
Prophecy 11

The Rise of Babylon –
Revelation 12:7 – 14:5

1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]


Rule Two says a fulfillment only occurs when all of the specifications are met, and this includes the order stated in the prophecy. Because some of the elements in this prophecy are in the future, we can say that this prophecy has not been fulfilled even though certain elements have been fulfilled in the past.

For example, the dragon chased the woman to the wilderness for 1,260 years (538-1798). This has been fulfilled. However, the dragon’s efforts to destroy the remnant of the woman during the Great Tribulation will last forty-two months. This has not been fulfilled.

Rule Three says apocalyptic language can be literal, analogous, or symbolic. To reach the intended meaning of a prophecy, the reader must consider the context, the use of parallel language in the Bible, and if an element is thought to be symbolic, the Bible must interpret the symbol with a relevant text.

This prophecy uses all three types of language: symbolic, analogous, and literal. Consider these examples: The great red dragon is a symbol representing “that ancient serpent called the devil.”[136] The Earth literally helped the woman.[137] Geographically speaking, a new territory on Earth (the United States of America) was discovered to become a place to receive those who had been persecuted for their faith. Analogous language is also used when describing the beast from the sea: “The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear. . . .”[138]

Rule Four says the presence or absence of the Jubilee Calendar determines how God measures time. The time, times, and half
a time (1,260 days) mentioned in verses 6 and 14 require translation because they occur while the Jubilee Calendar (1437 B.C.-1994) is operating. The 1,260 years mentioned in this prophecy perfectly align with the time, times, and half a time mentioned in 
Daniel 7:25. However, the forty-two months mentioned in Revelation 13:5 should not be translated because this time period occurs after 1994 (after the Jubilee Calendar expired).[139]

Avoiding Internal Conflict

There are time periods in Daniel and Revelation where a day should be translated as a year (for example, the seventy weeks of Daniel 9 are translated into 490 years), but there are other time periods where translation is not permitted. Because some time periods in prophecy are translated a day for a year and others are not, a valid rule is required to tell us when time periods should be translated and when they should not.

Faulty rules produce faulty conclusions. There is no valid rule that requires every time period in Daniel and Revelation to be literal or translated as a day for a year. Faulty rules always put the Bible in a position of internal conflict (inconsistency). In other words, the Bible cannot speak for itself when its chronological order is put in conflict with its timing! A valid rule of interpretation cannot have an exception, for if it does, no one but God has the authority to tell the world when an exception is permitted. Moreover, a valid rule will not force the Bible into a position where it cancels something it declares. This point is emphasized because valid rules and valid conclusions are always in harmony with all that God has said.


