
The 144,000 – Parts 4-6

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6.   For the most part, the 144,000 will be lowly people humble people, not highly educated – very ordinary people – upon whom the extraordinary power and authority of the Holy Spirit will rest. By temperament and disposition, these men and women will range from timid to aggressive. Intellectually, they will range from simple to profound. Age wise, they will range from young to old.


7.   Few, if any, of the 144,000 will know each other, yet they will all say and do the same things.


8.   Most, if not all of the 144,000 will die as martyrs during the Great Tribulation.


9.   Problem:   Because the 144,000 are scattered and diverse, because the 144,000 will be ordinary people, because the 144,000 will not be recognized by the world as prophets of God, a big problem will arise. (Incidentally, the same thing happened to Paul.) So, how will people be able to tell whether the 144,000 speak for God or whether they are demon possessed? (Remember, the Pharisees though John the Baptist and Jesus were demon possessed. Luke 7:33, John 7:20)


So, how does Jesus prove to a diverse human race that the 144,000 are His prophets, speaking His Words? Two infallible witnesses will confirm the authenticity of the 144,000: The Bible will back up everything they teach. Even more, they will speak with usual authority and the Holy Spirit will give their words incredible weight – piercing the heart and convicting those who hear them with overwhelming guilt. (John 16:8) These two witnesses, the Bible and the Holy Spirit, will validate the message and the messengers of Jesus.


10.   As firstfruits of the end-time harvest, the 144,000 will be sealed first. They will be first to have their carnal natures removes. After they are sealed, they will have no predisposition or proclivity for sin as human beings currently do. After they are sealed, the 144,000 will be Adam and Eve before their fall. The 144,000 will be living examples of God’s covenant promise to deliver us from the power and penalty of sin. In other words, the gospel message presented by the 144,000 includes God’s covenant promise to set us free from the power of sin.


The wonderful thing about this is that after a person is sealed, he will not be tempted to sin as we now are. (Incidentally, the sealing explains how sinners will be able to live on Earth after mercy ends without sinning.)


11.   The 144,000 will accomplish in a mere 1,260 days more than all Christian missionaries combined have been able to accomplish in the past 2,000 years. Did you know that the population of the world is nearing 7 billion? Did you know that the total number of people claiming to be Christian is only 27% of the world’s population? Did you know that 50% of the world’s population is under the age of 25? Did you know that 4 billion people live on less than $ 3 dollars a day?


Did you know that according to the American Bible society, 3.5 billion people have never heard of the name of Jesus and this number is currently increasing by 78 million people per year? When you ponder these statistics, one thing becomes very clear: Unless the Lord Himself carries out the gospel commission, the end of the world won’t happen for two thousand more years!


Jesus said:


Matthew 24:14   “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”


12.   The 144,000 will not be self-appointed. In other words, a person cannot volunteer for the job. In fact, if it were not for Jesus appearing before them and empowering them to do what he wants done, they would not choose the job nor the responsibility of being a prophet during the Great Tribulation. The Bible reveals that the life span of God’s prophets is usually short and very painful.


13.   The 144,000 will be taken to Heaven on the 1,265th day of the Great Tribulation (a Sunday?). They will be presented to God as first fruits (a sample) of the coming harvest of “sealed souls.” The 144,000 will return to Earth with Jesus at the Second Coming. The wicked who put them to death will see them coming with Jesus! But, millions will be redeemed through the faithfulness, sacrifices and suffering of the 144,000. 


14.   Why did God limit the number of prophets from the 12 tribes to 144,000 in the first place? What is the significance of 12,000 being selected from each of the 12 tribes? There’s an important object lesson in this matter. It parallels “Gideon’s army.” When God delivered Israel out of Egypt, He wanted to make the nation of Israel a nation of priests and kings.


God wanted the nation of Israel to be a light unto salvation for the Gentiles. So, God chose the biological descendants of Abraham to be a nation of priests and kings because He wanted a nation of “faith-full Abraham look-alikes” to serve as trustees of His gospel.


Originally, under the Old Covenant or “Plan A” as I call it, it was planned that Jesus would come to Earth and die for our sins. THEN, Jesus would set up His eternal kingdom on Earth. (Instead of returning to Heaven.)


Later on, when the time was right, it was also planned that Jesus would purge the faithless in Israel out of His kingdom. After this purge, Jesus would then send out a pure nation of Israel (12 tribes) into the world to invite everyone to come to the city of Jerusalem and be saved from the great destruction that was about to befall Earth. (We covered this topic at length in our study on the book of Ezekiel.)


This scenario is just like the message in Noah’s day. “If you want to live, come and get in the ark.” In other words, everyone in the world was to be invited to come and participate in salvation because the time for the destruction of sin had sinners had come.


And, as you well know, “Plan A” was not implanted because of Israel’s rebellion, therefore, God established a New Covenant (which I call “Plan B.”) God modified the final gathering of the honest-in-heart in “Plan B.”  The result is that at the appointed time, Jesus will send a measly 12,000 people from each of the 12 tribes throughout the world with a message that will separate the sheep form the goats in all religions. 144,000 servants represent 1 prophet to approx 50,000 people.


So, under Plan B….


a.   Everyone will hear the gospel invitation. Instead of traveling to Jerusalem to get inside the city (as in Plan A), people will be invited to enter into God’s rest on His holy day. Of course, the price in terms of persecution for doing so will be great.


b.   Everyone will have to make a decision for or against the demands of God on how He wants to be worshiped. (You know about the fourth commandment.)


c.   Everyone will be tested with persecution to see what his decision really is.


d.   Then, those who take hold of God’s offer through faith will be given the seal of God.


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