
The 144,000 – Parts 12-14

Empowered by Two Witnesses

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The Word of God [the truth about God’s will] has been poorly delivered and badly represented through various “agents” in Earth’s history. For example, the patriarchs were the first agents of God’s Word. Then, the Jews were chosen to be agents of God’s Word. Then, the Christians were raised up to be agents of God’s Word. Last, the 144,000 will be raised up, as agents of God’s Word “and no lie” will be found in their mouths.


Consider the two olive trees for a moment:


We know that the temple on Earth was a copy of the true temple that is in Heaven.


 Hebrews 8:5   “They [the priests] serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: ‘See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.’”


The first room in the earthly temple had three pieces of furniture in it. The Table of Showbread was on the north side of the room and it represented the throne of God.


Exodus 40:24   He [Moses] placed the lamp stand in the Tent of Meeting opposite the table on the south side of the tabernacle


Every evening, priests went into the holy place of the temple to service the lamp stand.


Leviticus 24:1   The Lord said to Moses,


Leviticus 24:2   “Command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olivesfor the light so that the lamps may be kept burning continually.


Zechariah was shown two olive trees having golden pipes connected to the lamp stand, but he didn’t understand the meaning of what he saw. When he asked the angel, the angel responded with: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.” The point that Zechariah should have understood is this: The earthly Lampstand required human attention, the Lampstand in Heavens temple was perpetually fueled by the golden oil that flows from the two living olive trees. In other words, it’s God’s Spirit that keeps the lights burning. Not by might, nor by human power, but by my Spirit….


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