said: ‘The time is coming,’ declared the Lord,’ when I will make a new covenant with the [redefined] house of Israel and the house of Judah.’” (Hebrews 8:8, insertion and emphasis mine) See also Isaiah 24:5 and Ezekiel 23.

Because Israel refused to receive Christ as the Messiah, dispensationalists believe that God raised up Christians to temporarily fulfill the gospel commission – that is, Christians were appointed as trustees of the gospel until the times granted to the Gentiles are fulfilled. (Luke 21:24) Then they believe, when the world is seven years away form the Second Coming, Jesus will remove “the believers” from Earth via a pretribulation rapture so that he can fulfill His promises to the nation of Israel. Dispensationalists believe this event will somehow cause 144,000 people within the Jewish race to convert to Christianity and these people will then go throughout the Earth during the seven years of the Great Tribulation proclaiming the gospel of Jesus.

I have several problems with this schematic. Here are three: First, let us suppose there was a pretribulation rapture and all the Christians were removed from Earth. Isn’t it true that anyone converting to Jesus Christ after the rapture would have to fall under the provisions of the New Covenant?  Think about this: The Old Covenant required converts to be adopted into the nation of Israel (Genesis 17:12,13, Exodus 12:48, Deuteronomy 23) and this adoption process involved circumcision and it required the services of priests from the tribe of Levi. (Hebrews 7:11) The problem now is that Jesus Christ, the High Priest of the New Covenant sits at the right hand of God and He comes from the tribe of Judah! In other words, if the terms and conditions set forth in the Old Covenant are still valid and binding, who from the tribe of Levi is worthy to mediate in Heaven for those who missed the rapture? It makes no sense to remove the trustees of the New Covenant with a pretribulation rapture so that the terms and conditions of the Old Covenant – terms such as circumcision, temple sacrifices and a Levitical priesthood – can be reestablished. The Old Covenant was abolished long ago. (Colossians 2)

The second problem with the pretribulation rapture and modern Israel’s role during the Great Tribulation concerns the 70 weeks of Daniel 9. I believe advocates of dispensationalism have badly distorted Daniel 9 to make the rapture doctrine plausible and the result is total confusion. Dispensationalists claim the 70th week is detached from the 69 weeks. They believe that a gap of almost 2,000 years must be inserted between the 69th week and the 70th week. I cannot find any support for this claim in the Bible. I believe the Bible affirms that the 70th week immediately followed the 69th week which immediately followed the 68th week, etc. In other words, the Bible does not teach there is a gap of centuries between any of the 70 weeks, including the 69th week and the 70th week. This is easily proven in two ways. First, time itself is an unbroken continuum. When one day ends, another begins. When one month ends, another begins. When one year ends, another begins. Therefore, it is impossible to insert a span of 2,000 years within a period of 490 years (70 weeks). Second, and more importantly, history proves the 70th week immediately followed the 69th week because the specifications given in Daniel 9 were fulfilled between 457 B.C. and A.D. 33. The 70 weeks of Daniel 9 began and ended on time.

Here is a brief explanation on the fulfillment of the 70 weeks. The decree that marked the beginning of the 70 weeks was issued by King Artaxerxes in the spring of 457 B.C. Of the four decrees issued to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, only one decree occurs in a Sunday year – always the first year in a week of seven years, and 457 B.C. also happened to be a Jubilee year. It is important to know that 457 B.C. was a Jubilee year because Daniel 9 divides the 69 weeks into two segments by calling them “seven weeks and 62 weeks.” God divided the 69 weeks into two segments to give Israel an important clue. He wanted Israel to know that the decree that started the 70 weeks would occur in a Jubilee year – which is always the first year of a Jubilee cycle of 49 years.

According to Daniel 9:25, Messiah would appear of the beginning of the 70th week. According to Luke 3, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in A.D. 27. A.D. 27 is the first year of the 70th week and it is a Sunday year, exactly 484 years (counting inclusively) from the decree of Artaxerxes. Jesus appeared on time and Jesus died on time, in the middle year of the 70th week. (Galatians 4:4) Astronomy and Bible history leave no wiggle room on this. Zero. Jesus died in the middle of the 70th week (a Wednesday year) in A.D. 30. Jesus, the Author of oblations and sacrifices caused oblations and sacrifices to end at the cross. Daniel 9 has been fulfilled. The 70th week followed the 69th week and everything predicted for the 70th week has been fulfilled. The bottom line is this: Someone has to give the gospel to the world during the Great Tribulation. Will it be the twelve tribes from all religions preaching under the terms and conditions of the New Covenant, or will it be the people from the Jewish race preaching under the terms and conditions of the New Covenant? (This really is not a valid question because under the new Covenant, there is no distinction between Jews and Gentiles.) (For further study on the 70th week, please review these articles:



The third and final problem is that of the judgment bar of Christ. Dispensationalists have tied modern Israel’s end-time role and a pretribulation rapture together and made them codependent doctrines. Given the intricate relationship between these two concepts, here is a problem that every rapture believing Christian should thoughtfully consider: Many advocates of a pretribulation rapture doctrine have not stopped to realize that the rapture doctrine requires two separate and distinct judgments of the living. In other words, the rapture doctrine presupposes a judgment of the living before the rapture (to see who will be taken and who will be left behind) and then there’s a second chance. A second judgment of the living must be held near the end of the Great Tribulation to see who will be saved at the Second Coming. The problem is that the Bible does not teach a second chance nor does it teach there will be two judgments for the living! The judgment bar of Christ occurs once for the living. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10) Since the rapture doctrine requires two judgments of the living and the Bible does not teach a second chance not multiple judgments, this is an insurmountable problem,   

The Bible reveals without ambiguity that the saints of God will be persecuted during the Great Tribulation. “The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them, And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.” (Revelation 13:5-7 God permits persecution to rise during the Great Tribulation to separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep will put their faith in God and give up their lives if required, but the goats will do everything possible to save themselves. “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” (Matthew 16:25) For more information on this topic, please review:



Summary: A House of Cards

My friends, I am convinced the combined doctrines of a pretrib rapture and the alleged prophetic role of Israel during the Great Tribulation stem from mixing and merging Old Covenant and New Covenant promises and prophecies. Without trying to sound arrogant, I believe these concepts are flimsy and like a house of cards, they will fall one day. Of course, the passage of time will prove all things. I hope you all will continue to study this topic by reviewing the various articles listed above. May the Holy Spirit grant you wisdom as you study further into the deep mysteries of Christ and His saving grace.


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