      1. See Revelation 9:1-1113:11-18 and 17:8. Compare also with 2 Thessalonians 2. Return
      2. 2 Corinthians 11:14 Return
      3. 1 Kings 6:25 (A cubit is approximately 18 inches.) Return
      4. Daniel 8:25 (Lucifer cannot be killed by human power.) Return
      5. Revelation 18:5,6 Return
      6. Revelation 7:9 occurs before Revelation 8:1. Further, the seventh seal is not broken and The Book of Life opened until the one thousand years have ended. See Revelation 20:12Return
      7. Revelation 19:2 Return
      8. Revelation 15:2,3 Return
      9. John 16:33 Overcoming the world is defined as overcoming the temptations of the world. “For everything in the world – the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes, and the boasting of what he has and does – comes not from the Father but from the world.” (1 John 2:16) Like Jesus, the 144,000 will be resurrected and presented as first fruits of a coming harvest. See 1 Corinthians 15:20Return
      10. Revelation 11:10 Return
      11. 1 Samuel 28 Return
      12. For a discussion on the dating of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, please see pages 185-207 in my book, Daniel: Unlocked for the Final Generation or you can freely download at this LINKReturn
      13. Luke 24:1Acts 10:4013:30-37Revelation 1:18 Return
      14. Matthew 28:1 Return
      15. Matthew 28:9 Return
      16. John 20:17 Return
      17. Psalm 24:7-10, insertion mine Return
      18. Luke 24:13-34 Return
      19. 1 Corinthians 15:20 Return
      20. Mark 10:32-34 Return
      21. 2 Corinthians 5:21 Return
      22. Matthew 27:46 Return
      23. John 10:18 Return
      24. John 15:13 Return
      25. Leviticus 23:15-17Return
      26. Psalm 2:8John 17:6Hebrews 1:2 Return
      27. Revelation 12:7-9 Return
      28. Luke 24:13-35 Return
      29. Matthew 28:11-15 Return
      30. Matthew 28:18-20 Return
      31. Romans 8:5-8 Return
      32. John 12:3114:3016:11 Return
      33. Job 1:6-12 Return
      34. Daniel 7:13,14 Return
      35. Revelation 19:16 Return
      36. Ezekiel 28:12-15 Return
      37. Hebrews 4:15 Return
      38. Psalm 2:7-9Acts 13:34Hebrews 5:5-9 Return
      39. Please see Chapter 2 in my book, Jesus: The Alpha and The Omega or you can freely download the chapter at this LINKReturn
      40. John 12:28-31, italics mine Return
      41. Ezekiel 28:12-17 Return
      42. Luke 10:18 Return
      43. See Prophecy 8. Return
      44. See Prophecy 15. Return
      45. Compare with Zechariah 3:1-7Return
      46. Ephesians 2:8,9Galatians 2:15-17James 2:2324 Return
      47. See Appendix A and comments under Revelation 12:14Return
      48. See Leviticus 25:1-18. Even though weekly cycles of seven years began at the time of the Exodus, Israel did not observe Sabbath years in the desert. Just as Adam and Eve’s first full day was God’s seventh day Sabbath, so Israel’s first full year in Canaan was God’s seventh year Sabbath. For a detailed discussion showing that God began counting Jubilee cycles at the time of the Exodus and not from Israel’s entrance into Canaan, please download this free article at this LINKReturn
      49. There is evidence in the Bible showing that some people understood the proper location of the seventy weeks. See Mark 1:15 and Luke 3:1510:11Return
      50. For a discussion on this topic, please see pages 185-212 in my book, Daniel: Unlocked for the Final Generation or you can freely download this article at this LINKReturn
      51. Genesis 7:24 Return
      52. Genesis 7:11,12 Return
      53. Genesis 8:3,4 Return
      54. Genesis 1:14 For further information about the Sun appearing to travel 360 degrees of arc over the course of a solar year, go to this LINKReturn
      55. Isaiah 16:14 Return
      56. Daniel 4:29-32 Return
      57. Ezekiel 29:18,19 Return
      58. See Appendix A. Return
      59. See Book 1-1 at this LINKReturn
      60. Daniel 12:7, insertion and italics mine Return
      61. Revelation 11:3,7, insertion mine Return
      62. James 1:2-4 Return
      63. 1 Peter 1:7-9, insertion mine Return
      64. Revelation 6:9, italics mine Return
      65. John 15:20,21 Return
      66. John 14:27 Return
      67. Daniel 12:7 Return
      68. 1 Corinthians 10:132 Corinthians 1:8,9Hebrews 11:17 Return
      69. Revelation 7:9-17 Return
      70. Revelation 12:6 Return
      71. See Hosea 5:10Isaiah 8:6-859:18,19Daniel 9:26 Return
      72. Daniel 7:20,21 Return
      73. John 8:44 Return
      74. Revelation 13:5-7 Return
      75. Deuteronomy 8:11-1928:63 Return
      76. Philippians 1:20-294:11,12Hebrews 13:5 Return
      77. See The Angel Explains – Part I. Return
      78. For a discussion on the identity of the seven heads, please see pages 165-177 in my book, A Study on the Seven Trumpets, Two Witnesses and Four Beasts or you can freely download the article at this LINKReturn
      79. Ibid. See also commentary in this book on Revelation 12:14Return
      80. Revelation 12:17 Return
      81. Mark 7:8,9Acts 5:29-32 Return
      82. Revelation 17:12 Return
      83. Exodus 20:9-11 Return
      84. Matthew 12:31,32 Return
      85. Daniel 12:7 Return
      86. Joel 2:28-31Revelation 11:3 Return
      87. Revelation 11:314:11 Return
      88. Revelation 11:7-9 Return
      89. John 10:14-16 Return
      90. Matthew 22:36-40 Return
      91. Revelation 5:6-9 See also pages 38-44 in my book, A Study on the Seven Seals and the 144,000 or you can freely download the article at this LINKReturn
      92. Psalm 2:7-12 Return
      93. Compare Genesis 15:13-18 with Exodus 12:40-42Return
      94. John 16:1 Return
      95. 2 Timothy 4:3,4 Return
      96. Matthew 6:34 Return
      97. John 16:33 Return
