
Phoenix: Vietnam, Iraq, and America

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Domestic Arm of Preemption: All

Confidential Records Data-mined

“Journalist alias Solomon notes that, with this type of government in place, the Bush administration ‘has fashioned a domestic arm of its new doctrine of preemption.’ Now, all previously confidential records will be searched, cross-indexed, and fully ‘data-mined’ (presumably using the technology from the ‘cancelled’ programs) for any information the government sees fit, with no one overseeing abuses or mistakes.” – Green, 185.


Phoenix Tortures: Osborn

Reports Not One VC Suspect

Survived in Eighteen Month Stint

Phoenix used torture. K. Barton Osborn, a Military Intelligence veteran who worked with the CIA’s Phoenix program in 1967-68, described various tortures used from driving a 6-inch dowel into the ear canal and into the brain until the person died, starving to death, and using electronic gear attached to genitalia to shock the people into submission. “During his eighteen months with the Phoenix program, not a single VC suspect had survived CIA interrogation.” –Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam, 242,243.


“By 1972 the Phoenix total for enemy ‘neutralization’ had risen to 81,740 Vietcong eliminated and 26,369 prisoners killed.” –Iraq and Lessons of Vietnam, 243.


Truncheon and Electric Shock

Interrogation Widespread

In 1968, “two CORDS evaluators, John G. Lybrand and L. Craig Johnstone, conducted an official review of the program in II Corps (Central Vietnam), finding that ‘the truncheon and electric shock method of interrogation were in widespread use, with almost all [U.S.] advisers admitting to have witnessed instances of the use of these methods.’” – Iraq and the Lessons of Vietnam, 243.

It was just like the Gestapo and SS. Of course, massive numbers of Nazi intelligence – the entire Gehlen Org – were brought intact and wholesale into the CIA at the close of World War II.


Hypothermia, Aircraft Ejection,

Water, Shock

Hypothermia was used. People were thrown out of aircraft to their deaths. –Lessons, 244.

CIA regional chief, Orrin DeForest found the Phoenix provincial interrogation centers “sites of the worst tortures – in particular the water treatment, where they forced water down prisoners’ throats until their stomachs swelled up, or the torture in which they applied electric shock to their genitals and nipples.’ [Orrin DeForest and David Chanoff, Slow Burn: The Rise and Bitter Fall of American Intelligence in Vietnam (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990) pp. p4-57.” –Lessons from Vietnam, 241.]


Revival of Inquisition

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that America has not used torture before. It was used massively in Phoenix in Vietnam. The water torture is right out of the Roman Catholic Inquisition. Of course, the Knights of Malta were running the CIA. William Colby, Director of the CIA, was a Knight of Malta. It is the revival of the Roam Catholic Inquisition.


The Rationale for Phoenix
Protecting the People From

In October, 1969, the Saigon government launched “the Phoenix Public Information program’ in an attempt to ‘surface Phoenix publicly, under the rationale of protecting the people from terrorism.’ [Central Intelligence Agency, Internal Security in South Vietnam – Phoenix, December 12, 1970.]” –Lessons, 240.


Negroponte served in Iraq from June 2004 to February 17, 2005 when he was nominated as first Director of National Intelligence. With a history of years of developing death squads in Salvador and Iraq, what does that mean? By May 2005, Negroponte was back in the U.S.


By 2005, the big picture reality in Iraq was that it had become ‘the global epicenter of privatized warfare with scores of heavily armed groups of various loyalties and agendas roaming Iraq.” –Blackwater, 289.


Iron Fetters Forged on America

The iron fetters are being forged on America. When it comes home to roost, with all the lessons learned, it will mean, as Naomi Klein, author of No Logo wrote, ‘the death throes of U.S. democracy.” (Back cover of Blackwater.)

There is one basic conclusion. Rome, the Knights of Malta, and the Jesuits are taking control of the nation. Every base is being covered. Rome is even developing its mercenary military arm for enforcement.

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