      98. Revelation 9:1-1111:717:820:1-3 Return
      99. Revelation 5:6 Return
      100. Revelation 14:9-112 Thessalonians 2:3-12Matthew 24:23-27 Return
      101. Matthew 24:26 Return
      102. Revelation 6:8 Return
      103. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 Return
      104. 1 Kings 18 Return
      105. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 Return
      106. Revelation 9:14 Return
      107. For a discussion on this matter, please see pages 55-63 in my book, A Study on the Seven Trumpets, Two Witnesses and Four Beasts or you can freely download the article at this LINKReturn
      108. Daniel 11:39 Return
      109. Revelation 17:12-14 Return
      110. This claim is based on five underlying presuppositions.
        1. The Bible says the devil will not honor one particular religious body. He will oppose all of them. (
        2 Thessalonians 2:4) Therefore, he would need a universal holy day that does not favor Muslims, Jews, Catholics, or Protestants who worship on either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
        2. The Bible teaches the core conflict during the Great Tribulation will be over worship. (
        Revelation 13:15) Therefore, when Lucifer establishes his one world church state (a counterfeit theocracy), he will have to create a holy day for worship which everyone must observe.
        3. The Bible reveals that God will show the Ark of the Covenant at the close of the seventh trumpet. (
        Revelation 11:19) One of the underlying reasons for this exposure is God’s fourth commandment. The fourth commandment establishes a week of seven days, with the seventh day of the week (Saturday) being God’s holy Sabbath. A weekly cycle of ten days with a different holy day will clearly stand in opposition to the higher law of God. Thus, the condemnation resting upon the wicked will be clear cut and inescapable.
        4. If the devil changes the weekly cycle to ten days, those worshiping on God’s seventh day will be easily detected because God’s true Sabbath will land on different “work days.” In fact, there would be several ten day weeks that would have two, seventh day Sabbaths in them! Thus, a ten day week will flush out the remnant of the woman; those who love and obey God’s fourth commandment.
        5. The seven last plagues are seventy days in length; this could mean that ten days are allotted to each plague. God’s clocks are based on the number seven. (Seven days per week, seven months in the religious year, seven years in a week of years and seven weeks of years in a Jubilee cycle and seventy weeks in one “Great Day.”) On the other hand, man’s numbering system is based on ten. We count in terms of tens, hundreds, thousands, ten years per decade, ten decades per century, and ten centuries in a millennium. Ancient civilizations in Egypt and China followed ten day weekly cycles for centuries. After the French Revolution, France enacted a ten day week for a few years (1793-1805) in an effort to overthrow the influence and power of religion. God’s clocks are unlike man’s clocks. In an effort to confuse people and show contempt for God’s Sabbath, I believe the devil will install a weekly cycle that will appeal to man’s “base ten” numbering system.
        In summary, it seems reasonable to assume that a ten day weekly cycle will be part of Satan’s plan at the time of the sixth trumpet because a new day for worship does not favor any religious system on Earth. The purpose is to defy God’s seventh day Sabbath and clearly expose those who keep it. Of course, time will tell if my conclusions are correct. 
      111. For further discussion on this topic, please see my commentary on Revelation 9:16Return
      112. For a discussion on this topic, please see pages 220-227 in my book, A Study on The Seven Trumpets, Two Witnesses and Four Beasts or you can freely download the article at this LINKReturn
      113. Revelation 9:15 Return
      114. Compare with Revelation 17:5. Lucifer’s title is unknown at the present time. Return
      115. Revelation 14:122:4 Return
      116. For further discussion on this topic, please see pages 220-227 in my book, A Study on the Seven Trumpets, Two Witnesses and Four Beasts or you can freely download the article at this LINKReturn
      117. Romans 1:17 Return
      118. For a discussion on this topic, please see the Wake Up Report, October 2008, “Are Children Born Saved or Lost?” at this LINKReturn
      119. Revelation 11:11,12 From the time the censer is cast down until the Two Witnesses have completed their work is 1,260 days. (Revelation 11:3) Then the bodies of the Two Witnesses will lie in the street for 3.5 days which is counted as four days when counting inclusively. On Sunday, the 1,265th day, the 144,000 are resurrected. See Prophecy 9. Return
      120. 2 Samuel 5:7 Return
      121. Judges 19:101 Chronicles 11:4-8 Return
      122. 2 Samuel 24:16-251 Chronicles 21:22-22:12 Chronicles 3:1Genesis 22:2-9 Return
      123. Numbers 35:1-14Isaiah 14:32Joel 3:16 Return
      124. 1 Kings 2:2-4 Return
      125. Zechariah 12:10-13:16 Return
      126. Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28 Return
      127. Luke 22:20 Return
      128. John 14:1-3Galatians 3:28,29 Return
      129. Hebrews 11:10 Return
      130. Revelation 21:27 Return
      131. Hebrews 6:20 Return
      132. Exodus 23:19Leviticus 23:20Numbers 18:12,13 Return
      133. Joel 2:29 Return
      134. Matthew 24:14 Return
      135. See commentary on Revelation 17. Return
      136. Revelation 12:9 Return
      137. Revelation 12:16 Return
      138. Revelation 13:2 Return
      139. See Appendix A. Return


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